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The live time edit only works from text editor to browser, and not the other way #141

Open peakersky opened 7 years ago

peakersky commented 7 years ago

Hi, I'm currently using sublime text 3, with the latest version of Emmet LiveStyle I'm currently working with a localhost webserver (downloaded via bitnami - wamp stack on windows OS).

I got it to edit live time from my text editor to my browser, but for some reason it wouldn't work the other way.

I set the chrome extension option to work both ways, image

and I've tried going through the preference settings on chrome to allow URL access.

What do you think is the issue?

kaioe commented 7 years ago

I'm having the same issue using Sublime Text 3 and Livestyle Plugin for Chrome, when using both sides creates a messy on the code editor!