ljean / modbus-tk

Create Modbus app easily with Python
566 stars 212 forks source link

FYI: MicroPython port now available #107

Closed seanlano closed 5 years ago

seanlano commented 5 years ago

This isn't an issue per sé, but I just wanted to drop a link to a MicroPython port I have made, forked from modbus-tk. So far it only supports RTU Master mode (i.e. no TCP and no slave mode), as this was all I needed in my MicroPython application - the other modes probably wouldn't be too hard to port.

It is available at https://gitlab.com/extel-open-source/micropython-modbus , of course under the same LGPL license. Unfortunately because I used GitLab for the hosting my fork doesn't show up under the GitHub "Forks" page - I wanted to let the previous developers know though and figured an issue would be the easiest way.


ljean commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the info. I've put a link to your project in the README.