lizzieinvancouver / ospree

Budbreak review paper database
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check for new papers #234

Closed lizzieinvancouver closed 5 years ago

lizzieinvancouver commented 5 years ago

search Google Scholar and ISI ... but first must find our old search criteria! @cchambe12 @dbuona @AileneKane .... I know I have seen it but can now not find it ...

lizzieinvancouver commented 5 years ago

Wait! I found it, see writing/Budreview.pdf:

We searched the literature for research papers which experimentally addressed controls of temperature, photoperiod, and/or chilling requirements on the spring phenology of woody plant species. We searched both ISI Web of Science and Google Scholar using the following search terms:
• (budburst OR leaf-out) AND (photoperiod or daylength) AND tempera- ture*
• (budburst OR leaf-out) AND dorman*
For results of both searches, we then assessed if candidate studies met our criteria of focusing on woody plants in temperate ecosystems, and testing for at least photoperiod or temperature effects on budburst, leaf-out or flowering. Studies which included a chilling treatment controlled environments, e.g. growth chambers
201 papers in initial search, then narrowed down to 107 which fit our re- quirements.
lizzieinvancouver commented 5 years ago

@DeirdreLoughnan @DarwinSodhi We just pulled some more notes on our methods, see ospree/notes/litreviewnotes/ and please add a new TXT (use TXT, not doc!) with your updates.

lizzieinvancouver commented 5 years ago

@DeirdreLoughnan @DarwinSodhi Update the files so no merge conflicts, update the file (lit.rev.notes.Dec2018) on where to put unprocessed papers and put them there (google drive) and then but alert @lizzieinvancouver that the papers are ready.

DeirdreLoughnan commented 5 years ago

@DarwinSodhi I updated the file and created a folder in the google drive to upload the new papers to (OSPREE papers-->Papers_2016_2018). Could you upload your papers as well?

lizzieinvancouver commented 5 years ago

@lizzieinvancouver Should check the papers in the folder and write an update!

lizzieinvancouver commented 5 years ago

Of the 13 papers noted, these two would not be included in OSPREE:

Of the rest:

These focus on crops:

Studies using ambient temperature and/or photoperiod:

Leaving these that may be useful for budburst work:

lizzieinvancouver commented 5 years ago

I think we should get started on this soon so we can move ahead on traits, ranges and phylogeny this summer (aim to have this ready by end of June or mid-July meeting?). Steps would be:

  1. Someone who entered OSPREE data originally would create an empty version of this:
  2. Divvy up new papers
  3. Enter data
  4. Clean it!
lizzieinvancouver commented 5 years ago

@DarwinSodhi @DeirdreLoughnan will check again!

DeirdreLoughnan commented 5 years ago

I checked for new papers in WOS and created a new notes document with the number of search results for each combination of search terms. I found one additional paper and added it to the OSPREE papers folder.

lizzieinvancouver commented 5 years ago

See issue #268