lizzieinvancouver / ospree

Budbreak review paper database
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check out performance data #299

Open lizzieinvancouver opened 5 years ago

lizzieinvancouver commented 5 years ago

_snippets.R ... shows:

> table(d$respvar.simple)

 daystobudburst    daystoflower    flowernumber          growth           other       othernums 
           3306             180             691            2097              60             617 
  otherpercents percentbudburst   percentflower       phenstage     thermaltime 
             51            3537              82            1192             880 

Okay, but how much is really useful?

`> lookseegrowth <- subset(growthdat, select=c("datasetID", "study", "genus", "species", "respvar"))

lookseegrowth.nodup <- lookseegrowth[!duplicated(lookseegrowth), ] table(lookseegrowth.nodup$datasetID) # 20 studies have some response data

ashby62    basler14       boyer   cannell83   devries82    falusi90 guerriero90     heide05 
      1          12           1           2           1           2           2           3 
heide08     heide11     heide12     heide15      howe95  junttila12        li05    manson91 
      4           4           5           2           1           2           1           1 

pettersen71 sonsteby13 sonsteby14 yazdaniha64 5 2 1 2`

lizzieinvancouver commented 5 years ago

Another look:

> lookseegrowth.nodup
        datasetID study        genus        species                          respvar
1         ashby62  exp1        Tilia      americana                    shootgrowthcm
345      basler14  exp1         Acer pseudoplatanus                        budlength
348      basler14  exp1         Acer pseudoplatanus                         budwidth
351      basler14  exp1         Acer pseudoplatanus                 budprojectedarea
354      basler14  exp1        Fagus      sylvatica                        budlength
357      basler14  exp1        Fagus      sylvatica                         budwidth
360      basler14  exp1        Fagus      sylvatica                 budprojectedarea
363      basler14  exp1      Quercus        petraea                        budlength
366      basler14  exp1      Quercus        petraea                         budwidth
369      basler14  exp1      Quercus        petraea                 budprojectedarea
372      basler14  exp1        Picea          abies                        budlength
375      basler14  exp1        Picea          abies                         budwidth
378      basler14  exp1        Picea          abies                 budprojectedarea
604         boyer  exp2        Pinus          taeda                           height
856     cannell83  exp1        Picea     sitchensis                        budlength
868     cannell83  exp2        Picea     sitchensis                        budlength
1291    devries82  exp1         Rosa            spp plantheightatflowerbudappearance
1718     falusi90  exp1        Fagus      sylvatica                       elongation
1814     falusi90  exp1        Fagus      sylvatica                  apicalbudgrowth
3158  guerriero90  exp2    Actinidia      deliciosa                    shootgrowthcm
3186  guerriero90  exp3    Actinidia      deliciosa                    shootgrowthcm
3568      heide05  exp1        Malus         pumila                       elongation
3758      heide05  exp1        Pyrus    communis L.                       elongation
3836      heide05  exp2        Pyrus    communis L.                       elongation
4030      heide08  exp1       Prunus        cerasus                 stemelongationcm
4170      heide08  exp2       Prunus        cerasus                 stemelongationcm
4184      heide08  exp2       Prunus      insititia                 stemelongationcm
4198      heide08  exp3       Prunus          avium                 stemelongationcm
4270      heide11  exp1       Sorbus      aucuparia                  growthincrement
4330      heide11  exp1       Sorbus       commixta                  growthincrement
4390      heide11  exp2       Sorbus     intermedia        cumulativegrowthincrement
4690      heide11  exp3       Sorbus     intermedia        cumulativegrowthincrement
4786      heide12  exp1        Ribes         nigrum                shootelongationcm
4868      heide12  exp1        Ribes         nigrum                    leafincrement
4930      heide12  exp2        Ribes         nigrum                shootelongationcm
4940      heide12  exp2        Ribes         nigrum                    leafincrement
4990      heide12  exp3        Ribes         nigrum                shootelongationcm
5252      heide15  exp2        Ribes         nigrum                    shootgrowthcm
5266      heide15  exp2        Ribes         nigrum                            nodes
6026       howe95  exp1      Populus    trichocarpa                       elongation
6750   junttila12  exp1       Betula        pendula                       elongation
6752   junttila12  exp1       Betula      pubescens                       elongation
7330         li05  exp1       Betula        pendula                       elongation
7534     manson91  exp1    Actinidia      deliciosa                       elongation
8495  pettersen71  exp1 Rhododendron         simsii                       elongation
8497  pettersen71  exp1 Rhododendron         simsii             lengthofinternodescm
8531  pettersen71  exp2 Rhododendron         simsii                      mmper14days
8617  pettersen71  exp2 Rhododendron         simsii             lengthofinternodescm
8829  pettersen71  exp2 Rhododendron         simsii                       elongation
10489  sonsteby13  exp2        Ribes         nigrum                shootelongationcm
10517  sonsteby13  exp1        Ribes         nigrum                shootelongationcm
11417  sonsteby14  exp4        Ribes         nigrum                shootelongationcm
11750 yazdaniha64  exp1       Prunus        persica                    averagegrowth
11752 yazdaniha64  exp1       Prunus        persica                      totalgrowth
lizzieinvancouver commented 5 years ago

I have to say my grant is not so amazing on this topic (though it has great text for starting a paper on the traits and/or performance!). It just says we will address this question: What is the relationship between phenology and performance in woody species? It also says we'll combine them with trait data to address: What is the relative importance of phenology versus other functional traits in predicting plant performance responses to climate change? ... I think we're not quite as far as I hoped, but moving in the right direction!

cchambe12 commented 5 years ago

I have started a new Wiki page about this question. Anyone should feel free to add to it as they see fit!