liveview-native / liveview-client-swiftui

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Extracting PhxForm and PhxSubmitButton to their own library #178

Closed bcardarella closed 1 year ago

bcardarella commented 1 year ago

I'd like to get PhxForm and PhxSubmitButton extracted out into a library. These two views are not part of SwiftUI but enable necessary behavior for building LiveView Native apps.

These should be extracted into a new library: liveview-native-swiftui-form

AZholtkevych commented 1 year ago

Brian have to make repository for LVN team

bcardarella commented 1 year ago


AZholtkevych commented 1 year ago

Thanks a lot, FYI @carson-katri @shadowfacts @supernintendo

bcardarella commented 1 year ago

@AZholtkevych this job isn't completed, just that the repo was created. The work of extracting still needs to happen.

AZholtkevych commented 1 year ago

Yes, that's why I've reopened. Closed accidentially

carson-katri commented 1 year ago

Would we need a way of specifying multiple registries for this to be extracted?

shadowfacts commented 1 year ago

Yes, my plan is to have a registry type to let you compose registries that looks something like:

struct MultiRegistry<First: CustomRegistry, Second: CustomRegistry>: CustomRegistry {
    enum TagName {
        case first(First.TagName)
        case second(Second.TagName)
        init?(rawValue: String) {
            if let name = First.TagName(rawValue: rawValue) {
                self = .first(name)
            } ...

    static func lookup(_ tag: TagName, ...) -> some View {
        switch tag {
            case .first(let name):
                First.lookup(name, ...)
carson-katri commented 1 year ago

That's a good solution. If I'm imagining its use right, you may want to consider including a simpler form of creating it. Nesting them could get fairly clunky when you have many addon packages:


Maybe providing something like this?

struct MyAggregateRegistry: AggregateRegistry {
  static var registries: some CustomRegistry.Type {

Which would get built out to the MultiRegistry.

bcardarella commented 1 year ago

I've renamed the repo to live-form to help differentiate it from form in SwiftUI

I believe the view should follow, so instead of phx-form we should have live-form and instead of phx-button there is live-button

I'm open to namespace suggestions instead of live if there is any better ones?

supernintendo commented 1 year ago

@bcardarella Will this library provide live form functionality for other platforms as well or only iOS? WIth that naming I could see it being conflated as a cross-platform library rather than something that only works with the SwiftUI client.

bcardarella commented 1 year ago

@supernintendo the name of the actual repo is liveview-native-swiftui-live-form

I don't know yet it if this will be necessary on other platforms or not. Our only reason for this on SwiftUI is because there is no way to encapsulate child inputs within a form and serialize them. Also there is no way to associate a Button with a Form in SwiftUI. We want this behavior to make writing forms in LVN easier. I'll have to investigate if other platforms provide this or we will have to reproduce this.

In the event that we have to reproduce it I think we should rename the repo to:


and include all target platforms along with platform specific supporting Elixir code.

AZholtkevych commented 1 year ago

From @bcardarella @Kashif-E does Jetpack compose allow for automatic serialization of all child inputs inside of a form and associate submit buttons with the parent form similar to the web or do you have to wire all this up yourself like in SwiftUI? Knowing that will help us with this issue

Kashif-E commented 1 year ago

@bcardarella @AZholtkevych its the same as in swift ui

bcardarella commented 1 year ago

ok in that case I've updated the repo name to: liveview-native-live-form. The repo's structure should follow what I've outlined here: