lizardqueenlexi / orbstation

The official repository of the Orbstation SS13 server, a fork of /tg/station.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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New midround/latejoin minor antagonist: Contract Killer! #613

Closed lizardqueenlexi closed 1 year ago

lizardqueenlexi commented 1 year ago

About The Pull Request

Adds a new minor antagonist: the Contract Killer!


This antag is heavily based on the disabled "Obsessed" antag, but reflavored and reimagined to not have the horribly uncomfortable theming. The Contract Killer is a member of the crew who has accepted a contract to assassinate one of their co-workers. Before they do this, however, they must complete a small number of preparatory steps, in order to gather intel, eliminate difficulties, or just ruin the target's day before killing them. Their ultimate goal is simply to perform a single murder, and hopefully to get away with it.

The contract killer is assigned a target, and gets two random objectives related to that target, from the following list. All of these are variants of Obsessed objectives, with most of the code lifted directly.

In addition to these objectives, there is also a single RP-focused objective at the end of the list, chosen randomly from the following:

As always, objectives are a suggestion, and if someone has a better gimmick in mind they can forgo all of this. However, the intent is that Contract Killers are only out to kill their target, and should not be causing mass havoc or killing lots of people. They are only a minor antagonist, not the main event. You also do not necessarily have to permakill your target - if anything, it's more exciting if a corpse is found.

This antag has both midround and latejoin versions, for variety.

Also, I did some stylistic changes and a bit of rearrangement to our dynamic midrounds file.

Why It's Good For The Game

The pool of antagonists on Orbstation is a bit small - especially those that can come from living players. This minor antagonist should add some more variety to the pool, adding someone who acts weird and kills at least one person on the crew, while being encouraged to be fun about it.

At the same time, the Contract Killer is not a major threat and is under no pressure to try to drive the round - in fact, they aren't allowed to try to wreck the station beyond what is necessary. This will fill in for the lack of more minor antagonists available on Orb. The lower stakes may also encourage players to turn this on even when they don't want to play a Big Antag.

Finally, this antag re-implements an antag type we've never been able to use due to its awful flavor. This puts us more on par with the variety of antags available upstream. It being available in a latejoin form also means we can actually have latejoin antags that aren't traitors for once.


:cl: add: Added new "Contract Killer" midround/latejoin antag /:cl:

flowercuco commented 1 year ago

is there somewhere on the antag datum that you can like, specify that the contract killer only can kill alongside their objectives? possibly also add that to the selection screen that you are a "minor antag" or something so ppl know that like, "hey. if you pick this you do have to like, Be In THe Lines"