liyu95 / DeepSimulator

The first deep learning based Nanopore simulator which can simulate the process of Nanopore sequencing.
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Amplicon reads simulation #32

Closed MaestSi closed 4 years ago

MaestSi commented 4 years ago

Dear DeepSimulator developers, I would like to use your tool for simulating nanopore reads, resulting from amplicon sequencing. However, all the reads in pass.fastq have exactly the same errors. Are there any parameters that I am missing? I tried both the context dependent and context independent pore models, but the results were very similar. Moreover, when I set-n -1, it looks like the -K parameter value has no effect, since one single read is produced instead of K reads. Thanks in advance, Simone

MaestSi commented 4 years ago

I realised that performing a for loop and setting a different -S value at each iteration does the job. For example: for f in {1..10}; do ./ -i template_reference.fasta -B 2 -n -1 -S $f -o "template_reference_DeepSimu_"$f; done generates 10 amplicon-like reads. Let me know if there are better solutions, or if this one should be ok. Thanks, Simone

liyu95 commented 4 years ago

Hi Simone:

Yes, I think that's a reasonable solution to your problem. -S is used to control random seed, which can introduce different errors to different sequences.

Sincerely, Yu

MaestSi commented 4 years ago

Thank you very much, Simone