ljean / modbus-tk

Create Modbus app easily with Python
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Make a new release and release it on PyPI #175

Closed jabaerchen closed 1 year ago

jabaerchen commented 1 year ago

I quite often use this library in my python projects. Thanks for Contributing this lib 😄!

The last release to PyPI is from 2020 and since then there were some changes I could really use in my projects.

Is it possible for you to create a new version and deploy it to PyPI?

BR Jan

ljean commented 1 year ago

Hello, Thanks for using modbus-tk.

Yes I will. :-) Sorry for this.

There is one issue that may be need attention for this next release : https://github.com/ljean/modbus-tk/issues/174

Do you have an opinion about which versions of pyserial to be used?

Best luc

jabaerchen commented 1 year ago

Hi Iuc,

sorry for the long delay :|

I am not sure what is the purpose of #174.

I never had problems with pyserial. So if nothing requires it I would keep the version like it is.

The lib itself did not change since two years and is still with version 3.5.

I check the changelog of pyserial. I looks good to me. There should be no API breaking changes.

If you have an idea/plan how to improve the versions I am happy to help here.

BR Jan

ljean commented 1 year ago

OK. I will keep pyserial as it is.

Thank you for your feedback.

I have one issue in progress #172, that I tried to fix with https://github.com/ljean/modbus-tk/tree/bug_172

I will make a new version once this is fixed. Best

ljean commented 1 year ago

1.1.3 has been released