liyi01827 / noisy-contrastive

A PyTorch-based library for On Learning Contrastive Representations for Learning With Noisy Labels (CVPR'22)
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contrast_logits may be negative? #1

Open ran337287 opened 2 years ago

ran337287 commented 2 years ago

hi, I have some question, about contrast_logits=2+contrast_1. What is the meaning of 2? contranst_1= -contrast_1 torch.zeros(bsz, bsz).filldiagonal(1).type_as(outputs) + ( (1 - contrast_1).log()) torch.ones(bsz, bsz).filldiagonal(0).type_as(outputs) means the similarity of <pi, pi> and (1-sim).log() for <pi, pj> or <pj, pi>. but 2+contrast_1 cannot make the contrast_logits be positive (<pi, pi> is 0~1, but (1-sim).log() is (-inf, 0)).

ran337287 commented 2 years ago

p1=torch.clamp(p1, 1e-4, 1.0-1e-4) should be adapted for dim?

liyi01827 commented 2 years ago

Hi, "2" here follows the BYOL loss (Eq.2). If you are using SimSiam loss (Eq.1), then there is no "2". Basically, the loss functions are set to be consistent with previous work. We don't intend to make contrast_logits positive.

Thanks for your question.