liwenyip / hugo-easy-gallery

Automagical css image gallery in Hugo using shortcodes, with optional lightbox/carousel gadget using PhotoSwipe and jQuery.
MIT License
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images not load #49

Open pessimo opened 5 years ago

pessimo commented 5 years ago

i configured hugo in config.toml where i changed default image dir to staticDir = ["content/static/images/"], then i put example images in content/static/images/post1

after i write my md file just as the example shows.

{{< gallery caption-effect="fade" >}} {{< figure link="post1/hexagon.jpg" >}} {{< figure thumb="-thumb" link="post1/sphere.jpg" caption="Sphere" >}} {{< figure thumb="-thumb" link="post1/triangle.jpg" caption="Triangle" alt="This is a long comment about a triangle" >}} {{< /gallery >}} {{< load-photoswipe >}}

those images in the album of the main pages loaded successfully, but the images inside that post(means when you click the post name and readmore) were not loaded properly. They are not found.

it seems those photo on the main pages were using url like blog/post1/hexagon.jpg while those images inside the post were using url like blog/post/[this is post name]/post1/hexagon.jpg. And i try to build pages in terminal use " hugo ", those images were not in public/post/[this is post name]/

i have no idea how to solve it.

I try to tweak around config.toml file, and find this problem might be relative to urls,when I use baseurl = "https://localhost:1313/" or baseurl = "https://localhost:1313/blog/" the result is different, also there's something to do with CanonifyURLs and RelativeURLs... hope someone could solve my question.