ljader / redmine-mylyn-plugin

Eclipse Mylyn integration for Redmine ( Eclipse Connector Plugin )
71 stars 48 forks source link

Installation instructions #68

Closed devbau closed 8 years ago

devbau commented 8 years ago

Please can you provide proper installation instructions?

How exactly it should be installed?

ljader commented 8 years ago

README.md has been updated with installation instruction - please check that out

awilkins commented 8 years ago

TBH ljader, a lot of the problems people are having are with the different transitive dependencies of the various different Eclipse editions - does the single build the CI server provides cover this issue? I myself always check out the sources and build the update-site for my specific Eclipse edition with Maven, because the feeling that I will have dependency issues otherwise has not left me.

ljader commented 8 years ago

@awilkins I think all Eclipse plugins are affected from various Eclipse versions and its not uncommon to have different builds / update sites for different Eclipse versions: http://www.eclipse.org/ajdt/downloads/ http://projects.eclipse.org/projects/modeling.sirius/downloads http://wiki.eclipse.org/Stardust/Download

So I think there are 2 solutions:

Many of recorded issues in GitHub was about unable to resolve one of 3 dependencies:

The first 2 are currently bundled with this plugins P2 repo, but the third one is not. My idea is to remove references to this plugin from plugin code and rely only on standard Eclipse plugin logging mechanism.

What do you think about it?