livewire / livewire

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Search two time then change paginate table record have problem #1908

Closed sueboy19 closed 3 years ago

sueboy19 commented 3 years ago



  1. Start empty Search get 12 record. Paginate is 10 record/page have two page.
  2. Search "c" get 1 record. (id = 5)
  3. Delete Search "c". Get same step 1. get 16 record. Paginate is 10 record/page have two page.
  4. Click page 2. See two records. second records get id is 5. Correct is get id = 12.

Exact steps to reproduce

Stripped-down, copy-pastable code snippets



  @foreach($orders as $key => $order)
          A. {{ $order->id }}
          B. <button data-toggle="modal"  class="btn btn-info" 
               wire:click="show({{ $order->id }})" 
               wire:key="show{{ $loop->index }}">{{ trans('') }}  </button>
          C. @livewire('order.delete', ['id' => $order->id], key('delete'.$loop->index))
{{ $orders->links('livewire.common.pagination-links-view') }}


use Livewire\Component;
use Livewire\WithPagination;

class Orders extends Component
    use WithPagination;
    public $search = '';
    protected $paginationTheme = 'bootstrap';

public function updatingSearch()

public function render()
    $searchText = '%'.$this->search.'%';
    $orders = Order::where('name', 'like', $searchText)->paginate(10);
    return view('livewire.order.orders', [
            'orders' => $orders, 

public function show($id)
   return redirect()->to('/admin/order/show/'.$id);

public function delete($id){
  return redirect()->to('/admin/order/delete/'.$id);


<button class="btn btn-danger" onclick="confirm('{{ trans('global.areYouSure') }}') || event.stopImmediatePropagation()"  style="display: inline-block;"
    {{ trans('global.delete') }}


use Livewire\Component;

class Delete extends Component
    public $order_id;

    public function mount($id)
        $this->order_id = $id;

    public function render()
        abort_if(Gate::denies('order_delete'), Response::HTTP_FORBIDDEN, '403 Forbidden');

        return view('livewire.order.delete');

    public function delete()
        $order = Order::findOrFail($this->order_id);
        // $order->clearMediaCollection(); // 無效

        session()->flash('message', 'Order Deleted Successfully.');

    public function back()
        $this->previousUrl = session('url.intended');
        return redirect($this->previousUrl);
        // return redirect('/admin/order');

A. B. always get Correct id. But C. can't. When follow Step, C always $order->id get 5. If change key: Use $order->id or 'delete'.$order->id get other problem. Only use $loop->index still get problem.

['id' => $order->id] change ['order' => $order] get same problem. Always $order->id get 5.

If use Div try to include show or delete action, still not use.

I think Nesting Components use "@livewire" have some bug inside for Search.


joshhanley commented 3 years ago

I think using $loop->index as your key could be causing you problems, try using $order->id as the key as it should be unique to each record.

The other thing is try is putting wire:key on the <tr> instead, (and using the id as I suggested)

@foreach($orders as $key => $order)
    <tr wire:key="{{ $order->id }}">
sueboy19 commented 3 years ago

I try at tr

<tr wire:key="{{ $order->id }}">

get more error.

  1. Show index then click page 2, get error is

    Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read property 'fingerprint' of null

    And Page 2 record is only show one record. Other records is old page 1.

  2. Search then Clean Search get error is

    Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read property 'fingerprint' of null

    And All records only last two record and button number is warring.

I try many way. I think wire:key not real key. Button use wire:key is different @livewire(..., key(...)) have two different mean.

wire:key how to use is different we think.

JeffGepiga commented 3 years ago

got the same issue, any work around for this?

sueboy19 commented 3 years ago

@theonly27 Don't use @livewire Just use button. Now I do this way.

uteq commented 3 years ago

This indeed looks like Livewire not being able to keep track of the correct elements. I've had similar problems in my projects. My eventual solution was to use AlpineJs for this. Alpine was able to keep track of the correct items.

joshhanley commented 3 years ago

Ok, so I have just pulled down your code into one of my test projects and got it working, as I suggested, you need to use $order->id for the wire:key on the <tr> but you also need it on the child component @livewire('delete', ['id' => $order->id], key('delete'.$order->id))

The unique ID is important as the DOM diffing won't work correctly as you have found. I tried it without passing the key to the child component and that broke it.

So I would recommend in any situation you need this, to put wire key on the parent most element inside a loop (like the or a div or whatever), but also pass a wire key to each child component you may have in that row.

Hope this helps!

Full code is below

@foreach($orders as $key => $order)
    <tr wire:key="{{ $order->id }}">
        A. {{ $order->id }}
        B. <button data-toggle="modal"  class="btn btn-info"
                wire:click="show({{ $order->id }})">Show</button>
        C. @livewire('delete', ['id' => $order->id], key('delete'.$order->id))
sueboy19 commented 3 years ago

@joshhanley Thank you very much. I try then now get all answer. Correct is 5 and 6.

Use tr + wire:key $order->id and inside wire:key use unique key name + $order->id.

@foreach($orders as $key => $order)
    <tr wire:key="{{ $order->id }}">
        A. {{ $order->id }}
        B. <button data-toggle="modal"  class="btn btn-info"
                wire:click="show({{ $order->id }})">Show</button>
        C. @livewire('delete', ['id' => $order->id], key('delete'.$order->id))

This is all test result.

  1. show, add, edit, delete, @livewire delete all use $loop->index 1_all_loop_index

  2. show, add, edit, delete use $loop->index, @livewire delete use $order->id 2_some_loop

  3. show, add, edit, delete, @livewire delete all use $order->id 3_all_order_id

Add at TR wire:key="{{ $order->id }} 4. show, add, edit, delete, @livewire delete all use $loop->index 4_tr_key_all_loop_index

5. show, add, edit, delete use $loop->index, @livewire delete use $order->id 5_tr_key_some_loop

6. show, add, edit, delete, @livewire delete all use $order->id 6_tr_key_all_order_id

7. show, add, edit, delete, @livewire delete remove unique key name. this mean is wire:key="delete{{ $order->id }}" -> wire:key="{{ $order->id }}"

    key('delete'.$order->id)) -> key($order->id)


joshhanley commented 3 years ago

Posting all the screenshots is confusing.

So did you get it work in the end?

If so can you please close the issue, and maybe put a one line summary (not screenshots) of what worked best incase someone else comes across this issue in the future. :)

squishythejellyfish commented 3 years ago

👋 Oh Hi! I'm Squishy, the friendly jellyfish that manages Livewire issues.

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