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Fair exchange payments for VOD transcoding #14

Open yondonfu opened 6 years ago

yondonfu commented 6 years ago


B = Broadcaster O = Orchestrator T = Transcoder


While live video transcoding requires continued interaction between B & O, VOD transcoding does not need to be performed in real time which allows for a number of desirable outcomes (as pointed out by @j0sh and @f1l1b0x):

In order to achieve these properties, the protocol requires a method of fair exchange without a trusted third party. Fair exchange is defined by the following scenario: Alice & Bob both have goods that they would like to atomically trade with each other such that either both parties receive the goods or neither party receives the goods. Unfortunately, there is cryptography paper stating that fair exchange is impossible without a trusted third party. We can get around this issue in a live video context using micropayment mechanisms based on payment channels or probabilistic micropayments and a tit-for-tat strategy that allows either party to drop out if service stops (i.e. B stops paying or O stops sending transcoded segments). However, using micropayment mechanisms with a tit-for-tat strategy results in continued interaction between B & O which would prevent the protocol from achieving the properties outlined above. Fortunately, there is a workaround to the impossibility result using a cryptoeconomic scheme [1].

The Ethereum research team fleshed this scheme out further into a proof of custody construction that is meant to be used as a part of the sharding architecture [3], but we might be able to borrow it for VOD job payments at least as a base. Here is the beginning of one possible workflow:


  1. B & O negotiate a price per pixel based on B's requires transcoding options which allows B to calculate the total price for a VOD job.
  2. B deposits the full payment for the VOD job into a contract and indicates a block in the future endBlock as the deadline for completing the VOD job.
  3. B sends all the segments for the VOD job to O. O checks that the payment in the contract is appropriate based on the agreed upon price per pixel and the received segments.
  4. At some point before endBlock, O transcodes all of the segments and creates an mp4 file F representing the end transcoded output. O splits F into 32 byte chunks and merklizes the chunks to create MerkleRoot(F).
  5. O uses a secret S to XOR with each of the 32 byte chunks of F which results in an output T(F). O then merklizes the chunks of T(F) to create MerkleRoot(T(F)).
  6. O submits MerkleRoot(F) and MerkleRoot(T(F)) to the contract as commitments to the transcoded mp4 file. If O does not submit these commitments to the contract before endBlock, B can withdraw its payment.
  7. O sends B T(F). Upon receiving T(F), B checks if the merklized chunks of T(F) match the commitment MerkleRoot(T(F)). B then notifies the contract which kicks off a reveal period that ends at endRevealBlock. If O does not send B anything, B just waits until endBlock to withdraw.
  8. O submits the secret S to the contract which kicks off a challenge period that ends at endChallengeBlock. If O does not submit the S before endRevealBlock, then O is slashed.
  9. B uses S to retrieve the original chunks of T(F). Let F' be the file formed by putting together the unmixed chunks of T(F). If B finds that MerkleRoot(F') != MerkleRoot(F), B plays a TrueBit-like binary search challenge game with O.
  10. B picks a random index i and asks O for the Merkle proof for the inclusion of chunk i in MerkleRoot(F). If this chunk i corresponds to the chunk with the same index in F' we proceed with the binary search algorithm described in [3]. The idea is that B can keep narrowing down the number of chunks until it finds a chunk in MerkleRoot(F) that does not match the chunk it has for MerkleRoot(F'). Once the incorrect chunk m is found B can submit the proof for the inclusion of chunk m in MerkleRoot(F) and the proof for inclusion of the mixed chunk m in MerkleRoot(T(F)). The contract will verify the proofs, use the secret S to unmix the chunk for MerkleRoot(T(F)) and compare it with the chunk for MerkleRoot(F). If the chunks are different then O is slashed. This game can be played off-chain, but if O stops responding (because it knows it will lose), B can take the game on-chain (although I think O can always grief B if it knows it is going to lose and always make B take the game on-chain to incur transaction costs). If the game is taken on-chain and O does not respond within some timeout period, O is slashed.
  11. If MerkleRoot(F') == MerkleRoot(F), O can withdraw B's payment from the contract after endChallengeBlock. The payment is sent to the BondingManager contract to be distributed amongst O and its delegators.

This scheme only tries to allow B to pay O atomically for a transcoded file (i.e. O only gets paid if B gets the file), but makes no guarantees that the file is correctly transcoded. After B obtains the file, it could run through a verification process or maybe there could be another period in this scheme allowing for B to challenge O for verification before O gets paid if B determines that a segment was incorrectly transcoded.

Additional Resources

Most of the described workflow is based off ideas from the following posts:

[1]Fair exchange without a trusted third party [2]Enforcing windback (validity and availability), and a proof of custody [3]Extending skin-in-the-game of notarization with proofs of custody

f1l1b0x commented 6 years ago

in 2., B would deposit, thats on chain right? Would B have to deposit for each job or have one deposit it can alocate multiple transcoding jobs against?

dob commented 6 years ago

When I look at all the on chain deposits (per job), commitments, reveals, challenge periods, etc - it reminds me very much of our current protocol - and its exposure to volatility in the gas costs of the underlying chain.

While it may introduce a solution that ensures B actually receives the content, I'm not sure it creates a viable cost effective platform. That's ok I guess as a thought exercise, but want to make sure I'm not missing a greater point as to whether you'd consider this as a viable protocol under certain conditions?

Also, is there a griefing attack where B sends a ton of segments to O, and makes O do all the work to create T(F), but doesn't actually kick off the reveal protocol to allow O to eventually get paid? B may not get the segments, but O did a ton of work for nothing? (Might have missed what prevents this).

yondonfu commented 6 years ago

Would B have to deposit for each job or have one deposit it can alocate multiple transcoding jobs against?

At the moment, B would create a deposit for a transcoded file.

While it may introduce a solution that ensures B actually receives the content, I'm not sure it creates a viable cost effective platform. That's ok I guess as a thought exercise, but want to make sure I'm not missing a greater point as to whether you'd consider this as a viable protocol under certain conditions?

I don't consider this design an immediate solution in its current state (it also wouldn't be a replacement for something like PM, but a complement) - I wanted to keep track of some thoughts for an initial design though because as it stands today, any micropayment mechanism using a tit-for-tat strategy (i.e. payment channels, PM) is not compatible with the desired properties for VOD payments outlined in the OP. This presents a way to atomically swap payment for a full file as a base - there might be further optimizations that make it more cost effective involving reducing the overhead for transactions by avoiding storage (and instead using logs or just calldata with signatures if data retrieval is needed) and possibly swapping the contract for a bonded third party that accepts commitments by O.

Also, is there a griefing attack where B sends a ton of segments to O, and makes O do all the work to create T(F), but doesn't actually kick off the reveal protocol to allow O to eventually get paid?

Yeah that is a griefing attack. I don't have a good solution for this right now, but at least it is not free since B imposes a capital lock up cost on itself that increases linearly with the amount of work that O does.