lizc2003 / hdwallet

hdwallet is a crypto hierarchical-deterministic wallet, implemented using golang. Implemented private key management, transaction signature, and tools related to eth and btc.
Apache License 2.0
24 stars 6 forks source link

请问支持BTC的P2PKH和P2SH的2种类型地址的离线交易签名吗? #1

Open ygcool opened 2 years ago

ygcool commented 2 years ago

如题,请问支持BTC的P2PKH和P2SH的2种类型地址的离线交易签名吗? 期待回复,谢谢

lizc2003 commented 2 years ago

Support p2pkh directly. Support p2sh by SignWithSecretsSource.