lizzieinvancouver / temporalvar

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add library path #25

Closed donahuem closed 5 years ago

donahuem commented 5 years ago

I have installed MultiRNG into a new library folder called temporalvar/R/libs Need to install.libraries() from there. .libPaths(new="..") should add a path to the places that R looks for libraries. It's not working as expected locally; so still need to figure this out so that I can install this libary for the megaD runs

donahuem commented 5 years ago

I have managed to really fuck this one up. The script for both regular and megaD runs works locally on my computer. When I set it up as a batch job, libraries are not available. On odyssey, R shoudl load a stanrad set of packages, including deSolve, but not including MultiRNG. I added MultiRNG to a loca directory (/n/wolk../R/libs). If Irun R in command line, I can add that libaray from that lib.loc explicitly. Right now, when I run in a batch script, I can not call either deSolve (which should be in the default installed lib pkgs). I will have to email RC about this.

donahuem commented 5 years ago

Phew! Got this squared away with only one regrettable email to RC. I fell back to the suggested default of putting the additional libraries in $HOME/apps/R, rather than defining a libs folder in the project storage folders. With that, I can call both standard and locally saved packages with librar().