lizzieinvancouver / grephon

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compare trends with elevation #24

Open lizzieinvancouver opened 10 months ago

lizzieinvancouver commented 10 months ago

@buniwuuu It would be very cool to have a plot of growth versus elevation and see how the trends look across species (and papers). Please:

  1. Go through the papers in issue #18 and also Neil's email and quickly enter what might have useful data in dataoverview tab of this file
  2. Figure out what data seems most common; I think it will be growth (width or RWI or similar) versus elevation; but review enough papers to check this.
  3. Scrape data from the papers on growth versus (most likely) elevation.
  4. Write an R script to plot the data altogether but color code by datasetID.

Let me know how it goes this week! Thank you!

buniwuuu commented 4 days ago

Update the methods to say: we used two approaches to find papers .... then introduce ISI, then add "We also queried colleagues in the field of dendrochronology and related fields for suggestions of papers that would have such data."

Add this above and reference to this git issue and issue #18 to the files we have on the methods on git .... put just the above in KNB and @lizzieinvancouver should add to supp tex file.

buniwuuu commented 4 days ago

And (BTW, Lizzie is typing this and last one): clarify which is which (ISI or colleagues) for references in methods txt and on KNB.