Provide free/discounted licenses for the early users in exchange for their email addresses.
free license for those who sign up until May 1
75% discount for those who sign up until June 1
50% discount for those who sign up until July 1
This should be an in-app offer that POSTs their email address to our API endpoint. The form looks like this:
Email: ___________________________
We'll send an email with your discount code when we launch.
Additionally, sign up for LiveReload newsletter (once per month) for:
[ ] Windows [ ] Mac [ ] Linux
[ submit ]
Our goal here is to:
reward early users for the inconveniences they had to put up with;
spread the news about the launch faster by emailing a large group of people.
Not sure when and how the form should be displayed, though. Maybe as an ‘early-bird offer’ item in the main tree.
Provide free/discounted licenses for the early users in exchange for their email addresses.
This should be an in-app offer that POSTs their email address to our API endpoint. The form looks like this:
Our goal here is to:
Not sure when and how the form should be displayed, though. Maybe as an ‘early-bird offer’ item in the main tree.