lizconlan / favtags

Doing cool stuff with Twitter favo(u)rites
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Grouping faves ? #12

Open lizconlan opened 14 years ago

lizconlan commented 14 years ago

Some... means... of... linking.. stuff??

Not sure how to explain, even less idea of how to do it

(will probably delete this one)

I know, virtual conversation/replies ... profit!

robertbrook commented 14 years ago

Again, I think this would make sense with DMs, not so much with faves.

Maybe 'other faves like this'?

robertbrook commented 14 years ago

Do we have access to "other people who faced this"? Like with retweets?

lizconlan commented 14 years ago

More like... folders?? Thinking more about things that are funnier / better / more helpful if read together (and preferably in the "right" order)