adds crushed can, jelly doughnut, and shipping container random spawners (Thanks Lamb!)
Fixed players being able to roll antagonist without ever being eligible to play any role. Players who have their preferences set up so that they're likely to return to lobby when the round starts have a lowered chance of becoming antagonist.
Hemostat/cautery steps now heal their targetted bodypart instead of a random one
Changelings can now speak through their decoy brain if placed in an MMI
Added the Hippocrates bust to medbay heirlooms
Makes it so Ephedrine spasms have a 10 * (1.5 - purity)% chance per second to happen, Adding a downside to pure Ephedrine
Syndicate Modsuit AI's now downloads the current codespeak book upon being downloaded.
Successful restart votes will now restart on the current map
Adds a frog pAI holoform
Adds an advanced plastic surgery procedure, allowing you to imitate people in pictures. Simply hold a picture in your offhand of the person you wish to imitate as while conducting the surgery! Remember, it's not foolproof, it only changes your name and voice!
You can obtain the disk containing the afromentioned surgery. as a role-restricted item to doctors and roboticists for 1TC, as a rare maint loot and BEPIS technode reward
Added new sound effects for chicks, chickens, crabs, and insects
added ranged attack friendly fire checks for basic mobs. minebots and hivebots will now try to avoid shooting their friends
Added a candle box crate for all your candle needs!
Dead bodies cool down to room temperature
Blob mobs are now basic mobs (Thanks Jacq!)
the surgery supply order now comes with a surgery tray (Thank you Lamb!)
Adds respawn config option forcing respawn as another character slot
Turned slapcrafting into a component! You can examine compatible items to see what recipes they can be used in, and what the ingredients for them are. For example, spears and the head-on-spear crafting recipe.
Valentines and ERTs will no longer get mood boosts from traitor moodener items
adds doctorly head mirrors
You can now pick the limb you want replaced with the Prosthetic Limb Quirk (Thanks Data!)
Borgs will slow down when stuff is thrown at them (Thanks Jacq!)
Basic Legion & Hivelord (Thanks Jacq!)
Adds contractor baton to traitor uplink
Refactors Snakes into Basic Animals
Transformation sting now lasts 8 minutes, down from permanent. However, the effect is paused for dead and stasis mobs, making it permanent SO LONG AS they stay dead or in stasis. The effect is also permanent if used on a monkey.
Mob abilities can be granted to arbitrary mobs via the VV menu in a similar way to spells.
SM crystal can now dust someone or something if it falls on it.
There are now 3 roundstart cyborg job slots open by default.
Holsters can now be clipped to any suit, and house Captain antique gun and HoS gun. You now can buy holsters from the SecTech premium section.
A new export has arrived in the imports section, the Galactic Materials Market! You can use this to buy and sell minerals for profit or cost, as well as stock your station when you don't have any miners.
Insert sheets of minerals into the Galactic Materials Market to convert them into a stock block, allowing you to lock in your price for 5 minutes. Wait too long and it'll be subject to market value again!
Minerals can be bought on the market either using the station's cargo budget by cargo crew, or privately by everyone else.
Any material stacks that can be bought and sold on the market before have been removed from the cargo catalog.
Add drinking water causes drunk mobs to become sober
adds a gas connector component that allows connection to the atmos piping system without the need of repathing. Cryo uses this.
You can now remove and replace power cells from PDAs (with screwdriver).
PDAs now drain their power cells harder, and also take into account active programs & their flashlight being on.
PDAs running out of charge now turn their flashlights off.
Robot Customers have recently been touched codewise, please report any bugs or unexpected behavior as there really should not be any.
Adds an Admin Tool for the DNA Infuser
Add candle design to biogenerator
Allow name to start with number if AI/Borg
Your bodytype now decides what gendered sounds you make.
Biodome update:
adds crushed can, doughnut and shipping container random spawners
some maintenance tweaks, mainly adds a big cave to catch people who would fill into space
Some features:
Biodome update: