liviuschera / noctis

Noctis is a collection of light & dark themes with a well balanced blend of warm and cold colors
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Request to distinguish public/protected/private member functions in C++ code #91

Open alan-gu opened 2 weeks ago

alan-gu commented 2 weeks ago

When I want to add a new method to a class, it's always difficult to find the place to insert it. When I read a class, I often forget which part of the class declaration I'm reading so I have to search or find the key words. It will be great help when reading and writing classes if the editor theme shows this info by different font/coloring.

ChatGPT told me Better Syntax and some lines in setting will do it, but the setting is in conflict with the theme. So I wonder if the theme itself could do it.

My request is for C++, but I guess other language users might benefit from it too.

Thank you.