livingcomputermuseum / ContrAlto

This repository contains the source code for Living Computers: Museum+Labs's Xerox Alto emulator, ContrAlto.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Not an Issue: Questions about setup to write and print documents #14

Open mindpixel20 opened 4 years ago

mindpixel20 commented 4 years ago

My current understanding is that one would need to be able to send prepared press files from one alto to another that is running Spruce. Despite all possible network configurations under UDP encapsulation, I'm unable to tell Alto #42 to connect to #43 - even if both are running FTP. BravoX cannot "find" the server, either. I've even tried opening Spruce DP0 in Neptune to copy Sprint over to the nonprog disk, but it won't open in Neptune. Am I making this too complicated? The entire purpose here is to be able to write and print letters and things from Contralto, and make it somewhat practical. What do I need to do?

livingcomputermuseum commented 4 years ago

I need to update the documentation: If you're using UDP as the transport for Ethernet emulation, then the ContrAlto instances need to be running on different host computer in order to talk to one another -- this is a limitation due to the way ContrAlto uses UDP.

If you use Raw Ethernet as the transport, you can have multiple ContrAltos (and IFS servers) talking to one another on the same host computer (as long as they're all configured to use the same network interface).

Otherwise, it sounds like you're on the right track here: Have one Alto running the Spruce server, and have the other act as the client.

pulkitkrishna00 commented 9 months ago

@mindpixel20, were you able to setup print? If so, can you explain it to me please. I have tried using "Raw Ethernet", and am running the Spruce server in another ContrAlto instance, with a different "Alto Address". But even then, I get "Server not found". Do I need to do some more configuration to setup print?