Closed lizzieinvancouver closed 1 year ago
And here's the code, just so I have a record:
> options(mc.cores = parallel::detectCores())
> #'###############################
> # Flags for how to run the code #
> #'###############################
> runmodels <- FALSE
> runbbstanleadin <- T # leave as false to speed up Supp and ms. compilation
> runwithchillports <- T
> #'######################################
> #### get data through bbstanleadin ####
> #'######################################
> if(runbbstanleadin){
+ # Flags to choose for bbstanleadin.R #
+ setwd("..//bb_analysis")
+ getwd()
+ # Master flags! Here you pick if you want the flags for the main model (figure in main text) versus the all spp model (supp)
+ use.flags.for.mainmodel <- FALSE
+ use.flags.for.allsppmodel <- TRUE
+ use.yourown.flagdesign <- FALSE
+ nocrops <- TRUE
+ agiosponly <- TRUE
+ if(use.flags.for.mainmodel==TRUE & use.flags.for.allsppmodel | use.flags.for.mainmodel==TRUE & use.yourown.flagdesign |
+ use.yourown.flagdesign & use.flags.for.allsppmodel | use.flags.for.mainmodel==TRUE & use.flags.for.allsppmodel
+ & use.yourown.flagdesign) print("ALERT! You have set too many master flags to true, you must pick only one!")
+ if(use.flags.for.mainmodel){
+ use.chillports = FALSE
+ use.zscore = TRUE
+ use.allspp =FALSE # for the main model this is false
+ use.multcuespp = FALSE
+ use.cropspp = FALSE
+ # Default is species complex use alltypes of designs
+ use.expramptypes.fp = TRUE
+ use.exptypes.fp = FALSE
+ use.expchillonly = FALSE
+ }
+ if(use.flags.for.allsppmodel){
+ use.chillports = FALSE
+ use.zscore = TRUE
+ use.allspp = TRUE
+ use.multcuespp = FALSE
+ use.cropspp = TRUE
+ use.expramptypes.fp = FALSE
+ use.exptypes.fp = FALSE
+ use.expchillonly = FALSE
+ }
+ if(use.yourown.flagdesign){
+ use.chillports = F # change to false for using utah instead of chill portions (most models use chill portions z)
+ use.zscore = TRUE # change to false to use raw predictors
+ # Default is species complex and no crops
+ use.allspp = F
+ use.multcuespp = FALSE
+ use.cropspp = FALSE
+ # Default is species complex use alltypes of designs
+ use.expramptypes.fp = TRUE
+ use.exptypes.fp = FALSE
+ #Default is all chilling data
+ use.expchillonly = FALSE # change to true for only experimental chilling
+ #note: with only exp chilling, there is only exp photo and force too.
+ #also: subsetting to exp chill only reduces dataset to 3 species, <9 studies
+ }
+ source("..//bb_analysis/source/bbstanleadin.R")
+ namesdat <- unique(paste(bb.stan$genus,bb.stan$species,sep="_"))
+ bb.stan$spps <- paste(bb.stan$genus,bb.stan$species,sep="_")
+ bb.stan$phylo <- paste(bb.stan$genus,bb.stan$species,sep="_")
+ #'###################################
+ #### get phylogeny ####
+ #'###################################
+ setwd("..//phylogeny")
+ source("source/get_phylo_models.R")
+ ## read and pre-process phylogeny
+ #phylo <- read.tree("../../data/phylogeny/SBphylo_62complex.tre")
+ #phylo <- read.tree("../../data/phylogeny/SBphylo_101sps.tre")
+ phylo <- phy.plants.ospree
+ namesphy <- phylo$tip.label
+ phylo <- force.ultrametric(phylo, method="extend")
+ phylo$node.label <- seq(1,length(phylo$node.label),1)
+ is.ultrametric(phylo)
+ #plot(phylo, cex=0.7)
+ VCVPHY <- vcv.phylo(phylo,corr=TRUE)
+ ## deal with subgrouping
+ if(nocrops & agiosponly){
+ gymno <- c("Metasequoia_glyptostroboides", "Pseudotsuga_menziesii","Larix_laricina",
+ "Larix_gmelinii", "Larix_decidua" ,"Larix_kaempferi",
+ "Pinus_nigra","Pinus_sylvestris","Pinus_banksiana",
+ "Pinus_contorta","Pinus_wallichiana","Pinus_strobus",
+ "Picea_abies" ,"Picea_mariana" ,"Picea_glauca" ,
+ "Cedrus_libani" ,"Abies_alba" ,"Abies_homolepis","Ginkgo_biloba")
+ croplist <- read.csv("../../data/croplist/agricultural_species.csv")
+ cropgymno <- c(croplist$Species_name,gymno)
+ bb.stan$crops <- ifelse(bb.stan$spps %in% cropgymno, "cropgymno","nocrop")
+ cropspps <- unique(bb.stan$spps[which(bb.stan$crops=="cropgymno")])
+ bb.stan <- subset(bb.stan, crops == "nocrop")
+ phylo <- drop.tip(phylo, cropspps)
+ VCVPHY<-vcv.phylo(phylo,corr=T)
+ }
+ if(nocrops & !agiosponly){
+ croplist <- read.csv("../../data/croplist/agricultural_species.csv")
+ bb.stan$crops <- ifelse(bb.stan$spps %in% croplist$Species_name, "crop","nocrop")
+ cropspps <- unique(bb.stan$spps[which(bb.stan$crops=="crop")])
+ bb.stan <- subset(bb.stan, crops == "nocrop")
+ phylo <- drop.tip(phylo, cropspps)
+ VCVPHY<-vcv.phylo(phylo,corr=T)
+ }
+ if(!nocrops & agiosponly){
+ gymno <- c("Metasequoia_glyptostroboides", "Pseudotsuga_menziesii","Larix_laricina",
+ "Larix_gmelinii", "Larix_decidua" ,"Larix_kaempferi",
+ "Pinus_nigra","Pinus_sylvestris","Pinus_banksiana",
+ "Pinus_contorta","Pinus_wallichiana","Pinus_strobus",
+ "Picea_abies" ,"Picea_mariana" ,"Picea_glauca" ,
+ "Cedrus_libani" ,"Abies_alba" ,"Abies_homolepis","Ginkgo_biloba")
+ cropgymno <- c(gymno)
+ bb.stan$crops <- ifelse(bb.stan$spps %in% cropgymno, "cropgymno","nocrop")
+ cropspps <- unique(bb.stan$spps[which(bb.stan$crops=="cropgymno")])
+ bb.stan <- subset(bb.stan, crops == "nocrop")
+ phylo <- drop.tip(phylo, cropspps)
+ VCVPHY<-vcv.phylo(phylo,corr=T)
+ }
+ # Get spps and VCVPHY in same order
+ # bb.stan$spps[phylo$tip.label]
+ phylo$tip.label
+ d <- bb.stan[match(phylo$tip.label, bb.stan$spps),] # hmmm, only gives ONE match
+ phymatch <- data.frame(tip=phylo$tip.label, sppnum=c(1:length(phylo$tip.label)))
+ d <- merge(bb.stan, phymatch, by.x="spps", by.y="tip")
+ d <- d[order(d$sppnum),]
+ # Tilia_cordata versus Tilia_Cordata in phylo
+ nspecies <- max(d$sppnum)
+ ## remove outliers
+ # d$resp
+ head(d)
+ ff = subset(d,latbi %in% c("Populus_balsamifera","Populus_tremuloides"))
+ d = subset(d,!latbi %in% c("Populus_balsamifera","Populus_tremuloides"))
+ nspecies = 192
+ phylo <- drop.tip(phylo, c("Populus_balsamifera","Populus_tremuloides"))
+ d$sppnum <- as.numeric(as.factor(d$sppnum))
+ ## remove names of species that are wrong (e.g. Acer pseudolatanus) Malyshev2018
+ idswrong = which(d$spps == "Acer_pseudolatauns")
+ d$spps[idswrong] = "Acer_pseudoplatanus"
+ d$species[idswrong] = "pseudoplatanus"
+ d$latbi[idswrong] = "Acer_pseudoplatanus"
+ d$phylo[idswrong] = "Acer_pseudoplatanus"
+ #d$sppnum[which(d$latbi=="Acer_pseudoplatanus")]
+ d$sppnum[idswrong] = 127
+ d$sppnum[which(d$sppnum>137)] = d$sppnum[which(d$sppnum>137)]-1
+ nspecies = 191
+ phylo <- drop.tip(phylo, "Acer_pseudolatauns")
+ ## remove names of species that are wrong (e.g. Juglans spp)
+ idswrong = which(d$spps == "Juglans_spp")
+ d <- d[-idswrong,]
+ phylo <- drop.tip(phylo, "Juglans_spp")
+ nspecies <- length(phylo$tip.label)
+ phymatch2 <- data.frame(tip=phylo$tip.label, sppnum=c(1:length(phylo$tip.label)))
+ d2 <- merge(d, phymatch2, by.x="spps", by.y="tip")
+ d2 <- d2[order(d2$sppnum.y),]
+ d2$sppnum <- d2$sppnum.y
+ d <- d2
+ # save for faster loading-compiling
+ #write.csv(d,file = "input/datasetforphyloms.csv")
+ #write.tree(phylo, file = "input/phyloforphyloms.tre")
+ } else {
+ d = read.csv("input/datasetforphyloms.csv")
+ phylo = read.tree("input/phyloforphyloms.tre")
+ }
Joining with `by = join_by(genus, species)`
Joining with `by = join_by(genus, species)`
Joining with `by = join_by(genus, species)`
Joining with `by = join_by(genus, species)`
List of 7
$ y : num [1:4442] 56.4 52.2 59.6 49.2 61.5 ...
$ chill: num [1:4442] 0.05553 0.00235 0.05553 0.00235 0.05553 ...
$ force: num [1:4442] -1.8 -1.8 -1.8 -1.8 -1.8 ...
$ photo: num [1:4442] -0.725 -0.438 -0.725 -0.438 -0.725 ...
$ sp : num [1:4442] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
$ N : int 4442
$ n_sp : int 233
[1] "Unique forcing types are ..."
[1] "ramped" "exp" "amb"
[1] "Unique photo types are ..."
[1] "ramped" "exp" "amb" "none"
[1] "Unique chilling types are ..."
[1] "fldest" "bothest" "bothrep" "exp"
[1] "Range of chilling is ..."
[1] -3.274617 4.558866
Number of species in tree before: 0
Number of species in tree now: 24
* Note: *
* force.ultrametric does not include a formal method to *
* ultrametricize a tree & should only be used to coerce *
* a phylogeny that fails is.ultramtric due to rounding -- *
* not as a substitute for formal rate-smoothing methods. *
Warning messages:
1: In eval(ei, envir) : NAs introduced by coercion
2: In eval(ei, envir) : NAs introduced by coercion
3: In eval(ei, envir) : NAs introduced by coercion
4: In eval(ei, envir) : NAs introduced by coercion
> if(runwithchillports){
+ d$chill.z = as.numeric(scale(d$chill.ports))
+ }
> runwithchillports
[1] TRUE
> fit <- stan("stan/uber_threeslopeintercept_modified_cholesky_updatedpriors.stan",
+ data=list(N=nrow(d),
+ n_sp=nspecies,
+ sp=d$sppnum,
+ x1=d$force.z,
+ x2 = d$chill.z,
+ x3=d$photo.z,
+ y=d$resp,
+ Vphy=vcv(phylo, corr = TRUE)),
+ iter = 4000,
+ warmup = 2000, # half the iter as warmp is default, but leaving in case we want to change
+ chains = 4,
+ seed = 117
+ )
Warning message:
Bulk Effective Samples Size (ESS) is too low, indicating posterior means and medians may be unreliable.
Running the chains for more iterations may help. See
A plot of d$chill.z versus d$chill.ports shows a perfect match so I think am using chill portions ... I worry perhaps the lambda for photo with this model is not so stable. The chains do not look good:
And both the lambda for forcing and photo search the full space it feels (but on quick glance, I did not see correlated parameters or bad geometries):
In contrast, lambda for chilling looks better:
My take-home (and chatting with J) right now is a few things ...
Note to myself: I run the models running lines 1-245 in phylo_ospree_compact4_angiogymno_updateprior.R then running this snippet (which I have not saved anywhere else: update, saved it as phylo_ospree_compact4_angiogymno_updatepriorSNIPPET.R on my machine):
fit <- stan("stan/uber_threeslopeintercept_modified_cholesky_updatedpriors.stan",
x2 = d$chill.z,
Vphy=vcv(phylo, corr = TRUE)),
iter = 4000,
warmup = 2000, # half the iter as warmp is default, but leaving in case we want to change
chains = 4,
seed = 117
## Save fitted posterior
saveRDS(fit, "output/fit_priorupdate_noout_angio191_chillports.rds")
@MoralesCastilla I still can't replicate your results. Here's the the new output:
> fitsumdf
mean se_mean sd 2.5% 25% 50% 75% 97.5% n_eff Rhat
a_z 30.0994422 0.032249438 3.4700412 23.25960878 27.8050338 30.1206503 32.3719197 36.9090218 11577.7709 0.9999126
sigma_interceptsa 15.9944861 0.013850013 1.1393839 13.99459758 15.1966123 15.9178731 16.6893054 18.4448650 6767.6795 0.9997914
b_zf -6.2625341 0.034971307 2.0134123 -10.28906442 -7.5351323 -6.3214023 -5.0032743 -2.1666940 3314.6809 1.0012676
sigma_interceptsbf 5.4647249 0.029352576 0.9617572 3.82916218 4.7945790 5.3707028 6.0583472 7.5584786 1073.5899 1.0025706
lam_interceptsbf 0.6543217 0.011677593 0.2201085 0.17487119 0.5026808 0.6822129 0.8320320 0.9795620 355.2769 1.0204661
b_zc -5.7936568 0.020827319 1.8875649 -9.44856608 -7.0956537 -5.7989241 -4.5491309 -2.0338019 8213.6662 0.9998402
sigma_interceptsbc 6.8329285 0.014857901 0.7555807 5.48564498 6.3036900 6.7917145 7.3066734 8.4475695 2586.1087 1.0010086
lam_interceptsbc 0.5209706 0.002556019 0.1314700 0.25872789 0.4289137 0.5226537 0.6156607 0.7662715 2645.6076 1.0007705
b_zp -1.2931102 0.015455992 0.7885837 -2.80881031 -1.7989506 -1.3089317 -0.8090140 0.3702451 2603.1656 1.0018259
sigma_interceptsbp 2.3538291 0.015796493 0.3980147 1.64228491 2.0794005 2.3314058 2.5988845 3.1873439 634.8584 1.0065572
lam_interceptsbp 0.4553807 0.011050049 0.2412492 0.03742566 0.2615208 0.4525614 0.6413418 0.8995988 476.6540 1.0049442
sigma_y 12.0875302 0.001531633 0.1680546 11.75761995 11.9731525 12.0868308 12.1998344 12.4241307 12039.0239 1.0001978
And the full output of what I did:
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[ GUI 1.78 (8075) aarch64-apple-darwin20]
> ## Started mid November 2022 ##
> ## From files started September 2021 (that copied Nacho's Phylo_ospree_reanalyses.R code)
> ## By Nacho, with some edits by Lizzie ##
> ## Runs (or reads) the phylogeny models, extracts some output
> ## Does some basic plotting
> rm(list=ls())
> options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
> # Setting working directory. Add in your own path in an if statement for your file structure
> if(length(grep("Lizzie", getwd())>0)) {
+ setwd("~/Documents/git/projects/treegarden/budreview/ospree/analyses/phylogeny")
+ } else if (length(grep("ailene", getwd()))>0) {setwd("/Users/aileneettinger/git/ospree/analyses/phylogeny")
+ }else if(length(grep("Ignacio", getwd()))>0) {
+ setwd("~/GitHub/ospree/analyses/phylogeny")
+ } else if(length(grep("catchamberlain", getwd()))>0) {
+ setwd("~/Documents/git/ospree/analyses/phylogeny")
+ } else if(length(grep("danielbuonaiuto", getwd()))>0) {
+ setwd("~/Documents/git/ospree/analyses/phylogeny")
+ }else setwd("~/Documents/git/projects/treegarden/budreview/ospree/analyses/phylogeny")
> # Loading packages
> library(caper)
Loading required package: ape
Loading required package: MASS
Loading required package: mvtnorm
> library(pez)
> library(phytools)
Loading required package: maps
> library(rstan)
Loading required package: StanHeaders
Loading required package: ggplot2
rstan (Version 2.21.5, GitRev: 2e1f913d3ca3)
For execution on a local, multicore CPU with excess RAM we recommend calling
options(mc.cores = parallel::detectCores()).
To avoid recompilation of unchanged Stan programs, we recommend calling
rstan_options(auto_write = TRUE)
> library(shinystan)
Loading required package: shiny
This is shinystan version 2.6.0
> library(plyr)
Attaching package: ‘plyr’
The following object is masked from ‘package:maps’:
> library(dplyr)
Attaching package: ‘dplyr’
The following objects are masked from ‘package:plyr’:
arrange, count, desc, failwith, id, mutate, rename, summarise, summarize
The following object is masked from ‘package:MASS’:
The following object is masked from ‘package:ape’:
The following objects are masked from ‘package:stats’:
filter, lag
The following objects are masked from ‘package:base’:
intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
> options(mc.cores = parallel::detectCores())
> #'###############################
> # Flags for how to run the code #
> #'###############################
> runmodels <- FALSE
> runbbstanleadin <- T # leave as false to speed up Supp and ms. compilation
> runwithchillports <- T
> #'######################################
> #### get data through bbstanleadin ####
> #'######################################
> if(runbbstanleadin){
+ # Flags to choose for bbstanleadin.R #
+ setwd("..//bb_analysis")
+ getwd()
+ # Master flags! Here you pick if you want the flags for the main model (figure in main text) versus the all spp model (supp)
+ use.flags.for.mainmodel <- FALSE
+ use.flags.for.allsppmodel <- TRUE
+ use.yourown.flagdesign <- FALSE
+ nocrops <- TRUE
+ agiosponly <- TRUE
+ if(use.flags.for.mainmodel==TRUE & use.flags.for.allsppmodel | use.flags.for.mainmodel==TRUE & use.yourown.flagdesign |
+ use.yourown.flagdesign & use.flags.for.allsppmodel | use.flags.for.mainmodel==TRUE & use.flags.for.allsppmodel
+ & use.yourown.flagdesign) print("ALERT! You have set too many master flags to true, you must pick only one!")
+ if(use.flags.for.mainmodel){
+ use.chillports = FALSE
+ use.zscore = TRUE
+ use.allspp =FALSE # for the main model this is false
+ use.multcuespp = FALSE
+ use.cropspp = FALSE
+ # Default is species complex use alltypes of designs
+ use.expramptypes.fp = TRUE
+ use.exptypes.fp = FALSE
+ use.expchillonly = FALSE
+ }
+ if(use.flags.for.allsppmodel){
+ use.chillports = FALSE
+ use.zscore = TRUE
+ use.allspp = TRUE
+ use.multcuespp = FALSE
+ use.cropspp = TRUE
+ use.expramptypes.fp = FALSE
+ use.exptypes.fp = FALSE
+ use.expchillonly = FALSE
+ }
+ if(use.yourown.flagdesign){
+ use.chillports = F # change to false for using utah instead of chill portions (most models use chill portions z)
+ use.zscore = TRUE # change to false to use raw predictors
+ # Default is species complex and no crops
+ use.allspp = F
+ use.multcuespp = FALSE
+ use.cropspp = FALSE
+ # Default is species complex use alltypes of designs
+ use.expramptypes.fp = TRUE
+ use.exptypes.fp = FALSE
+ #Default is all chilling data
+ use.expchillonly = FALSE # change to true for only experimental chilling
+ #note: with only exp chilling, there is only exp photo and force too.
+ #also: subsetting to exp chill only reduces dataset to 3 species, <9 studies
+ }
+ source("..//bb_analysis/source/bbstanleadin.R")
+ namesdat <- unique(paste(bb.stan$genus,bb.stan$species,sep="_"))
+ bb.stan$spps <- paste(bb.stan$genus,bb.stan$species,sep="_")
+ bb.stan$phylo <- paste(bb.stan$genus,bb.stan$species,sep="_")
+ #'###################################
+ #### get phylogeny ####
+ #'###################################
+ setwd("..//phylogeny")
+ source("source/get_phylo_models.R")
+ ## read and pre-process phylogeny
+ #phylo <- read.tree("../../data/phylogeny/SBphylo_62complex.tre")
+ #phylo <- read.tree("../../data/phylogeny/SBphylo_101sps.tre")
+ phylo <- phy.plants.ospree
+ namesphy <- phylo$tip.label
+ phylo <- force.ultrametric(phylo, method="extend")
+ phylo$node.label <- seq(1,length(phylo$node.label),1)
+ is.ultrametric(phylo)
+ #plot(phylo, cex=0.7)
+ VCVPHY <- vcv.phylo(phylo,corr=TRUE)
+ ## deal with subgrouping
+ if(nocrops & agiosponly){
+ gymno <- c("Metasequoia_glyptostroboides", "Pseudotsuga_menziesii","Larix_laricina",
+ "Larix_gmelinii", "Larix_decidua" ,"Larix_kaempferi",
+ "Pinus_nigra","Pinus_sylvestris","Pinus_banksiana",
+ "Pinus_contorta","Pinus_wallichiana","Pinus_strobus",
+ "Picea_abies" ,"Picea_mariana" ,"Picea_glauca" ,
+ "Cedrus_libani" ,"Abies_alba" ,"Abies_homolepis","Ginkgo_biloba")
+ croplist <- read.csv("../../data/croplist/agricultural_species.csv")
+ cropgymno <- c(croplist$Species_name,gymno)
+ bb.stan$crops <- ifelse(bb.stan$spps %in% cropgymno, "cropgymno","nocrop")
+ cropspps <- unique(bb.stan$spps[which(bb.stan$crops=="cropgymno")])
+ bb.stan <- subset(bb.stan, crops == "nocrop")
+ phylo <- drop.tip(phylo, cropspps)
+ VCVPHY<-vcv.phylo(phylo,corr=T)
+ }
+ if(nocrops & !agiosponly){
+ croplist <- read.csv("../../data/croplist/agricultural_species.csv")
+ bb.stan$crops <- ifelse(bb.stan$spps %in% croplist$Species_name, "crop","nocrop")
+ cropspps <- unique(bb.stan$spps[which(bb.stan$crops=="crop")])
+ bb.stan <- subset(bb.stan, crops == "nocrop")
+ phylo <- drop.tip(phylo, cropspps)
+ VCVPHY<-vcv.phylo(phylo,corr=T)
+ }
+ if(!nocrops & agiosponly){
+ gymno <- c("Metasequoia_glyptostroboides", "Pseudotsuga_menziesii","Larix_laricina",
+ "Larix_gmelinii", "Larix_decidua" ,"Larix_kaempferi",
+ "Pinus_nigra","Pinus_sylvestris","Pinus_banksiana",
+ "Pinus_contorta","Pinus_wallichiana","Pinus_strobus",
+ "Picea_abies" ,"Picea_mariana" ,"Picea_glauca" ,
+ "Cedrus_libani" ,"Abies_alba" ,"Abies_homolepis","Ginkgo_biloba")
+ cropgymno <- c(gymno)
+ bb.stan$crops <- ifelse(bb.stan$spps %in% cropgymno, "cropgymno","nocrop")
+ cropspps <- unique(bb.stan$spps[which(bb.stan$crops=="cropgymno")])
+ bb.stan <- subset(bb.stan, crops == "nocrop")
+ phylo <- drop.tip(phylo, cropspps)
+ VCVPHY<-vcv.phylo(phylo,corr=T)
+ }
+ # Get spps and VCVPHY in same order
+ # bb.stan$spps[phylo$tip.label]
+ phylo$tip.label
+ d <- bb.stan[match(phylo$tip.label, bb.stan$spps),] # hmmm, only gives ONE match
+ phymatch <- data.frame(tip=phylo$tip.label, sppnum=c(1:length(phylo$tip.label)))
+ d <- merge(bb.stan, phymatch, by.x="spps", by.y="tip")
+ d <- d[order(d$sppnum),]
+ # Tilia_cordata versus Tilia_Cordata in phylo
+ nspecies <- max(d$sppnum)
+ ## remove outliers
+ # d$resp
+ head(d)
+ ff = subset(d,latbi %in% c("Populus_balsamifera","Populus_tremuloides"))
+ d = subset(d,!latbi %in% c("Populus_balsamifera","Populus_tremuloides"))
+ nspecies = 192
+ phylo <- drop.tip(phylo, c("Populus_balsamifera","Populus_tremuloides"))
+ d$sppnum <- as.numeric(as.factor(d$sppnum))
+ ## remove names of species that are wrong (e.g. Acer pseudolatanus) Malyshev2018
+ idswrong = which(d$spps == "Acer_pseudolatauns")
+ d$spps[idswrong] = "Acer_pseudoplatanus"
+ d$species[idswrong] = "pseudoplatanus"
+ d$latbi[idswrong] = "Acer_pseudoplatanus"
+ d$phylo[idswrong] = "Acer_pseudoplatanus"
+ #d$sppnum[which(d$latbi=="Acer_pseudoplatanus")]
+ d$sppnum[idswrong] = 127
+ d$sppnum[which(d$sppnum>137)] = d$sppnum[which(d$sppnum>137)]-1
+ nspecies = 191
+ phylo <- drop.tip(phylo, "Acer_pseudolatauns")
+ ## remove names of species that are wrong (e.g. Juglans spp)
+ idswrong = which(d$spps == "Juglans_spp")
+ d <- d[-idswrong,]
+ phylo <- drop.tip(phylo, "Juglans_spp")
+ nspecies <- length(phylo$tip.label)
+ phymatch2 <- data.frame(tip=phylo$tip.label, sppnum=c(1:length(phylo$tip.label)))
+ d2 <- merge(d, phymatch2, by.x="spps", by.y="tip")
+ d2 <- d2[order(d2$sppnum.y),]
+ d2$sppnum <- d2$sppnum.y
+ d <- d2
+ # save for faster loading-compiling
+ #write.csv(d,file = "input/datasetforphyloms.csv")
+ #write.tree(phylo, file = "input/phyloforphyloms.tre")
+ } else {
+ d = read.csv("input/datasetforphyloms.csv")
+ phylo = read.tree("input/phyloforphyloms.tre")
+ }
Joining with `by = join_by(genus, species)`
Joining with `by = join_by(genus, species)`
Joining with `by = join_by(genus, species)`
Joining with `by = join_by(genus, species)`
List of 7
$ y : num [1:4442] 56.4 52.2 59.6 49.2 61.5 ...
$ chill: num [1:4442] 0.05553 0.00235 0.05553 0.00235 0.05553 ...
$ force: num [1:4442] -1.8 -1.8 -1.8 -1.8 -1.8 ...
$ photo: num [1:4442] -0.725 -0.438 -0.725 -0.438 -0.725 ...
$ sp : num [1:4442] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
$ N : int 4442
$ n_sp : int 233
[1] "Unique forcing types are ..."
[1] "ramped" "exp" "amb"
[1] "Unique photo types are ..."
[1] "ramped" "exp" "amb" "none"
[1] "Unique chilling types are ..."
[1] "fldest" "bothest" "bothrep" "exp"
[1] "Range of chilling is ..."
[1] -3.274617 4.558866
Number of species in tree before: 0
Number of species in tree now: 24
* Note: *
* force.ultrametric does not include a formal method to *
* ultrametricize a tree & should only be used to coerce *
* a phylogeny that fails is.ultramtric due to rounding -- *
* not as a substitute for formal rate-smoothing methods. *
Warning messages:
1: In eval(ei, envir) : NAs introduced by coercion
2: In eval(ei, envir) : NAs introduced by coercion
3: In eval(ei, envir) : NAs introduced by coercion
4: In eval(ei, envir) : NAs introduced by coercion
> if(runwithchillports){
+ d$chill.z = as.numeric(scale(d$chill.ports))
+ }
> par(mfrow=c(1,2))
> plot(d$chill.z~d$chill)
> plot(d$chill.z~d$chill.ports)
> fit <- stan("stan/uber_threeslopeintercept_modified_cholesky_updatedpriors.stan",
+ data=list(N=nrow(d),
+ n_sp=nspecies,
+ sp=d$sppnum,
+ x1=d$force.z,
+ x2 = d$chill.z,
+ x3=d$photo.z,
+ y=d$resp,
+ Vphy=vcv(phylo, corr = TRUE)),
+ iter = 4000,
+ warmup = 2000, # half the iter as warmp is default, but leaving in case we want to change
+ chains = 4
+ )
Warning message:
Bulk Effective Samples Size (ESS) is too low, indicating posterior means and medians may be unreliable.
Running the chains for more iterations may help. See
> ## Save fitted posterior
> saveRDS(fit, "output/fit_priorupdate_noout_angio191_chillports.rds")
> fitsum <- summary(fit, pars = list("a_z", "sigma_interceptsa",
+ "b_zf", "sigma_interceptsbf", "lam_interceptsbf",
+ "b_zc", "sigma_interceptsbc", "lam_interceptsbc",
+ "b_zp", "sigma_interceptsbp", "lam_interceptsbp","sigma_y"))$summary
> fitsumdf <-
Ok, I re-run the models and get the same (or very similar) results to yours:
> tableresults.estv2[c(1,4,7,10,2,5,8,11,3,6,9,12,13),c(1,3,4,6,8:10)]
mean sd 2.5% 50% 97.5% n_eff Rhat
a_z 30.0672837 3.4646087 23.25746435 30.0850200 37.0500217 13454.5449 0.9998030
b_zf -6.2066952 2.0263071 -10.13908061 -6.2485597 -2.0717981 3322.8284 1.0005258
b_zc -5.8059195 1.9805480 -9.58334426 -5.8553986 -1.7650128 8346.1465 0.9997170
b_zp -1.3297675 0.7704224 -2.81399217 -1.3571314 0.2365078 2598.4996 1.0014778
lam_interceptsa 0.3549471 0.0987703 0.17178234 0.3522774 0.5569254 7138.1060 0.9996513
lam_interceptsbf 0.6563615 0.2077804 0.20233388 0.6837178 0.9698824 428.3387 1.0042654
lam_interceptsbc 0.5215675 0.1313591 0.26036186 0.5236987 0.7708913 2850.9089 1.0001434
lam_interceptsbp 0.4569472 0.2460340 0.03709492 0.4469028 0.9270096 335.0013 1.0256626
sigma_interceptsa 16.0030639 1.1419172 13.95740950 15.9348759 18.4287788 6926.4931 1.0000161
sigma_interceptsbf 5.4431744 0.9797794 3.77660280 5.3509133 7.5662671 919.2705 1.0031442
sigma_interceptsbc 6.8883763 0.7452105 5.55930979 6.8486656 8.4749448 2579.7925 1.0006397
sigma_interceptsbp 2.3568704 0.3958031 1.63562733 2.3339438 3.2142969 754.2541 1.0076225
sigma_y 12.0838707 0.1699815 11.76076787 12.0804787 12.4230406 9826.0790 0.9996198
The reason you could not replicate the results I sent (and talked about) yesterday is that I was not reordering the dataset after removing Juglans_spp so, whatever the species after that in the dataset occupied its place. Anyways, it seems solved now. And these results are quite similar to results with Utah (except for sensitivity to chilling going slightly down, which could be due to chill portions loosing some data with respect to Utah).
@MoralesCastilla Great! This has been a useful process, which got J and I thinking more about lambda and the model in general, but I am relieved the model is fairly stable to different chill units.
@MoralesCastilla I am fairly sure you lose a little data in the switch to chill portions, but not so much.
I ran the model using chill portions, I'll paste my code below so you can see if I ran it correctly, but I did not get output similar to yours. Here's what I got: