Closed jesseminn closed 8 years ago
Do you have opened Sublime Tex with LiveStyle plugin installed?
Yes. I have both atom and sublime text installed livestyle, but I didnt opened sublime text when this issue happened to atom.
If you open in browser, what do you see?
LiveStyle WebSocket server is up and running by Atom plugin.
Hmm, seems like everything works fine now?
everything works fine even I got that error message, it's just a little bit annoying...maybe that's because sometimes I run sublime text & atom in the same time.
Yes, that might be the issue. Looks like you have outdated LiveStyle plugin in Sublime Tex. It doesn’t support shared web-server. You should update ST plugin to get rid of this issue
Updated livestyle in sublime, have both atom and sublime run in the same time, and no error message pops out. Thanks for help!
sorry, error message still pops out in atom, but livestyle works fine.
That’s weird. Will try to figure out what’s going on there. Do you reload Atom somehow or you completely restart it?
I both restart sublime and atom, after couple of minutes the error message pops out.
Was able to reproduce this issue: happens if Atom starts with multiple windows or if one window in Dev Mode. Seems like Atom creates new plugin instance
I just installed livestyle for both Sublime and Atom. I had both running at the same time, but I got this error for the first time on Atom right when I quit Sublime.
On LiveStyle for Atom and get the same error at startup. Don't use Sublime, however, so I don't think it's related to that. Here's a stack trace:
Error: listen EADDRINUSE :::54000
at Object.exports._errnoException (util.js:837:11)
at exports._exceptionWithHostPort (util.js:860:20)
at Server._listen2 (net.js:1231:14)
at listen (net.js:1267:10)
at Server.listen (net.js:1363:5)
at module.exports (/Users/me/.atom/packages/livestyle-atom/lib/server.js:32:9)
at WebSocket.
Should be fixed in v0.2
This just happened again with 1.10beta 7 and 0.2.7. It happened after I updated linter-stylelint to 3.2.1
[Enter steps to reproduce below:]
Atom Version: 1.12.9 Electron Version: 1.3.13 System: Mac OS X 10.12.2 Thrown From: node-resolver package, v1.0.1
Failed to activate the node-resolver package
At Cannot read property 'command' of undefined
TypeError: Cannot read property 'command' of undefined
at Object.exports.activate (/Users/gaetano/.atom/packages/node-resolver/index.js:12:21)
at Package.module.exports.Package.activateNow (/Applications/
at /Applications/
at Package.module.exports.Package.measure (/Applications/
at /Applications/
at Package.module.exports.Package.activate (/Applications/
at PackageManager.module.exports.PackageManager.activatePackage (/Applications/
at /Applications/
at Config.module.exports.Config.transactAsync (/Applications/
at PackageManager.module.exports.PackageManager.activatePackages (/Applications/
at PackageManager.module.exports.PackageManager.activate (/Applications/
at /Applications/
"core": {
"telemetryConsent": "limited",
"useCustomTitleBar": true
# User
ariake-dark-syntax, v0.0.6 (inactive)
atom-bootstrap3, v1.2.12 (inactive)
atom-clock, v0.1.2 (inactive)
atom-electron-snippets, v2.0.3 (inactive)
atom-fontawesome, v0.2.0 (inactive)
autocomplete-json, v5.2.0 (inactive)
autoprefixer, v3.6.0 (inactive)
emmet, v2.4.3 (inactive)
file-icons, v2.0.7 (inactive)
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linter, v1.11.18 (inactive)
linter-sass-lint, v1.7.4 (inactive)
livestyle-atom, v0.2.7 (inactive)
node-debugger, v1.9.2 (inactive)
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nodejs-snippets, v2.0.2 (inactive)
qolor, v0.4.1 (inactive)
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one-light-ui, v1.6.2 (inactive)
one-dark-syntax, v1.5.0 (inactive)
one-light-syntax, v1.5.0 (inactive)
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about, v1.7.0 (inactive)
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metrics, v1.1.2 (inactive)
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language-toml, v0.18.1 (inactive)
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language-yaml, v0.27.1 (inactive)
# Dev
No dev packages
[Enter steps to reproduce below:]
Atom Version: 1.3.2 System: Mac OS X 10.11.2 Thrown From: livestyle-atom package, v0.1.1
Stack Trace
Uncaught Error: listen EADDRINUSE :::54000
Installed Packages