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Imported LESS file is not processed. #74

Open smlombardi opened 8 years ago

smlombardi commented 8 years ago

Most of our sites have a main styles.less/styles.scss file which is processed into the css file linked i the html.This is working perfectly in LiveStyle.

However, we ALSO have many imported less and scss files in those main files. Sometime even those main files are nothing but a manifest of imports.

Our imported files are the complete css of the project, split up for convenience and organization. They contain much more than mixins and variables.

For example, today I tried out LS with a current LESS-based site. Code in styles.less perfectly updated. However, editing code in _homepage.less nothing happened.

I realized there's overhead with imports, but with so many projects split into includes like _home.less or _navigation.less I don't know how I'm going to be able to use LiveStyle.

sergeche commented 8 years ago

LS workflow implies that, when you edit _home.less from your example, you must associate it with compiled stylesheet in browser.

Yes, it’s a bit awkward to re-associate stylesheets when you switch to another file. But I need more time to investigate a better solution and UI for this problem. For example, read dependencies from a top-level preprocessor stylesheet and automatically map all editor files that @import’ed into it to compiled counterpart.

yurri87 commented 8 years ago

я не могу понять как подключить .sass файл подскажите пожалуйста!

I can not connect sass file. help me please!

sergeche commented 8 years ago

SASS-файлы не поддерживаются, только SCSS

yurri87 commented 8 years ago

даже так. У меня в ST3 открыт style.scss, но в плагине для хрома он не отображен. Я не могу понять как его подключить.

sergeche commented 8 years ago

У файла стоит синтаксис SCSS?

yurri87 commented 8 years ago

нет, стоял CSS, видимо в этом была проблема, но я не вижу в списке синтаксисов SCSS...

sergeche commented 8 years ago

Значит, надо установить пакет с синтаксисом SCSS. Это легко делается через Package Control

yurri87 commented 8 years ago

это помогло! Спасибо огромное Сергей! С Новым Годом!

sergeche commented 8 years ago

Отлично :+1: Спасибо, и вас тоже!