ljalves / hfeasy

HFeasy - firmware for HF-LPx100/LPx30 based devices
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Keeps showing up in Home Assistant (OS) as unavailable until i reboot the plugs #44

Open PeteDenmark opened 1 year ago

PeteDenmark commented 1 year ago

I have flashed with both the newest firmware and web interface, and both my HF-LPB100 plugs work great, and are auto discovered by Home Assistant mosquitto broker. But every time i restart HA, they are unavailable until i reboot the plugs.

phrogg commented 1 year ago

I have the same issue.

PeteDenmark commented 1 year ago

I have the same issue.

I have made a workaround. I have made an automation that calls the HFeasy plugs reboot URL when HA starts. So HA starts, the plugs reboot, and everything is fine. Not the cleanest, but it works :)

You can call a URL with the Rest command:

So i configuration.yaml:

rest_command: !include rest_commands.yaml

Make a file called rest_commands.yaml and put the following in it:

#restarts HFeasy plugs by calling their URLs
  url: ''
  url: ''
  url: ''

You of course replace the url's with the url's for you specific plugs

Then i go into automations and make one script with the RESTful command to call the rest_commands of each plug.

And finally just make an automation with a trigger "when home assistant is started" and action and script whatever you called the script you made for the RESTful triggers.

phrogg commented 1 year ago

I have the same issue.

I have made a workaround. I have made an automation that calls the HFeasy plugs reboot URL when HA starts. So HA starts, the plugs reboot, and everything is fine. Not the cleanest, but it works :)

You can call a URL with the Rest command:

So i configuration.yaml:

rest_command: !include rest_commands.yaml

Make a file called rest_commands.yaml and put the following in it:

#restarts HFeasy plugs by calling their URLs
  url: ''
  url: ''
  url: ''

You of course replace the url's with the url's for you specific plugs

Then i go into automations and make one script with the RESTful command to call the rest_commands of each plug.

And finally just make an automation with a trigger "when home assistant is started" and action and script whatever you called the script you made for the RESTful triggers.

Nice idea, unluckily unsuited for me as a reboot power cycles the plug.

PeteDenmark commented 1 year ago

Yeah - that sucks.

Guess calling the HFeasy plugs on and off URLs with get commands is the only option left

on: http://\<deviceip>/state?sw=1 off: http://\<deviceip>/state?sw=0

sshaikh commented 3 months ago

Is there any guidance on how to set this up with HA? I've used the following YAML:

# Switch
  - switch:
      unique_id: car_charger_smart_socket
      name: "Car Charger Smart Socket"
      state_topic: "homeassistant/switch/hfeasy_360D92LWT"
      command_topic: "homeassistant/switch/hfeasy_360D92LWT"
      payload_on: "ON"
      payload_off: "OFF"

But no luck.

Actually at rest I see the topic flicking from Online to Offline before the socket completely crashes - is the MQTT client in v.1.1 actually functional?

sshaikh commented 3 months ago

Also, I can't tell where to publish the autodiscovery to? I feel that there are a whole bunch of mqtt settings I am missing.

sshaikh commented 2 months ago

FYI I moved away from MQTT and went with the HTTP API instead:
