Closed lizardqueenlexi closed 1 year ago
Note: Pink security has been immediately reverted.
Also a failure "FAILURE #1: fa-globe used in both /datum/quirk/linguist and /datum/quirk/bilingual! at code/modules/unit_tests/" an orb quirk uses the same icon. Is it the same quirk, actually? Might have to disable bilingual, or recode it.
Unfortunately they double downed on Tram Control Computer Icons being based on the name of the tram docks they are in. Clearly we could for the time being, rename the Tram Boat's docks to the one used by Birdboat's sec tram, however painful it is, until I go upstream and make it more generic.
I instead made it on a much more simple way, overriden icons.
Resprited belt causes screenshot diff issues for changeling infiltrator.
Orbstation may be in stasis, but it's staying updated until further notice. Here's the first such update!