liyunsheng13 / BDL

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About the implementation #38

Open wl082013 opened 4 years ago

wl082013 commented 4 years ago

HI, Yunsheng, nice work. I was kind of confused when I was reading the paper. I understood the 'bi-directional' as simultaneous forward and backward pass', however when I check the code, I found it is not simultaneous training.

If I am correct, the training step might be: (1) train CycleGAN to get translated images (2) train to get segmentation model with the translated images and source images, (3) train to get pseudo-labels and refine the segmentation model. (4) retrain CycleGAN with an additional perceptual loss.

Then what's the next step? Step (1) tries to get better-translated images with the model of step (4)? And then repeat (2)-(3). Does that mean this needs to be done multiple times based on the number of steps we want to try? I am kind of confused about it since I thought 'bi-directional' was for simultaneous training of Im2Im translation and segmentation.

Moreover, the CycleGAN folder is not complete. Some libraries are missing : from util.image_pool import ImagePool from .base_model import BaseModel from fcn8s_LSD import FCN8s_LSD #lys For the last one, fcn8s_LSD is the model from step (4)?

thanks for your help.

liyunsheng13 commented 4 years ago

step (1) -> (4) can be iterated. You can just ignore from fcn8s_LSD import FCN8s_LSD, it is only for VGG net.