lizhe00 / AnimatableGaussians

Code of [CVPR 2024] "Animatable Gaussians: Learning Pose-dependent Gaussian Maps for High-fidelity Human Avatar Modeling"
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Training on our custum dataset and smpl_params.npz #8

Closed se122811 closed 3 months ago

se122811 commented 3 months ago

Thank you for your excellent work and providing the codes.

I want to train on our own dataset. For the setting, how can I obtain smpl_params.npz? Should I use PyMAF-X as mentioned in the AvatarRex? If so, how can I tune the parameters to align it to the calibrated camera parameters (K[R|T])? I was curious about it because smpl parameters obtained from PyMAF-X are trained on fixed virtual camera (maybe focal length=(5000,5000) and extrinsic matrices are identity) across all the images.

I would appreciate it if you could answer.

lizhe00 commented 3 months ago

We utilize the code from our lab for SMPL-X fitting. To the best of my knowledge, an open-sourced alternate is EasyMocap. But it requires you to transform the fitting results into smpl_params.npz.

shengyuting commented 3 months ago

大佬,calibration_full.json这个文件是怎么得到?是拍摄的机器导出来的吗 @lizhe00

lizhe00 commented 3 months ago

大佬,calibration_full.json这个文件是怎么得到?是拍摄的机器导出来的吗 @lizhe00


se122811 commented 3 months ago

Understood. Thank you for your kind response.

Just one more question. Did you use multi-view fitting, or did you use single-view fitting for SMPL-X parameters? Or did you do fitting on monocular video like video-based avatars? I would really appreciate your response.


lizhe00 commented 3 months ago

We use multi-view fitting because single view encounters depth ambiguity and occlusion.

liwenssss commented 3 months ago

have you tried to train and test your model on the DNA-Rendering dataset?

lizhe00 commented 3 months ago

have you tried to train and test your model on the DNA-Rendering dataset?

We haven't done this.

se122811 commented 3 months ago

Thank you for your kindness :)

silence-tang commented 1 month ago

transform the fitting results into smpl_params.npz

May I ask how to transform the fitting results into smpl_params.npz?

IceFtv commented 3 weeks ago

transform the fitting results into smpl_params.npz

May I ask how to transform the fitting results into smpl_params.npz?

Hi! I also want to know how to transform, have you solved this? If it's resolved, could you tell me the solution? Thanks.

shengyuting commented 3 weeks ago

Here is my method,the “content” is output from EasyMocap. smpl_data = {} smpl_data['betas'] = content['shapes'] smpl_data['global_orient'] = np.zeros((size, 3)) smpl_data['transl'] = np.zeros((size, 3)) smpl_data['body_pose'] = content['poses'][:, :63] smpl_data['jaw_pose'] = content['poses'][:, 63:66] smpl_data['expression'] = np.zeros((size, 10)) smpl_data['left_hand_pose'] = np.zeros((size, 45)) smpl_data['right_hand_pose'] = np.zeros((size, 45))'output/test_pose_refine.npy', smpl_data)

IceFtv commented 3 weeks ago

Is your rendering result correct? I noticed that you have set both 'global_orient' and 'transl' to zero. In the output of easymocap, there are 'rh' and 'th', while smpl_params.npz does not. May I ask how you handled this? Thanks for your reply.

shengyuting commented 3 weeks ago

Here is my output.

IceFtv commented 3 weeks ago

It looks very great! Have you trained with the processed easymocap output? Or are you just using it to infer new postures? Thanks for your reply.

shengyuting commented 3 weeks ago

Just using it to infer.

IceFtv commented 3 weeks ago

谢谢你的回复。我想知道该如何正确处理并且用来训练,而将'global_orient' and 'transl' 置零的方法可能并不适用。请问这里有人正确使用处理后的easymocap的输出训练了吗?

shengyuting commented 3 weeks ago

你有自己拍摄的训练数据吗? @IceFtv

IceFtv commented 3 weeks ago

暂时没有,我当前在尝试不使用任何数据集中拟合好的smplx参数,而去使用公开项目(easymocap)的结果。 @shengyuting

shengyuting commented 3 weeks ago

我'global_orient' and 'transl' 置零后,是通过导出easymocap的平移旋转矩阵来生成效果的,所以你可以看到我的结果里面人物可以旋转。 @IceFtv