lizlouise1335 / jarvis

machine learning practice
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American Ambulance #1

Open lizlouise1335 opened 5 months ago

lizlouise1335 commented 5 months ago
  1. Concept Development Idea Refinement: Define the core gameplay mechanics, the setting, and the unique selling points of your game. Story and Setting: If your game has a storyline or a specific setting (e.g., futuristic, post-apocalyptic), sketch these out. Target Audience: Determine who your game is for (age group, interests) to guide design decisions.
lizlouise1335 commented 5 months ago
  1. Design Phase Game Design Document (GDD): Create a detailed document outlining every aspect of the game: mechanics, story, characters, setting, UI/UX, sound, and art style. Level Design: Plan the game world's layout, including roads, landscapes, and key locations. Vehicle Design: Detail the cars' appearances, physics, and customization options, if any.
lizlouise1335 commented 5 months ago
  1. Pre-Production Tools and Software Selection: Choose a game engine (like Unity or Unreal Engine), 3D modeling software (like Blender or Maya), and other necessary tools. Skills Assessment: Determine if you need to learn new skills or hire professionals (e.g., 3D artists, programmers, sound designers). Prototype: Develop a simple prototype focusing on core mechanics, like driving.
lizlouise1335 commented 5 months ago
  1. Production Asset Creation: Develop 3D models, textures, animations, sound effects, and music. Gameplay Programming: Write code for vehicle dynamics, collision detection, AI for traffic, and other game mechanics. Level Building: Construct the game world using your level design as a guide.
lizlouise1335 commented 5 months ago
  1. Testing and Iteration Playtesting: Regularly test the game to find and fix bugs, and gather feedback on gameplay and mechanics. Iterative Development: Continuously improve and expand on your game based on testing feedback.
lizlouise1335 commented 5 months ago
  1. Polishing Fine-Tuning: Refine gameplay, graphics, sound, and UI/UX. Optimization: Ensure the game runs smoothly across different platforms (if applicable).

  2. Marketing and Distribution Marketing Plan: Develop a strategy to promote your game (social media, game trailers, press releases). Distribution: Decide on platforms for distributing your game (Steam, Epic Games Store, consoles).

  3. Post-Launch Community Management: Engage with your player community for feedback and support. Updates and DLC: Plan for future content or updates based on player feedback and demand.

Additional Considerations: Budget and Timeline: Set a realistic budget and timeline for your project. Legal Aspects: Look into copyright, trademark, and software licensing. Learning and Resources: If you're new to game development, consider online courses or tutorials specific to the tools and skills you need.