liveview-native / live_view_native

A framework for building native applications with Phoenix LiveView
MIT License
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lvn.install task typos and bugs #177

Closed BrooklinJazz closed 2 months ago

BrooklinJazz commented 2 months ago

The current instructions printed after running lvn.setup seem to have some bugs. Here's the version printed for me:

# config/config.exs

# LVN - Required
# Registers each available plugin
config :live_view_native, plugins: [

# LVN - Required
# Each format must be registered as a mime type add to
# existing configuration if one exists as this will overwrite
config :mime, :types, %{
  "text/swiftui" => ["swiftui"]

# LVN - Required
# Phoenix must know how to encode each LVN format
config :phoenix_template, :format_encoders, [
  swiftui: Phoenix.HTML.Engine

# LVN - Required
# Phoenix must know how to compile neex templates
config :phoenix, :template_engines, [
  neex: LiveViewNative.Engine

# config/dev.exs

# LVN - Optional
# Allows LVN templates to be subject to LiveReload changes
config :, LvnWorkshopWeb.Endpoint,
  live_reload: [
    patterns: [

# lib/lvn_workshop_web/router.ex

# LVN - Required
# add the formats to the `accepts` plug for the pipeline used by your LiveView Native app
plug :accepts, [

# LVN - Required
# add the root layout for each format
plug :put_root_layout, [
  html: {LvnWorkshopWeb.Layouts, :root},
  swiftui: {LvnWorkshopWeb.Layouts.SwiftUI, :root}

# lib/lvn_workshop_web/endpoint.ex

# LVN - Optional
# Add the LiveViewNative.LiveRealoder to your endpoint
if code_reloading? do
  socket "/phoenix/live_reload/socket", Phoenix.LiveReloader.Socket
  plug Phoenix.LiveReloader
  plug LiveViewNative.LiveReloader
  plug Phoenix.CodeReloader
  plug Phoenix.Ecto.CheckRepoStatus, otp_app: :form_demo

# config/config.exs

LVN - Required
# You must configure LiveView Native Stylesheets
# on which file path patterns class names should be extracted from
config :live_view_native_stylesheet,
  content: [
    swiftui: [
  output: "priv/static/assets"

# LVN - Optional
# If you want to inspect LVN stylesheets from your browser add the `style` type
config :mime, :types, %{
  "text/styles" => ["styles"]

# config/dev.exs

# LVN - Optional
# Allows LVN stylesheets to be subject to LiveReload changes
config :, LvnWorkshopWeb.Endpoint,
  live_reload: [
    patterns: [

# LVN - Optional
# Adds dev mode stylesheet annotations for client IDEs and expands stylsheets visually
config :live_view_native_stylesheet,
  annotations: true,
  pretty: true

Bugs noted:

Also, this instruction has a missing atom config :.

# LVN - Optional
# Allows LVN templates to be subject to LiveReload changes
config :, LvnWorkshopWeb.Endpoint,
  live_reload: [
    patterns: [
BrooklinJazz commented 2 months ago
Screenshot 2024-05-03 at 12 47 39 PM

The text "anotherone" appears here for some reason

BrooklinJazz commented 2 months ago

This wording is confusing:

# Each format must be registered as a mime type add to
# existing configuration if one exists as this will overwrite