livingcomputermuseum / ContrAlto

This repository contains the source code for Living Computers: Museum+Labs's Xerox Alto emulator, ContrAlto.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Script understanding #19

Open petersieg opened 7 months ago

petersieg commented 7 months ago

Hello. I tried to enter bcpl source in bravo. Started bravo, press i (for insert). in Console: start playback test.scr. Nothing appears in bravo? test.scr:

0 Typeline // Hello world demo
0 Typeline get "streams.d"
0 Typeline external
0 Typeline [
0 Typeline Ws
0 Typeline ]
0 Typeline 
0 Typeline let Main() be
0 Typeline [
0 Typeline Ws("Hello World!*N")
0 Typeline ]

Also on > prompt. Only first line is seen. Not any other line. Same if timestamp is increased.

How can I enter bcpl source in bravo with this?

Thx, Peter