liveview-native / liveview-client-swiftui

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TabView is not allowing pagination #1305

Closed bcardarella closed 5 months ago

bcardarella commented 5 months ago

I've implemented the app here:

Which resulted in the following markup:

<TabView class="background(Gradient(colors:[Color(red:0.852,green:0.646,blue:0.847),Color(red:0.954,green:0.529,blue:0.385)])) tabViewStyle(.page) foregroundStyle(.black)">
  <VStack class="padding()">
      <RoundedRectangle cornerRadius="30" class="frame(width:150,height:150) foregroundStyle(.tint)" />
      <Image systemName="figure.2.and.child.holdinghands" class="font(.system(size:70)) foregroundStyle(.white)" />
    <Text class="font(.title) fontWeight(.semibold) padding(.top)">Welcome to MyApp</Text>
    <Text class="font(.title2)">Description text</Text>
  <VStack class="padding()" spacing="30">
    <Text class="font(.title) fontWeight(.semibold) padding(.bottom) padding(.top,100)">Features</Text>
    <HStack class="padding() background(content:'round') foregroundStyle(.black)">
      <Image class="font(.largeTitle) frame(width:50) padding(.trailing,10)" systemName="person.2.crop.square.stack.fill"/>
      <Text>A multiline description about a feature paired with the image on the left.</Text>
      <Spacer />
      <RoundedRectangle template="round" cornerRadius="32" class="foregroundStyle(.tint) opacity(0.25) brightness(-0.4)" />
    <HStack class="padding() background(content:'round') foregroundStyle(.black)">
      <Image class="font(.largeTitle) frame(width:50) padding(.trailing,10)" systemName="quote.bubble.fill"/>
      <Text>Short summary</Text>
      <Spacer />
      <RoundedRectangle template="round" cornerRadius="32" class="foregroundStyle(.tint) opacity(0.25) brightness(-0.4)" />
    <Spacer />

When paginating the screen snaps back to the first one:

bcardarella commented 5 months ago

Note that this is using a modification to UtilityClasses that I'm going to propose

bcardarella commented 5 months ago

Just to confirm, I've implemented the exact same view in SwiftUI from the LVN markup:

        TabView {
            VStack {
                ZStack {
                    RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 30)
                        .frame(width: 150, height: 150)
                    Image(systemName: "figure.2.and.child.holdinghands")
                        .font(.system(size: 70))
                Text("Welcome to MyApp")
                Text("Description text")
            VStack(spacing: 30) {
                HStack {
                    Image(systemName: "person.2.crop.square.stack.fill")
                        .frame(width: 50)
                        .padding(.trailing, 10)
                    Text("A multiline description about a feature paired with the image on the left.")
                        RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 32)

                HStack {
                    Image(systemName: "quote.bubble.fill")
                        .frame(width: 50)
                        .padding(.trailing, 10)
                    Text("Short summary")
                        RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 32)
        .background(Gradient(colors: [Color(red: 0.852, green: 0.646, blue: 0.847), Color(red: 0.954, green: 0.529, blue: 0.385)]))

And it works just fine:

carson-katri commented 5 months ago

Try adding a tag attribute to each direct descendant of the TabView.

bcardarella commented 5 months ago

@carson-katri as in tag=true ?

bcardarella commented 5 months ago

@carson-katri adding tag="1" and tag="2" to direct descendant fixed the issue. What is casuing this? Can we address this?