liveservices / LiveSDK-for-iOS

LiveSDK library for integrating with Live Connect
MIT License
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Crash and memory corruption if "@synthesize varName" and invoking their @selectors like ["varName" function] instead of ["self.varName" function] #60

Closed IuliuMoga closed 9 years ago

IuliuMoga commented 9 years ago

Hey, I want to start by thanking you for implementing this awesome support!

There are some problems with ARC (i tested it in Xcode Version 6.1.1 (6A2008a)) with variables that are "@synthesize varName" and invoking their @selectors like ["varName" function] instead of ["self.varName" function] will throw an "unknown selector exception" because, it seems, that the variable gets an arbitrary type that does not have implemented that selector, or if the random type implements the @selector "function" then the object pointed by "varName" will be released and deallocated from memory.

For example in file LiveConnectClientCore.m @synthesize clientId = _clientId, scopes = _scopes, session = _session, status = _status, authRequest = _authRequest, authRefreshRequest;


Thanks, Have a nice day!

aclev commented 9 years ago

closed via #62