liviuschera / noctis

Noctis is a collection of light & dark themes with a well balanced blend of warm and cold colors
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Additional variant - Noctis Minimus #10

Closed draevin closed 5 years ago

draevin commented 5 years ago

Love your themes and highlighting, but prefer a less saturated environment overall. Changes introduce Noctis Minimus as well as upping to 5.0.0 (seems to be convention as the last variant Uva brought a new major version) across appropriate files. As a note, I have not created a screenshot for the README because I figured you had a process for this to ensure consistent formatting and all. Hope you consider this addition! Let me know if you have any questions or feedback.


draevin commented 5 years ago

If you're interested, I have (what I believe to be) a complete copy of the color value changes between Azureus and the proposed Minimus as well as the named values of the new syntax colors. These are available at my offsite-fork of sorts, which is available on GitLab: draevin/noctis

I've packaged that version for personal use, but did not publish in hopes that it might make it into your original version.

draevin commented 5 years ago

Force-push due to mistaken commit email address. Not best, but it's fixed.

liviuschera commented 5 years ago

Hi Luke,

I really dig your new variant idea and I think it would a valuable addition to the collection.

I have a few suggestion I would like you to consider:

  1. currently Seagul #7eafce and Glacier #72b7c0 are very similar which, in my opinion, makes code reading a bit of a challenge. As an alternative I was thinking if you would consider cranking down the luminosity from 65% to 55% making the new color to be more distinguishable → Fountain Blue #5998c0
  2. I think Anzac #c6a339 is standing out to much right now. Dialing down the saturation from 55% to 40% (Husk #b3994d) would bring the saturation in line with the rest of the colors.
  3. For consistency and legibility I would like you to consider to lower the luminosity of Hippie Blue #47949e to 40% (the original value) from 45% (current value) → Ming #3f848d
  4. Again for consistency I would like you to you consider preserving the original hue and luminosity of Chateau Green #429451. So reverting the hue from 131deg to 155 and luminosity from 43% to 40% → Viridian #3f8d6c

Please give it spin and let me know what you think about it.

P.S. I love how you thought about adding a new table for the new values and making all the necessary changes to the README and CHANGELOG files.

Big thumb up for your contribution mate!

draevin commented 5 years ago

I'm glad you like it! I'll be taking a look at the color changes here in a moment and will get back to you.

Aside from that, would you like the table for the new values from the GitLab repo integrated anywhere into this update?

draevin commented 5 years ago

Alright, I tried out and went ahead with all of the color changes you mentioned, as well as one more:

With this reduction in saturation (38% to 32%) I personally found numerals easier to read on the current background color.

Additionally, I added the Minimus colors to the palette file, but have not incorporated the table (however it is updated on the GitLab repo). Let me know if there's still anything you think would help the new variant fit better with the existing.

liviuschera commented 5 years ago

I'm happy with Blue Marguerite #6b61b8 → Chetwode Blue #7068b1.

For now I think the only thing it needs to be updated is Anzac #c6a339 → Husk #b3994d in the .json file.

It would be nice if you would incorporate your GitLab table into the README file.

Otherwise Minimus is looking good.

draevin commented 5 years ago

Glad to hear it on the additional change.

I'm not sure where you're referring to for the Husk #b3994d change... it appears that the proposed NoctisMinimus.json already has it @ lines 171 & 575, is there somewhere I'm missing?

I'll go ahead and add the table below yours.

liviuschera commented 5 years ago

I downloaded you GitLab repo and in there at line 575 the value I'm getting is #c6a339. I see that on Github everything is ok. :)

draevin commented 5 years ago

Ah, sorry for the confusion. Please refer to my GitHub fork as the official version of Minimus, as that's where this merge would come from. That should have the correct values, as well as the merged and other updated files. The branch dev-minimus-fixes has the README with the table, and if all looks well, I will merge that into my master and we should be good to go.

The GitLab repo will be quietly going away once this gets brought into your version :-)

liviuschera commented 5 years ago

I'll merge Minimus after I'll use it as my daily driver for a couple of days to see how it feels.

So far I'm pretty happy about it.

draevin commented 5 years ago

Sounds great! As noted above, I've brought the table in, and it's all set and ready when you are.