ljmerza / frigate_plate_recognizer

Identify license plates via Plate Recognizer and add them as sublabels to Frigate
106 stars 13 forks source link

Random 404 #16

Closed kyle4269 closed 6 months ago

kyle4269 commented 7 months ago

After running in debug mode for a bit, I was able to receive error 404. Looks to be from event 1701194717.030211-sszk97 Looking through the data, the image is first grabbed at 2023-11-28 13:05:17,557 and has_snapshot is False at that point. It's not until 2023-11-28 13:05:18,828 that has_snapshot becomes True. Assuming it's at that point it get entered into the database?

2023-11-28 13:05:17,239 - __main__ - DEBUG - mqtt message: {'before': {'id': '1701194717.030211-sszk97', 'camera': 'LPR', 'frame_time': 1701194717.030211, 'snapshot': None, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.0, 'false_positive': True, 'start_time': 1701194717.030211, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.8828125, 'box': [307, 230, 1759, 1079], 'area': 1232748, 'ratio': 1.7102473498233215, 'region': [152, 0, 1908, 1756], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 0, 'position_changes': 0, 'current_zones': [], 'entered_zones': [], 'has_clip': False, 'has_snapshot': False, 'attributes': {}, 'current_attributes': []}, 'after': {'id': '1701194717.030211-sszk97', 'camera': 'LPR', 'frame_time': 1701194717.149288, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194717.149288, 'box': [297, 210, 1729, 1079], 'area': 1244408, 'region': [164, 0, 1920, 1756], 'score': 0.86328125, 'attributes': []}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.873046875, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194717.030211, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.86328125, 'box': [297, 210, 1729, 1079], 'area': 1244408, 'ratio': 1.6478711162255466, 'region': [164, 0, 1920, 1756], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 1, 'position_changes': 0, 'current_zones': [], 'entered_zones': [], 'has_clip': False, 'has_snapshot': False, 'attributes': {}, 'current_attributes': []}, 'type': 'new'}
2023-11-28 13:05:17,239 - __main__ - DEBUG - Skipping event: 1701194717.030211-sszk97 because it does not match the configured zones/cameras
2023-11-28 13:05:17,437 - __main__ - DEBUG - mqtt message: {'before': {'id': '1701194713.415429-z156kv', 'camera': 'Ptz', 'frame_time': 1701194717.012984, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194714.017199, 'box': [413, 103, 691, 288], 'area': 51430, 'region': [384, 63, 704, 383], 'score': 0.98046875, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.72265625, 'box': [620, 238, 640, 254]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.98046875, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194713.415429, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.85546875, 'box': [288, 35, 360, 102], 'area': 4824, 'ratio': 1.0746268656716418, 'region': [160, 0, 480, 320], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 1, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': ['drway'], 'entered_zones': ['drway'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.79296875}, 'current_attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.72265625, 'box': [329, 81, 338, 89]}]}, 'after': {'id': '1701194713.415429-z156kv', 'camera': 'Ptz', 'frame_time': 1701194717.167076, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194714.017199, 'box': [413, 103, 691, 288], 'area': 51430, 'region': [384, 63, 704, 383], 'score': 0.98046875, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.72265625, 'box': [620, 238, 640, 254]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.98046875, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194713.415429, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.6953125, 'box': [287, 32, 355, 97], 'area': 4420, 'ratio': 1.0461538461538462, 'region': [156, 0, 476, 320], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 2, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': ['drway'], 'entered_zones': ['drway'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.79296875}, 'current_attributes': []}, 'type': 'update'}
2023-11-28 13:05:17,437 - __main__ - DEBUG - Skipping event: 1701194713.415429-z156kv because it does not match the configured zones/cameras
2023-11-28 13:05:17,557 - __main__ - DEBUG - mqtt message: {'before': {'id': '1701194717.030211-sszk97', 'camera': 'LPR', 'frame_time': 1701194717.149288, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194717.149288, 'box': [297, 210, 1729, 1079], 'area': 1244408, 'region': [164, 0, 1920, 1756], 'score': 0.86328125, 'attributes': []}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.873046875, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194717.030211, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.86328125, 'box': [297, 210, 1729, 1079], 'area': 1244408, 'ratio': 1.6478711162255466, 'region': [164, 0, 1920, 1756], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 1, 'position_changes': 0, 'current_zones': [], 'entered_zones': [], 'has_clip': False, 'has_snapshot': False, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.6953125}, 'current_attributes': []}, 'after': {'id': '1701194717.030211-sszk97', 'camera': 'LPR', 'frame_time': 1701194717.433336, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194717.433336, 'box': [324, 142, 1646, 1079], 'area': 1238714, 'region': [187, 0, 1807, 1620], 'score': 0.9453125, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.6953125, 'box': [884, 1005, 1095, 1079]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.89453125, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194717.030211, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.9453125, 'box': [324, 142, 1646, 1079], 'area': 1238714, 'ratio': 1.4108858057630735, 'region': [187, 0, 1807, 1620], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 4, 'position_changes': 0, 'current_zones': ['Lp'], 'entered_zones': ['Lp'], 'has_clip': False, 'has_snapshot': False, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.6953125}, 'current_attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.6953125, 'box': [884, 1005, 1095, 1079]}]}, 'type': 'update'}
2023-11-28 13:05:17,562 - __main__ - DEBUG - Getting image for event: 1701194717.030211-sszk97
2023-11-28 13:05:17,562 - __main__ - DEBUG - event URL: http://***************:5000/api/events/1701194717.030211-sszk97/snapshot.jpg
2023-11-28 13:05:17,940 - __main__ - DEBUG - response: {'success': True, 'predictions': [], 'message': 'No plates found', 'processMs': 282, 'inferenceMs': 277, 'code': 200, 'command': 'alpr', 'moduleId': 'ALPR', 'executionProvider': 'CPU', 'canUseGPU': False, 'analysisRoundTripMs': 303}
2023-11-28 13:05:17,940 - __main__ - DEBUG - No plates found
2023-11-28 13:05:17,941 - __main__ - INFO - No plate number found for event 1701194717.030211-sszk97
2023-11-28 13:05:17,941 - __main__ - DEBUG - mqtt message: {'before': {'id': '1701194713.415429-z156kv', 'camera': 'Ptz', 'frame_time': 1701194717.167076, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194714.017199, 'box': [413, 103, 691, 288], 'area': 51430, 'region': [384, 63, 704, 383], 'score': 0.98046875, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.72265625, 'box': [620, 238, 640, 254]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.98046875, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194713.415429, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.6953125, 'box': [287, 32, 355, 97], 'area': 4420, 'ratio': 1.0461538461538462, 'region': [156, 0, 476, 320], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 2, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': ['drway'], 'entered_zones': ['drway'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.79296875}, 'current_attributes': []}, 'after': {'id': '1701194713.415429-z156kv', 'camera': 'Ptz', 'frame_time': 1701194717.429084, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194714.017199, 'box': [413, 103, 691, 288], 'area': 51430, 'region': [384, 63, 704, 383], 'score': 0.98046875, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.72265625, 'box': [620, 238, 640, 254]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.98046875, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194713.415429, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.765625, 'box': [287, 30, 351, 93], 'area': 4032, 'ratio': 1.0158730158730158, 'region': [154, 0, 474, 320], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 3, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': ['drway'], 'entered_zones': ['drway'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.79296875}, 'current_attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.62890625, 'box': [320, 73, 329, 81]}]}, 'type': 'update'}
2023-11-28 13:05:17,942 - __main__ - DEBUG - Skipping event: 1701194713.415429-z156kv because it does not match the configured zones/cameras
2023-11-28 13:05:17,942 - __main__ - DEBUG - mqtt message: {'before': {'id': '1701194717.030211-sszk97', 'camera': 'LPR', 'frame_time': 1701194717.433336, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194717.433336, 'box': [324, 142, 1646, 1079], 'area': 1238714, 'region': [187, 0, 1807, 1620], 'score': 0.9453125, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.6953125, 'box': [884, 1005, 1095, 1079]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.89453125, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194717.030211, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.9453125, 'box': [324, 142, 1646, 1079], 'area': 1238714, 'ratio': 1.4108858057630735, 'region': [187, 0, 1807, 1620], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 4, 'position_changes': 0, 'current_zones': ['Lp'], 'entered_zones': ['Lp'], 'has_clip': False, 'has_snapshot': False, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.6953125}, 'current_attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.6953125, 'box': [884, 1005, 1095, 1079]}]}, 'after': {'id': '1701194717.030211-sszk97', 'camera': 'LPR', 'frame_time': 1701194717.548435, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194717.548435, 'box': [316, 128, 1644, 1076], 'area': 1258944, 'region': [197, 0, 1773, 1576], 'score': 0.94921875, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.62890625, 'box': [903, 948, 1076, 1049]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.91796875, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194717.030211, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.94921875, 'box': [316, 128, 1644, 1076], 'area': 1258944, 'ratio': 1.40084388185654, 'region': [197, 0, 1773, 1576], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 5, 'position_changes': 0, 'current_zones': ['Lp'], 'entered_zones': ['Lp'], 'has_clip': False, 'has_snapshot': False, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.6953125}, 'current_attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.62890625, 'box': [903, 948, 1076, 1049]}]}, 'type': 'update'}
2023-11-28 13:05:17,943 - __main__ - DEBUG - Getting image for event: 1701194717.030211-sszk97
2023-11-28 13:05:17,943 - __main__ - DEBUG - event URL: http://***************:5000/api/events/1701194717.030211-sszk97/snapshot.jpg
2023-11-28 13:05:18,319 - __main__ - DEBUG - response: {'success': True, 'predictions': [{'confidence': 0.9993944764137268, 'label': 'Plate: 4269', 'plate': '4269', 'x_min': 606, 'y_min': 906, 'x_max': 835, 'y_max': 1034}], 'message': 'Found Plate: 4269', 'processMs': 294, 'inferenceMs': 278, 'code': 200, 'command': 'alpr', 'moduleId': 'ALPR', 'executionProvider': 'CPU', 'canUseGPU': False, 'analysisRoundTripMs': 314}
2023-11-28 13:05:18,319 - __main__ - INFO - Storing plate number in database: 4269 with score: 0.9993944764137268
2023-11-28 13:05:18,340 - __main__ - DEBUG - sublabel: 4269
2023-11-28 13:05:18,340 - __main__ - DEBUG - sublabel url: http://***************:5000/api/events/1701194717.030211-sszk97/sub_label
2023-11-28 13:05:18,347 - __main__ - ERROR - Failed to set sublabel. Status code: 404
2023-11-28 13:05:18,348 - __main__ - DEBUG - Sending MQTT message: {'plate_number': '4269', 'score': 0.9993944764137268, 'frigate_event': '1701194717.030211-sszk97', 'camera_name': 'LPR', 'start_time': '2023-11-28 13:05:17'}
2023-11-28 13:05:18,349 - __main__ - DEBUG - mqtt message: {'before': {'id': '1701194717.030211-sszk97', 'camera': 'LPR', 'frame_time': 1701194717.548435, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194717.548435, 'box': [316, 128, 1644, 1076], 'area': 1258944, 'region': [197, 0, 1773, 1576], 'score': 0.94921875, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.62890625, 'box': [903, 948, 1076, 1049]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.91796875, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194717.030211, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.94921875, 'box': [316, 128, 1644, 1076], 'area': 1258944, 'ratio': 1.40084388185654, 'region': [197, 0, 1773, 1576], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 5, 'position_changes': 0, 'current_zones': ['Lp'], 'entered_zones': ['Lp'], 'has_clip': False, 'has_snapshot': False, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.6953125}, 'current_attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.62890625, 'box': [903, 948, 1076, 1049]}]}, 'after': {'id': '1701194717.030211-sszk97', 'camera': 'LPR', 'frame_time': 1701194717.630335, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194717.630335, 'box': [335, 114, 1646, 1075], 'area': 1259871, 'region': [198, 0, 1754, 1556], 'score': 0.94921875, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.6953125, 'box': [890, 920, 1082, 1023]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.94140625, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194717.030211, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.94921875, 'box': [335, 114, 1646, 1075], 'area': 1259871, 'ratio': 1.36420395421436, 'region': [198, 0, 1754, 1556], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 6, 'position_changes': 0, 'current_zones': ['Lp'], 'entered_zones': ['Lp'], 'has_clip': False, 'has_snapshot': False, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.6953125}, 'current_attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.6953125, 'box': [890, 920, 1082, 1023]}]}, 'type': 'update'}
2023-11-28 13:05:18,350 - __main__ - DEBUG - Skipping event: 1701194717.030211-sszk97 because it has already been processed
2023-11-28 13:05:18,350 - __main__ - DEBUG - mqtt message: {'before': {'id': '1701194713.415429-z156kv', 'camera': 'Ptz', 'frame_time': 1701194717.429084, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194714.017199, 'box': [413, 103, 691, 288], 'area': 51430, 'region': [384, 63, 704, 383], 'score': 0.98046875, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.72265625, 'box': [620, 238, 640, 254]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.98046875, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194713.415429, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.765625, 'box': [287, 30, 351, 93], 'area': 4032, 'ratio': 1.0158730158730158, 'region': [154, 0, 474, 320], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 3, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': ['drway'], 'entered_zones': ['drway'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.79296875}, 'current_attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.62890625, 'box': [320, 73, 329, 81]}]}, 'after': {'id': '1701194713.415429-z156kv', 'camera': 'Ptz', 'frame_time': 1701194717.61568, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194714.017199, 'box': [413, 103, 691, 288], 'area': 51430, 'region': [384, 63, 704, 383], 'score': 0.98046875, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.72265625, 'box': [620, 238, 640, 254]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.98046875, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194713.415429, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.82421875, 'box': [288, 28, 347, 88], 'area': 3540, 'ratio': 0.9833333333333333, 'region': [152, 0, 472, 320], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 0, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': ['drway'], 'entered_zones': ['drway'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.79296875}, 'current_attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.64453125, 'box': [317, 67, 326, 76]}]}, 'type': 'update'}
2023-11-28 13:05:18,351 - __main__ - DEBUG - Skipping event: 1701194713.415429-z156kv because it does not match the configured zones/cameras
2023-11-28 13:05:18,351 - __main__ - DEBUG - mqtt message: {'before': {'id': '1701194717.030211-sszk97', 'camera': 'LPR', 'frame_time': 1701194717.630335, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194717.630335, 'box': [335, 114, 1646, 1075], 'area': 1259871, 'region': [198, 0, 1754, 1556], 'score': 0.94921875, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.6953125, 'box': [890, 920, 1082, 1023]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.94140625, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194717.030211, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.94921875, 'box': [335, 114, 1646, 1075], 'area': 1259871, 'ratio': 1.36420395421436, 'region': [198, 0, 1754, 1556], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 6, 'position_changes': 0, 'current_zones': ['Lp'], 'entered_zones': ['Lp'], 'has_clip': False, 'has_snapshot': False, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.73828125}, 'current_attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.6953125, 'box': [890, 920, 1082, 1023]}]}, 'after': {'id': '1701194717.030211-sszk97', 'camera': 'LPR', 'frame_time': 1701194717.74654, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194717.630335, 'box': [335, 114, 1646, 1075], 'area': 1259871, 'region': [198, 0, 1754, 1556], 'score': 0.94921875, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.6953125, 'box': [890, 920, 1082, 1023]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.94140625, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194717.030211, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.921875, 'box': [359, 78, 1676, 1079], 'area': 1318317, 'ratio': 1.3156843156843157, 'region': [207, 0, 1747, 1540], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 7, 'position_changes': 0, 'current_zones': ['Lp'], 'entered_zones': ['Lp'], 'has_clip': False, 'has_snapshot': False, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.73828125}, 'current_attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.73828125, 'box': [901, 882, 1086, 982]}]}, 'type': 'update'}
2023-11-28 13:05:18,352 - __main__ - DEBUG - Skipping event: 1701194717.030211-sszk97 because it has already been processed
2023-11-28 13:05:18,352 - __main__ - DEBUG - mqtt message: {'before': {'id': '1701194711.508065-1e6hrh', 'camera': 'Driveway', 'frame_time': 1701194715.667911, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194712.517772, 'box': [366, 122, 639, 464], 'area': 93366, 'region': [0, 0, 764, 764], 'score': 0.94921875, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.6953125, 'box': [582, 366, 606, 389]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.96875, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194711.508065, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.79296875, 'box': [232, 32, 301, 96], 'area': 4416, 'ratio': 1.078125, 'region': [0, 0, 816, 816], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 0, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': ['nongarage'], 'entered_zones': ['nongarage'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.79296875}, 'current_attributes': []}, 'after': {'id': '1701194711.508065-1e6hrh', 'camera': 'Driveway', 'frame_time': 1701194717.688397, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194712.517772, 'box': [366, 122, 639, 464], 'area': 93366, 'region': [0, 0, 764, 764], 'score': 0.94921875, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.6953125, 'box': [582, 366, 606, 389]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.96875, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194711.508065, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.765625, 'box': [237, 25, 268, 62], 'area': 1147, 'ratio': 0.8378378378378378, 'region': [91, 0, 411, 320], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 1, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': [], 'entered_zones': ['nongarage'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.79296875}, 'current_attributes': []}, 'type': 'update'}
2023-11-28 13:05:18,352 - __main__ - DEBUG - Skipping event: 1701194711.508065-1e6hrh because it does not match the configured zones/cameras
2023-11-28 13:05:18,353 - __main__ - DEBUG - mqtt message: {'before': {'id': '1701194717.030211-sszk97', 'camera': 'LPR', 'frame_time': 1701194717.74654, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194717.630335, 'box': [335, 114, 1646, 1075], 'area': 1259871, 'region': [198, 0, 1754, 1556], 'score': 0.94921875, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.6953125, 'box': [890, 920, 1082, 1023]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.94140625, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194717.030211, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.921875, 'box': [359, 78, 1676, 1079], 'area': 1318317, 'ratio': 1.3156843156843157, 'region': [207, 0, 1747, 1540], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 7, 'position_changes': 0, 'current_zones': ['Lp'], 'entered_zones': ['Lp'], 'has_clip': False, 'has_snapshot': False, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.73828125}, 'current_attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.73828125, 'box': [901, 882, 1086, 982]}]}, 'after': {'id': '1701194717.030211-sszk97', 'camera': 'LPR', 'frame_time': 1701194717.831537, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194717.630335, 'box': [335, 114, 1646, 1075], 'area': 1259871, 'region': [198, 0, 1754, 1556], 'score': 0.94921875, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.6953125, 'box': [890, 920, 1082, 1023]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.94140625, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194717.030211, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.91015625, 'box': [360, 57, 1683, 1047], 'area': 1309770, 'ratio': 1.3363636363636364, 'region': [222, 0, 1758, 1536], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 8, 'position_changes': 0, 'current_zones': ['Lp'], 'entered_zones': ['Lp'], 'has_clip': False, 'has_snapshot': False, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.73828125}, 'current_attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.72265625, 'box': [912, 850, 1087, 948]}]}, 'type': 'update'}
2023-11-28 13:05:18,353 - __main__ - DEBUG - Skipping event: 1701194717.030211-sszk97 because it has already been processed
2023-11-28 13:05:18,353 - __main__ - DEBUG - mqtt message: {'before': {'id': '1701194713.415429-z156kv', 'camera': 'Ptz', 'frame_time': 1701194717.61568, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194714.017199, 'box': [413, 103, 691, 288], 'area': 51430, 'region': [384, 63, 704, 383], 'score': 0.98046875, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.72265625, 'box': [620, 238, 640, 254]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.98046875, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194713.415429, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.82421875, 'box': [288, 28, 347, 88], 'area': 3540, 'ratio': 0.9833333333333333, 'region': [152, 0, 472, 320], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 0, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': ['drway'], 'entered_zones': ['drway'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.79296875}, 'current_attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.64453125, 'box': [317, 67, 326, 76]}]}, 'after': {'id': '1701194713.415429-z156kv', 'camera': 'Ptz', 'frame_time': 1701194717.814609, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194714.017199, 'box': [413, 103, 691, 288], 'area': 51430, 'region': [384, 63, 704, 383], 'score': 0.98046875, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.72265625, 'box': [620, 238, 640, 254]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.98046875, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194713.415429, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.70703125, 'box': [289, 28, 346, 85], 'area': 3249, 'ratio': 1.0, 'region': [152, 0, 472, 320], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 1, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': ['drway'], 'entered_zones': ['drway'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.79296875}, 'current_attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.609375, 'box': [314, 64, 324, 72]}]}, 'type': 'update'}
2023-11-28 13:05:18,354 - __main__ - DEBUG - Skipping event: 1701194713.415429-z156kv because it does not match the configured zones/cameras
2023-11-28 13:05:18,354 - __main__ - DEBUG - mqtt message: {'before': {'id': '1701194717.030211-sszk97', 'camera': 'LPR', 'frame_time': 1701194717.831537, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194717.630335, 'box': [335, 114, 1646, 1075], 'area': 1259871, 'region': [198, 0, 1754, 1556], 'score': 0.94921875, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.6953125, 'box': [890, 920, 1082, 1023]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.94140625, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194717.030211, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.91015625, 'box': [360, 57, 1683, 1047], 'area': 1309770, 'ratio': 1.3363636363636364, 'region': [222, 0, 1758, 1536], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 8, 'position_changes': 0, 'current_zones': ['Lp'], 'entered_zones': ['Lp'], 'has_clip': False, 'has_snapshot': False, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.8046875}, 'current_attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.72265625, 'box': [912, 850, 1087, 948]}]}, 'after': {'id': '1701194717.030211-sszk97', 'camera': 'LPR', 'frame_time': 1701194717.962057, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194717.962057, 'box': [385, 22, 1691, 1063], 'area': 1359546, 'region': [0, 0, 2980, 2980], 'score': 0.94140625, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.8046875, 'box': [902, 790, 1117, 921]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.94140625, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194717.030211, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.94140625, 'box': [385, 22, 1691, 1063], 'area': 1359546, 'ratio': 1.254562920268972, 'region': [0, 0, 2980, 2980], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 9, 'position_changes': 0, 'current_zones': ['Lp'], 'entered_zones': ['Lp'], 'has_clip': False, 'has_snapshot': False, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.8046875}, 'current_attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.8046875, 'box': [902, 790, 1117, 921]}]}, 'type': 'update'}
2023-11-28 13:05:18,355 - __main__ - DEBUG - Skipping event: 1701194717.030211-sszk97 because it has already been processed
2023-11-28 13:05:18,355 - __main__ - DEBUG - mqtt message: {'before': {'id': '1701194717.030211-sszk97', 'camera': 'LPR', 'frame_time': 1701194717.962057, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194717.962057, 'box': [385, 22, 1691, 1063], 'area': 1359546, 'region': [0, 0, 2980, 2980], 'score': 0.94140625, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.8046875, 'box': [902, 790, 1117, 921]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.94140625, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194717.030211, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.94140625, 'box': [385, 22, 1691, 1063], 'area': 1359546, 'ratio': 1.254562920268972, 'region': [0, 0, 2980, 2980], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 9, 'position_changes': 0, 'current_zones': ['Lp'], 'entered_zones': ['Lp'], 'has_clip': False, 'has_snapshot': False, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.8046875}, 'current_attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.8046875, 'box': [902, 790, 1117, 921]}]}, 'after': {'id': '1701194717.030211-sszk97', 'camera': 'LPR', 'frame_time': 1701194718.020411, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194717.962057, 'box': [385, 22, 1691, 1063], 'area': 1359546, 'region': [0, 0, 2980, 2980], 'score': 0.94140625, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.8046875, 'box': [902, 790, 1117, 921]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.94140625, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194717.030211, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.9296875, 'box': [415, 0, 1702, 1067], 'area': 1373229, 'ratio': 1.2061855670103092, 'region': [0, 0, 2896, 2896], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 10, 'position_changes': 0, 'current_zones': ['Lp'], 'entered_zones': ['Lp'], 'has_clip': False, 'has_snapshot': False, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.8046875}, 'current_attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.72265625, 'box': [929, 764, 1129, 896]}]}, 'type': 'update'}
2023-11-28 13:05:18,355 - __main__ - DEBUG - Skipping event: 1701194717.030211-sszk97 because it has already been processed
2023-11-28 13:05:18,356 - __main__ - DEBUG - mqtt message: {'before': {'id': '1701194713.415429-z156kv', 'camera': 'Ptz', 'frame_time': 1701194717.814609, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194714.017199, 'box': [413, 103, 691, 288], 'area': 51430, 'region': [384, 63, 704, 383], 'score': 0.98046875, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.72265625, 'box': [620, 238, 640, 254]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.98046875, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194713.415429, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.70703125, 'box': [289, 28, 346, 85], 'area': 3249, 'ratio': 1.0, 'region': [152, 0, 472, 320], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 1, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': ['drway'], 'entered_zones': ['drway'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.79296875}, 'current_attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.609375, 'box': [314, 64, 324, 72]}]}, 'after': {'id': '1701194713.415429-z156kv', 'camera': 'Ptz', 'frame_time': 1701194717.814609, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194714.017199, 'box': [413, 103, 691, 288], 'area': 51430, 'region': [384, 63, 704, 383], 'score': 0.98046875, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.72265625, 'box': [620, 238, 640, 254]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.98046875, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194713.415429, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.70703125, 'box': [289, 28, 346, 85], 'area': 3249, 'ratio': 1.0, 'region': [152, 0, 472, 320], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 1, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': ['drway'], 'entered_zones': ['drway'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.79296875}, 'current_attributes': []}, 'type': 'update'}
2023-11-28 13:05:18,356 - __main__ - DEBUG - Skipping event: 1701194713.415429-z156kv because it does not match the configured zones/cameras
2023-11-28 13:05:18,356 - __main__ - DEBUG - mqtt message: {'before': {'id': '1701194717.030211-sszk97', 'camera': 'LPR', 'frame_time': 1701194718.020411, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194717.962057, 'box': [385, 22, 1691, 1063], 'area': 1359546, 'region': [0, 0, 2980, 2980], 'score': 0.94140625, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.8046875, 'box': [902, 790, 1117, 921]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.94140625, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194717.030211, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.9296875, 'box': [415, 0, 1702, 1067], 'area': 1373229, 'ratio': 1.2061855670103092, 'region': [0, 0, 2896, 2896], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 10, 'position_changes': 0, 'current_zones': ['Lp'], 'entered_zones': ['Lp'], 'has_clip': False, 'has_snapshot': False, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.81640625}, 'current_attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.72265625, 'box': [929, 764, 1129, 896]}]}, 'after': {'id': '1701194717.030211-sszk97', 'camera': 'LPR', 'frame_time': 1701194718.164565, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194717.962057, 'box': [385, 22, 1691, 1063], 'area': 1359546, 'region': [0, 0, 2980, 2980], 'score': 0.94140625, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.8046875, 'box': [902, 790, 1117, 921]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.94140625, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194717.030211, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.90234375, 'box': [445, 0, 1734, 1001], 'area': 1290289, 'ratio': 1.2877122877122877, 'region': [272, 0, 1808, 1536], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 11, 'position_changes': 0, 'current_zones': ['Lp'], 'entered_zones': ['Lp'], 'has_clip': False, 'has_snapshot': False, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.81640625}, 'current_attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.81640625, 'box': [937, 713, 1135, 855]}]}, 'type': 'update'}
2023-11-28 13:05:18,357 - __main__ - DEBUG - Skipping event: 1701194717.030211-sszk97 because it has already been processed
2023-11-28 13:05:18,378 - __main__ - DEBUG - mqtt message: {'before': {'id': '1701194717.030211-sszk97', 'camera': 'LPR', 'frame_time': 1701194718.164565, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194717.962057, 'box': [385, 22, 1691, 1063], 'area': 1359546, 'region': [0, 0, 2980, 2980], 'score': 0.94140625, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.8046875, 'box': [902, 790, 1117, 921]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.94140625, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194717.030211, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.90234375, 'box': [445, 0, 1734, 1001], 'area': 1290289, 'ratio': 1.2877122877122877, 'region': [272, 0, 1808, 1536], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 11, 'position_changes': 0, 'current_zones': ['Lp'], 'entered_zones': ['Lp'], 'has_clip': False, 'has_snapshot': False, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.81640625}, 'current_attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.81640625, 'box': [937, 713, 1135, 855]}]}, 'after': {'id': '1701194717.030211-sszk97', 'camera': 'LPR', 'frame_time': 1701194718.219901, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194717.962057, 'box': [385, 22, 1691, 1063], 'area': 1359546, 'region': [0, 0, 2980, 2980], 'score': 0.94140625, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.8046875, 'box': [902, 790, 1117, 921]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.94140625, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194717.030211, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.90234375, 'box': [471, 8, 1726, 1012], 'area': 1260020, 'ratio': 1.25, 'region': [299, 0, 1835, 1536], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 12, 'position_changes': 0, 'current_zones': ['Lp'], 'entered_zones': ['Lp'], 'has_clip': False, 'has_snapshot': False, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.81640625}, 'current_attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.79296875, 'box': [949, 699, 1154, 833]}]}, 'type': 'update'}
2023-11-28 13:05:18,379 - __main__ - DEBUG - Skipping event: 1701194717.030211-sszk97 because it has already been processed
2023-11-28 13:05:18,438 - __main__ - DEBUG - mqtt message: {'before': {'id': '1701194717.030211-sszk97', 'camera': 'LPR', 'frame_time': 1701194718.219901, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194717.962057, 'box': [385, 22, 1691, 1063], 'area': 1359546, 'region': [0, 0, 2980, 2980], 'score': 0.94140625, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.8046875, 'box': [902, 790, 1117, 921]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.94140625, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194717.030211, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.90234375, 'box': [471, 8, 1726, 1012], 'area': 1260020, 'ratio': 1.25, 'region': [299, 0, 1835, 1536], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 12, 'position_changes': 0, 'current_zones': ['Lp'], 'entered_zones': ['Lp'], 'has_clip': False, 'has_snapshot': False, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.81640625}, 'current_attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.79296875, 'box': [949, 699, 1154, 833]}]}, 'after': {'id': '1701194717.030211-sszk97', 'camera': 'LPR', 'frame_time': 1701194718.359838, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194717.962057, 'box': [385, 22, 1691, 1063], 'area': 1359546, 'region': [0, 0, 2980, 2980], 'score': 0.94140625, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.8046875, 'box': [902, 790, 1117, 921]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.94140625, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194717.030211, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.890625, 'box': [518, 1, 1773, 1005], 'area': 1260020, 'ratio': 1.25, 'region': [330, 0, 1846, 1516], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 13, 'position_changes': 0, 'current_zones': ['Lp'], 'entered_zones': ['Lp'], 'has_clip': False, 'has_snapshot': False, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.81640625}, 'current_attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.79296875, 'box': [986, 663, 1166, 795]}]}, 'type': 'update'}
2023-11-28 13:05:18,439 - __main__ - DEBUG - Skipping event: 1701194717.030211-sszk97 because it has already been processed
2023-11-28 13:05:18,513 - __main__ - DEBUG - mqtt message: {'before': {'id': '1701194711.468837-sdts89', 'camera': 'Frontyard', 'frame_time': 1701194713.308414, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194713.308414, 'box': [404, 9, 546, 73], 'area': 9088, 'region': [320, 0, 640, 320], 'score': 0.953125, 'attributes': []}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.85546875, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194711.468837, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.953125, 'box': [404, 9, 546, 73], 'area': 9088, 'ratio': 2.21875, 'region': [320, 0, 640, 320], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 2, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': [], 'entered_zones': [], 'has_clip': False, 'has_snapshot': False, 'attributes': {}, 'current_attributes': []}, 'after': {'id': '1701194711.468837-sdts89', 'camera': 'Frontyard', 'frame_time': 1701194718.348653, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194714.797906, 'box': [247, 6, 386, 74], 'area': 9452, 'region': [212, 0, 532, 320], 'score': 0.96484375, 'attributes': []}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.955078125, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194711.468837, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.84765625, 'box': [5, 65, 51, 107], 'area': 1932, 'ratio': 1.0952380952380953, 'region': [0, 0, 320, 320], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 0, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': [], 'entered_zones': [], 'has_clip': False, 'has_snapshot': False, 'attributes': {}, 'current_attributes': []}, 'type': 'update'}
2023-11-28 13:05:18,513 - __main__ - DEBUG - Skipping event: 1701194711.468837-sdts89 because it does not match the configured zones/cameras
2023-11-28 13:05:18,577 - __main__ - DEBUG - mqtt message: {'before': {'id': '1701194717.030211-sszk97', 'camera': 'LPR', 'frame_time': 1701194718.359838, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194717.962057, 'box': [385, 22, 1691, 1063], 'area': 1359546, 'region': [0, 0, 2980, 2980], 'score': 0.94140625, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.8046875, 'box': [902, 790, 1117, 921]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.94140625, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194717.030211, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.890625, 'box': [518, 1, 1773, 1005], 'area': 1260020, 'ratio': 1.25, 'region': [330, 0, 1846, 1516], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 13, 'position_changes': 0, 'current_zones': ['Lp'], 'entered_zones': ['Lp'], 'has_clip': False, 'has_snapshot': False, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.81640625}, 'current_attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.79296875, 'box': [986, 663, 1166, 795]}]}, 'after': {'id': '1701194717.030211-sszk97', 'camera': 'LPR', 'frame_time': 1701194718.420063, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194717.962057, 'box': [385, 22, 1691, 1063], 'area': 1359546, 'region': [0, 0, 2980, 2980], 'score': 0.94140625, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.8046875, 'box': [902, 790, 1117, 921]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.94140625, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194717.030211, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.90234375, 'box': [539, 1, 1801, 997], 'area': 1256952, 'ratio': 1.2670682730923695, 'region': [370, 0, 1874, 1504], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 14, 'position_changes': 0, 'current_zones': ['Lp'], 'entered_zones': ['Lp'], 'has_clip': False, 'has_snapshot': False, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.81640625}, 'current_attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.77734375, 'box': [1003, 642, 1174, 770]}]}, 'type': 'update'}
2023-11-28 13:05:18,578 - __main__ - DEBUG - Skipping event: 1701194717.030211-sszk97 because it has already been processed
2023-11-28 13:05:18,632 - __main__ - DEBUG - mqtt message: {'before': {'id': '1701194717.030211-sszk97', 'camera': 'LPR', 'frame_time': 1701194718.420063, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194717.962057, 'box': [385, 22, 1691, 1063], 'area': 1359546, 'region': [0, 0, 2980, 2980], 'score': 0.94140625, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.8046875, 'box': [902, 790, 1117, 921]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.94140625, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194717.030211, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.90234375, 'box': [539, 1, 1801, 997], 'area': 1256952, 'ratio': 1.2670682730923695, 'region': [370, 0, 1874, 1504], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 14, 'position_changes': 0, 'current_zones': ['Lp'], 'entered_zones': ['Lp'], 'has_clip': False, 'has_snapshot': False, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.81640625}, 'current_attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.77734375, 'box': [1003, 642, 1174, 770]}]}, 'after': {'id': '1701194717.030211-sszk97', 'camera': 'LPR', 'frame_time': 1701194718.560541, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194717.962057, 'box': [385, 22, 1691, 1063], 'area': 1359546, 'region': [0, 0, 2980, 2980], 'score': 0.94140625, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.8046875, 'box': [902, 790, 1117, 921]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.94140625, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194717.030211, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.9140625, 'box': [591, 3, 1826, 952], 'area': 1172015, 'ratio': 1.3013698630136987, 'region': [405, 0, 1905, 1500], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 15, 'position_changes': 0, 'current_zones': ['Lp'], 'entered_zones': ['Lp'], 'has_clip': False, 'has_snapshot': False, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.81640625}, 'current_attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.77734375, 'box': [1048, 614, 1206, 701]}]}, 'type': 'update'}
2023-11-28 13:05:18,634 - __main__ - DEBUG - Skipping event: 1701194717.030211-sszk97 because it has already been processed
2023-11-28 13:05:18,769 - __main__ - DEBUG - mqtt message: {'before': {'id': '1701194717.030211-sszk97', 'camera': 'LPR', 'frame_time': 1701194718.560541, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194717.962057, 'box': [385, 22, 1691, 1063], 'area': 1359546, 'region': [0, 0, 2980, 2980], 'score': 0.94140625, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.8046875, 'box': [902, 790, 1117, 921]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.94140625, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194717.030211, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.9140625, 'box': [591, 3, 1826, 952], 'area': 1172015, 'ratio': 1.3013698630136987, 'region': [405, 0, 1905, 1500], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 15, 'position_changes': 0, 'current_zones': ['Lp'], 'entered_zones': ['Lp'], 'has_clip': False, 'has_snapshot': False, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.81640625}, 'current_attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.77734375, 'box': [1048, 614, 1206, 701]}]}, 'after': {'id': '1701194717.030211-sszk97', 'camera': 'LPR', 'frame_time': 1701194718.624146, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194717.962057, 'box': [385, 22, 1691, 1063], 'area': 1359546, 'region': [0, 0, 2980, 2980], 'score': 0.94140625, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.8046875, 'box': [902, 790, 1117, 921]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.94140625, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194717.030211, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.93359375, 'box': [628, 0, 1853, 928], 'area': 1136800, 'ratio': 1.3200431034482758, 'region': [432, 0, 1920, 1488], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 0, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': ['Lp'], 'entered_zones': ['Lp'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.81640625}, 'current_attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.6953125, 'box': [1077, 595, 1221, 686]}]}, 'type': 'update'}
2023-11-28 13:05:18,770 - __main__ - DEBUG - Skipping event: 1701194717.030211-sszk97 because it has already been processed
2023-11-28 13:05:18,828 - __main__ - DEBUG - mqtt message: {'before': {'id': '1701194717.030211-sszk97', 'camera': 'LPR', 'frame_time': 1701194718.624146, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194717.962057, 'box': [385, 22, 1691, 1063], 'area': 1359546, 'region': [0, 0, 2980, 2980], 'score': 0.94140625, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.8046875, 'box': [902, 790, 1117, 921]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.94140625, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194717.030211, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.93359375, 'box': [628, 0, 1853, 928], 'area': 1136800, 'ratio': 1.3200431034482758, 'region': [432, 0, 1920, 1488], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 0, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': ['Lp'], 'entered_zones': ['Lp'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.81640625}, 'current_attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.6953125, 'box': [1077, 595, 1221, 686]}]}, 'after': {'id': '1701194717.030211-sszk97', 'camera': 'LPR', 'frame_time': 1701194718.761116, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194717.962057, 'box': [385, 22, 1691, 1063], 'area': 1359546, 'region': [0, 0, 2980, 2980], 'score': 0.94140625, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.8046875, 'box': [902, 790, 1117, 921]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.94140625, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194717.030211, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.9453125, 'box': [669, 3, 1897, 875], 'area': 1070816, 'ratio': 1.408256880733945, 'region': [448, 0, 1920, 1472], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 1, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': ['Lp'], 'entered_zones': ['Lp'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.81640625}, 'current_attributes': []}, 'type': 'update'}
2023-11-28 13:05:18,830 - __main__ - DEBUG - no license_plate attribute found in event attributes
2023-11-28 13:05:18,975 - __main__ - DEBUG - mqtt message: {'before': {'id': '1701194717.030211-sszk97', 'camera': 'LPR', 'frame_time': 1701194718.761116, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194717.962057, 'box': [385, 22, 1691, 1063], 'area': 1359546, 'region': [0, 0, 2980, 2980], 'score': 0.94140625, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.8046875, 'box': [902, 790, 1117, 921]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.94140625, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194717.030211, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.9453125, 'box': [669, 3, 1897, 875], 'area': 1070816, 'ratio': 1.408256880733945, 'region': [448, 0, 1920, 1472], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 1, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': ['Lp'], 'entered_zones': ['Lp'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.81640625}, 'current_attributes': []}, 'after': {'id': '1701194717.030211-sszk97', 'camera': 'LPR', 'frame_time': 1701194718.8193, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194717.962057, 'box': [385, 22, 1691, 1063], 'area': 1359546, 'region': [0, 0, 2980, 2980], 'score': 0.94140625, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.8046875, 'box': [902, 790, 1117, 921]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.94140625, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194717.030211, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.9453125, 'box': [663, 0, 1911, 851], 'area': 1062048, 'ratio': 1.4665099882491186, 'region': [456, 0, 1920, 1464], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 2, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': ['Lp'], 'entered_zones': ['Lp'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.81640625}, 'current_attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.72265625, 'box': [1141, 549, 1276, 630]}]}, 'type': 'update'}
2023-11-28 13:05:18,976 - __main__ - DEBUG - Skipping event: 1701194717.030211-sszk97 because it has already been processed
2023-11-28 13:05:19,039 - __main__ - DEBUG - mqtt message: {'before': {'id': '1701194717.030211-sszk97', 'camera': 'LPR', 'frame_time': 1701194718.8193, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194717.962057, 'box': [385, 22, 1691, 1063], 'area': 1359546, 'region': [0, 0, 2980, 2980], 'score': 0.94140625, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.8046875, 'box': [902, 790, 1117, 921]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.94140625, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194717.030211, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.9453125, 'box': [663, 0, 1911, 851], 'area': 1062048, 'ratio': 1.4665099882491186, 'region': [456, 0, 1920, 1464], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 2, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': ['Lp'], 'entered_zones': ['Lp'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.81640625}, 'current_attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.72265625, 'box': [1141, 549, 1276, 630]}]}, 'after': {'id': '1701194717.030211-sszk97', 'camera': 'LPR', 'frame_time': 1701194718.966906, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194717.962057, 'box': [385, 22, 1691, 1063], 'area': 1359546, 'region': [0, 0, 2980, 2980], 'score': 0.94140625, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.8046875, 'box': [902, 790, 1117, 921]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.94140625, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194717.030211, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.9453125, 'box': [757, 4, 1918, 829], 'area': 957825, 'ratio': 1.4072727272727272, 'region': [444, 0, 1920, 1476], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 3, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': ['Lp'], 'entered_zones': ['Lp'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.81640625}, 'current_attributes': []}, 'type': 'update'}
2023-11-28 13:05:19,039 - __main__ - DEBUG - no license_plate attribute found in event attributes
2023-11-28 13:05:19,239 - __main__ - DEBUG - mqtt message: {'before': {'id': '1701194717.030211-sszk97', 'camera': 'LPR', 'frame_time': 1701194718.966906, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194717.962057, 'box': [385, 22, 1691, 1063], 'area': 1359546, 'region': [0, 0, 2980, 2980], 'score': 0.94140625, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.8046875, 'box': [902, 790, 1117, 921]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.94140625, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194717.030211, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.9453125, 'box': [757, 4, 1918, 829], 'area': 957825, 'ratio': 1.4072727272727272, 'region': [444, 0, 1920, 1476], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 3, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': ['Lp'], 'entered_zones': ['Lp'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.81640625}, 'current_attributes': []}, 'after': {'id': '1701194717.030211-sszk97', 'camera': 'LPR', 'frame_time': 1701194719.171515, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194717.962057, 'box': [385, 22, 1691, 1063], 'area': 1359546, 'region': [0, 0, 2980, 2980], 'score': 0.94140625, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.8046875, 'box': [902, 790, 1117, 921]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.94140625, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194717.030211, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.9453125, 'box': [856, 0, 1910, 736], 'area': 775744, 'ratio': 1.4320652173913044, 'region': [552, 0, 1920, 1368], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 5, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': ['Lp'], 'entered_zones': ['Lp'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.81640625}, 'current_attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.72265625, 'box': [1258, 470, 1380, 553]}]}, 'type': 'update'}
2023-11-28 13:05:19,239 - __main__ - DEBUG - Skipping event: 1701194717.030211-sszk97 because it has already been processed
2023-11-28 13:05:19,360 - __main__ - DEBUG - mqtt message: {'before': {'id': '1701194717.030211-sszk97', 'camera': 'LPR', 'frame_time': 1701194719.171515, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194717.962057, 'box': [385, 22, 1691, 1063], 'area': 1359546, 'region': [0, 0, 2980, 2980], 'score': 0.94140625, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.8046875, 'box': [902, 790, 1117, 921]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.94140625, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194717.030211, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.9453125, 'box': [856, 0, 1910, 736], 'area': 775744, 'ratio': 1.4320652173913044, 'region': [552, 0, 1920, 1368], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 5, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': ['Lp'], 'entered_zones': ['Lp'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.81640625}, 'current_attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.72265625, 'box': [1258, 470, 1380, 553]}]}, 'after': {'id': '1701194717.030211-sszk97', 'camera': 'LPR', 'frame_time': 1701194719.230266, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194717.962057, 'box': [385, 22, 1691, 1063], 'area': 1359546, 'region': [0, 0, 2980, 2980], 'score': 0.94140625, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.8046875, 'box': [902, 790, 1117, 921]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.9453125, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194717.030211, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.9453125, 'box': [873, 0, 1909, 735], 'area': 761460, 'ratio': 1.4095238095238096, 'region': [620, 0, 1920, 1300], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 6, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': ['Lp'], 'entered_zones': ['Lp'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.81640625}, 'current_attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.6953125, 'box': [1284, 455, 1411, 533]}]}, 'type': 'update'}
2023-11-28 13:05:19,360 - __main__ - DEBUG - Skipping event: 1701194717.030211-sszk97 because it has already been processed
2023-11-28 13:05:19,442 - __main__ - DEBUG - mqtt message: {'before': {'id': '1701194717.030211-sszk97', 'camera': 'LPR', 'frame_time': 1701194719.230266, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194717.962057, 'box': [385, 22, 1691, 1063], 'area': 1359546, 'region': [0, 0, 2980, 2980], 'score': 0.94140625, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.8046875, 'box': [902, 790, 1117, 921]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.9453125, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194717.030211, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.9453125, 'box': [873, 0, 1909, 735], 'area': 761460, 'ratio': 1.4095238095238096, 'region': [620, 0, 1920, 1300], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 6, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': ['Lp'], 'entered_zones': ['Lp'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.81640625}, 'current_attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.6953125, 'box': [1284, 455, 1411, 533]}]}, 'after': {'id': '1701194717.030211-sszk97', 'camera': 'LPR', 'frame_time': 1701194719.35065, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194717.962057, 'box': [385, 22, 1691, 1063], 'area': 1359546, 'region': [0, 0, 2980, 2980], 'score': 0.94140625, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.8046875, 'box': [902, 790, 1117, 921]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.9453125, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194717.030211, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.9453125, 'box': [937, 0, 1919, 695], 'area': 682490, 'ratio': 1.4129496402877697, 'region': [672, 0, 1920, 1248], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 7, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': ['Lp'], 'entered_zones': ['Lp'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.81640625}, 'current_attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.64453125, 'box': [1331, 426, 1467, 502]}]}, 'type': 'update'}
2023-11-28 13:05:19,442 - __main__ - DEBUG - Skipping event: 1701194717.030211-sszk97 because it has already been processed
2023-11-28 13:05:19,559 - __main__ - DEBUG - mqtt message: {'before': {'id': '1701194717.030211-sszk97', 'camera': 'LPR', 'frame_time': 1701194719.35065, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194717.962057, 'box': [385, 22, 1691, 1063], 'area': 1359546, 'region': [0, 0, 2980, 2980], 'score': 0.94140625, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.8046875, 'box': [902, 790, 1117, 921]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.9453125, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194717.030211, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.9453125, 'box': [937, 0, 1919, 695], 'area': 682490, 'ratio': 1.4129496402877697, 'region': [672, 0, 1920, 1248], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 7, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': ['Lp'], 'entered_zones': ['Lp'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.81640625}, 'current_attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.64453125, 'box': [1331, 426, 1467, 502]}]}, 'after': {'id': '1701194717.030211-sszk97', 'camera': 'LPR', 'frame_time': 1701194719.433152, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194717.962057, 'box': [385, 22, 1691, 1063], 'area': 1359546, 'region': [0, 0, 2980, 2980], 'score': 0.94140625, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.8046875, 'box': [902, 790, 1117, 921]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.9453125, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194717.030211, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.94140625, 'box': [970, 4, 1917, 676], 'area': 636384, 'ratio': 1.4092261904761905, 'region': [732, 0, 1920, 1188], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 0, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': ['Lp'], 'entered_zones': ['Lp'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.81640625}, 'current_attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.72265625, 'box': [1355, 410, 1489, 484]}]}, 'type': 'update'}
2023-11-28 13:05:19,560 - __main__ - DEBUG - Skipping event: 1701194717.030211-sszk97 because it has already been processed
2023-11-28 13:05:19,632 - __main__ - DEBUG - mqtt message: {'before': {'id': '1701194717.030211-sszk97', 'camera': 'LPR', 'frame_time': 1701194719.433152, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194717.962057, 'box': [385, 22, 1691, 1063], 'area': 1359546, 'region': [0, 0, 2980, 2980], 'score': 0.94140625, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.8046875, 'box': [902, 790, 1117, 921]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.9453125, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194717.030211, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.94140625, 'box': [970, 4, 1917, 676], 'area': 636384, 'ratio': 1.4092261904761905, 'region': [732, 0, 1920, 1188], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 0, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': ['Lp'], 'entered_zones': ['Lp'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.81640625}, 'current_attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.72265625, 'box': [1355, 410, 1489, 484]}]}, 'after': {'id': '1701194717.030211-sszk97', 'camera': 'LPR', 'frame_time': 1701194719.550571, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194717.962057, 'box': [385, 22, 1691, 1063], 'area': 1359546, 'region': [0, 0, 2980, 2980], 'score': 0.94140625, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.8046875, 'box': [902, 790, 1117, 921]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.9453125, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194717.030211, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.9296875, 'box': [1044, 0, 1914, 651], 'area': 566370, 'ratio': 1.336405529953917, 'region': [784, 0, 1920, 1136], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 1, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': ['Lp'], 'entered_zones': ['Lp'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.81640625}, 'current_attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.70703125, 'box': [1414, 383, 1545, 452]}]}, 'type': 'update'}
2023-11-28 13:05:19,633 - __main__ - DEBUG - Skipping event: 1701194717.030211-sszk97 because it has already been processed
2023-11-28 13:05:19,758 - __main__ - DEBUG - mqtt message: {'before': {'id': '1701194717.030211-sszk97', 'camera': 'LPR', 'frame_time': 1701194719.550571, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194717.962057, 'box': [385, 22, 1691, 1063], 'area': 1359546, 'region': [0, 0, 2980, 2980], 'score': 0.94140625, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.8046875, 'box': [902, 790, 1117, 921]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.9453125, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194717.030211, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.9296875, 'box': [1044, 0, 1914, 651], 'area': 566370, 'ratio': 1.336405529953917, 'region': [784, 0, 1920, 1136], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 1, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': ['Lp'], 'entered_zones': ['Lp'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.81640625}, 'current_attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.70703125, 'box': [1414, 383, 1545, 452]}]}, 'after': {'id': '1701194717.030211-sszk97', 'camera': 'LPR', 'frame_time': 1701194719.623312, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194717.962057, 'box': [385, 22, 1691, 1063], 'area': 1359546, 'region': [0, 0, 2980, 2980], 'score': 0.94140625, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.8046875, 'box': [902, 790, 1117, 921]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.9453125, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194717.030211, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.89453125, 'box': [1066, 0, 1918, 629], 'area': 535908, 'ratio': 1.354531001589825, 'region': [852, 0, 1920, 1068], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 2, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': ['Lp'], 'entered_zones': ['Lp'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.81640625}, 'current_attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.72265625, 'box': [1442, 368, 1565, 438]}]}, 'type': 'update'}
2023-11-28 13:05:19,759 - __main__ - DEBUG - Skipping event: 1701194717.030211-sszk97 because it has already been processed
2023-11-28 13:05:19,837 - __main__ - DEBUG - mqtt message: {'before': {'id': '1701194717.030211-sszk97', 'camera': 'LPR', 'frame_time': 1701194719.623312, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194717.962057, 'box': [385, 22, 1691, 1063], 'area': 1359546, 'region': [0, 0, 2980, 2980], 'score': 0.94140625, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.8046875, 'box': [902, 790, 1117, 921]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.9453125, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194717.030211, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.89453125, 'box': [1066, 0, 1918, 629], 'area': 535908, 'ratio': 1.354531001589825, 'region': [852, 0, 1920, 1068], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 2, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': ['Lp'], 'entered_zones': ['Lp'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.81640625}, 'current_attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.72265625, 'box': [1442, 368, 1565, 438]}]}, 'after': {'id': '1701194717.030211-sszk97', 'camera': 'LPR', 'frame_time': 1701194719.749246, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194717.962057, 'box': [385, 22, 1691, 1063], 'area': 1359546, 'region': [0, 0, 2980, 2980], 'score': 0.94140625, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.8046875, 'box': [902, 790, 1117, 921]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.9453125, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194717.030211, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.90234375, 'box': [1126, 0, 1919, 591], 'area': 468663, 'ratio': 1.3417935702199661, 'region': [904, 0, 1920, 1016], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 3, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': ['Lp'], 'entered_zones': ['Lp'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.81640625}, 'current_attributes': []}, 'type': 'update'}
2023-11-28 13:05:19,837 - __main__ - DEBUG - no license_plate attribute found in event attributes
2023-11-28 13:05:20,020 - __main__ - DEBUG - mqtt message: {'before': {'id': '1701194717.030211-sszk97', 'camera': 'LPR', 'frame_time': 1701194719.749246, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194717.962057, 'box': [385, 22, 1691, 1063], 'area': 1359546, 'region': [0, 0, 2980, 2980], 'score': 0.94140625, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.8046875, 'box': [902, 790, 1117, 921]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.9453125, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194717.030211, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.90234375, 'box': [1126, 0, 1919, 591], 'area': 468663, 'ratio': 1.3417935702199661, 'region': [904, 0, 1920, 1016], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 3, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': ['Lp'], 'entered_zones': ['Lp'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.81640625}, 'current_attributes': []}, 'after': {'id': '1701194717.030211-sszk97', 'camera': 'LPR', 'frame_time': 1701194719.959115, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194717.962057, 'box': [385, 22, 1691, 1063], 'area': 1359546, 'region': [0, 0, 2980, 2980], 'score': 0.94140625, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.8046875, 'box': [902, 790, 1117, 921]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.9453125, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194717.030211, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.82421875, 'box': [1214, 0, 1919, 582], 'area': 410310, 'ratio': 1.211340206185567, 'region': [1016, 0, 1920, 904], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 5, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': ['Lp'], 'entered_zones': ['Lp'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.81640625}, 'current_attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.77734375, 'box': [1571, 307, 1684, 369]}]}, 'type': 'update'}
2023-11-28 13:05:20,021 - __main__ - DEBUG - Skipping event: 1701194717.030211-sszk97 because it has already been processed
2023-11-28 13:05:20,160 - __main__ - DEBUG - mqtt message: {'before': {'id': '1701194717.030211-sszk97', 'camera': 'LPR', 'frame_time': 1701194719.959115, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194717.962057, 'box': [385, 22, 1691, 1063], 'area': 1359546, 'region': [0, 0, 2980, 2980], 'score': 0.94140625, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.8046875, 'box': [902, 790, 1117, 921]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.9453125, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194717.030211, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.82421875, 'box': [1214, 0, 1919, 582], 'area': 410310, 'ratio': 1.211340206185567, 'region': [1016, 0, 1920, 904], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 5, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': ['Lp'], 'entered_zones': ['Lp'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.81640625}, 'current_attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.77734375, 'box': [1571, 307, 1684, 369]}]}, 'after': {'id': '1701194717.030211-sszk97', 'camera': 'LPR', 'frame_time': 1701194720.01254, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194717.962057, 'box': [385, 22, 1691, 1063], 'area': 1359546, 'region': [0, 0, 2980, 2980], 'score': 0.94140625, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.8046875, 'box': [902, 790, 1117, 921]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.9453125, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194717.030211, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.765625, 'box': [1233, 0, 1913, 577], 'area': 392360, 'ratio': 1.1785095320623917, 'region': [1072, 0, 1920, 848], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 6, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': ['Lp'], 'entered_zones': ['Lp'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.81640625}, 'current_attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.8046875, 'box': [1595, 297, 1706, 355]}]}, 'type': 'update'}
2023-11-28 13:05:20,161 - __main__ - DEBUG - Skipping event: 1701194717.030211-sszk97 because it has already been processed
2023-11-28 13:05:20,231 - __main__ - DEBUG - mqtt message: {'before': {'id': '1701194717.030211-sszk97', 'camera': 'LPR', 'frame_time': 1701194720.01254, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194717.962057, 'box': [385, 22, 1691, 1063], 'area': 1359546, 'region': [0, 0, 2980, 2980], 'score': 0.94140625, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.8046875, 'box': [902, 790, 1117, 921]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.9453125, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194717.030211, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.765625, 'box': [1233, 0, 1913, 577], 'area': 392360, 'ratio': 1.1785095320623917, 'region': [1072, 0, 1920, 848], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 6, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': ['Lp'], 'entered_zones': ['Lp'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.81640625}, 'current_attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.8046875, 'box': [1595, 297, 1706, 355]}]}, 'after': {'id': '1701194717.030211-sszk97', 'camera': 'LPR', 'frame_time': 1701194720.151856, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194717.962057, 'box': [385, 22, 1691, 1063], 'area': 1359546, 'region': [0, 0, 2980, 2980], 'score': 0.94140625, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.8046875, 'box': [902, 790, 1117, 921]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.9453125, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194717.030211, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.765625, 'box': [1295, 0, 1918, 548], 'area': 341404, 'ratio': 1.1368613138686132, 'region': [1120, 0, 1920, 800], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 0, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': ['Lp'], 'entered_zones': ['Lp'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.81640625}, 'current_attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.8046875, 'box': [1636, 275, 1745, 333]}]}, 'type': 'update'}
2023-11-28 13:05:20,231 - __main__ - DEBUG - Skipping event: 1701194717.030211-sszk97 because it has already been processed
2023-11-28 13:05:20,306 - __main__ - DEBUG - mqtt message: {'before': {'id': '1701194711.508065-1e6hrh', 'camera': 'Driveway', 'frame_time': 1701194717.688397, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194712.517772, 'box': [366, 122, 639, 464], 'area': 93366, 'region': [0, 0, 764, 764], 'score': 0.94921875, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.6953125, 'box': [582, 366, 606, 389]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.96875, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194711.508065, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.765625, 'box': [237, 25, 268, 62], 'area': 1147, 'ratio': 0.8378378378378378, 'region': [91, 0, 411, 320], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 1, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': [], 'entered_zones': ['nongarage'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.79296875}, 'current_attributes': []}, 'after': {'id': '1701194711.508065-1e6hrh', 'camera': 'Driveway', 'frame_time': 1701194720.118034, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194712.517772, 'box': [366, 122, 639, 464], 'area': 93366, 'region': [0, 0, 764, 764], 'score': 0.94921875, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.6953125, 'box': [582, 366, 606, 389]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.96875, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194711.508065, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.6953125, 'box': [254, 12, 284, 39], 'area': 810, 'ratio': 1.1111111111111112, 'region': [106, 0, 426, 320], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 2, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': [], 'entered_zones': ['nongarage'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.79296875}, 'current_attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.62890625, 'box': [262, 21, 268, 25]}]}, 'type': 'update'}
2023-11-28 13:05:20,306 - __main__ - DEBUG - Skipping event: 1701194711.508065-1e6hrh because it does not match the configured zones/cameras
2023-11-28 13:05:20,369 - __main__ - DEBUG - mqtt message: {'before': {'id': '1701194717.030211-sszk97', 'camera': 'LPR', 'frame_time': 1701194720.151856, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194717.962057, 'box': [385, 22, 1691, 1063], 'area': 1359546, 'region': [0, 0, 2980, 2980], 'score': 0.94140625, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.8046875, 'box': [902, 790, 1117, 921]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.9453125, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194717.030211, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.765625, 'box': [1295, 0, 1918, 548], 'area': 341404, 'ratio': 1.1368613138686132, 'region': [1120, 0, 1920, 800], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 0, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': ['Lp'], 'entered_zones': ['Lp'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.81640625}, 'current_attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.8046875, 'box': [1636, 275, 1745, 333]}]}, 'after': {'id': '1701194717.030211-sszk97', 'camera': 'LPR', 'frame_time': 1701194720.222788, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194717.962057, 'box': [385, 22, 1691, 1063], 'area': 1359546, 'region': [0, 0, 2980, 2980], 'score': 0.94140625, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.8046875, 'box': [902, 790, 1117, 921]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.9453125, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194717.030211, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.70703125, 'box': [1304, 0, 1912, 518], 'area': 314944, 'ratio': 1.1737451737451738, 'region': [1172, 0, 1920, 748], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 1, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': ['Lp'], 'entered_zones': ['Lp'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.81640625}, 'current_attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.765625, 'box': [1653, 261, 1767, 320]}]}, 'type': 'update'}
2023-11-28 13:05:20,370 - __main__ - DEBUG - Skipping event: 1701194717.030211-sszk97 because it has already been processed
2023-11-28 13:05:20,434 - __main__ - DEBUG - mqtt message: {'before': {'id': '1701194717.030211-sszk97', 'camera': 'LPR', 'frame_time': 1701194720.222788, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194717.962057, 'box': [385, 22, 1691, 1063], 'area': 1359546, 'region': [0, 0, 2980, 2980], 'score': 0.94140625, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.8046875, 'box': [902, 790, 1117, 921]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.9453125, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194717.030211, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.70703125, 'box': [1304, 0, 1912, 518], 'area': 314944, 'ratio': 1.1737451737451738, 'region': [1172, 0, 1920, 748], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 1, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': ['Lp'], 'entered_zones': ['Lp'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.81640625}, 'current_attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.765625, 'box': [1653, 261, 1767, 320]}]}, 'after': {'id': '1701194717.030211-sszk97', 'camera': 'LPR', 'frame_time': 1701194720.360981, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194717.962057, 'box': [385, 22, 1691, 1063], 'area': 1359546, 'region': [0, 0, 2980, 2980], 'score': 0.94140625, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.8046875, 'box': [902, 790, 1117, 921]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.9453125, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194717.030211, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.765625, 'box': [1351, 1, 1918, 504], 'area': 285201, 'ratio': 1.1272365805168987, 'region': [1212, 0, 1920, 708], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 2, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': ['Lp'], 'entered_zones': ['Lp'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.81640625}, 'current_attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.77734375, 'box': [1698, 233, 1806, 295]}]}, 'type': 'update'}
2023-11-28 13:05:20,435 - __main__ - DEBUG - Skipping event: 1701194717.030211-sszk97 because it has already been processed
2023-11-28 13:05:20,515 - __main__ - DEBUG - mqtt message: {'before': {'id': '1701194711.508065-1e6hrh', 'camera': 'Driveway', 'frame_time': 1701194720.118034, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194712.517772, 'box': [366, 122, 639, 464], 'area': 93366, 'region': [0, 0, 764, 764], 'score': 0.94921875, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.6953125, 'box': [582, 366, 606, 389]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.96875, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194711.508065, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.6953125, 'box': [254, 12, 284, 39], 'area': 810, 'ratio': 1.1111111111111112, 'region': [106, 0, 426, 320], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 2, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': [], 'entered_zones': ['nongarage'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.79296875}, 'current_attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.62890625, 'box': [262, 21, 268, 25]}]}, 'after': {'id': '1701194711.508065-1e6hrh', 'camera': 'Driveway', 'frame_time': 1701194720.118034, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194712.517772, 'box': [366, 122, 639, 464], 'area': 93366, 'region': [0, 0, 764, 764], 'score': 0.94921875, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.6953125, 'box': [582, 366, 606, 389]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.96875, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194711.508065, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.6953125, 'box': [254, 12, 284, 39], 'area': 810, 'ratio': 1.1111111111111112, 'region': [106, 0, 426, 320], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 2, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': [], 'entered_zones': ['nongarage'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.79296875}, 'current_attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.609375, 'box': [263, 21, 270, 26]}]}, 'type': 'update'}
2023-11-28 13:05:20,515 - __main__ - DEBUG - Skipping event: 1701194711.508065-1e6hrh because it does not match the configured zones/cameras
2023-11-28 13:05:20,570 - __main__ - DEBUG - mqtt message: {'before': {'id': '1701194717.030211-sszk97', 'camera': 'LPR', 'frame_time': 1701194720.360981, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194717.962057, 'box': [385, 22, 1691, 1063], 'area': 1359546, 'region': [0, 0, 2980, 2980], 'score': 0.94140625, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.8046875, 'box': [902, 790, 1117, 921]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.9453125, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194717.030211, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.765625, 'box': [1351, 1, 1918, 504], 'area': 285201, 'ratio': 1.1272365805168987, 'region': [1212, 0, 1920, 708], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 2, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': ['Lp'], 'entered_zones': ['Lp'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.81640625}, 'current_attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.77734375, 'box': [1698, 233, 1806, 295]}]}, 'after': {'id': '1701194717.030211-sszk97', 'camera': 'LPR', 'frame_time': 1701194720.425612, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194717.962057, 'box': [385, 22, 1691, 1063], 'area': 1359546, 'region': [0, 0, 2980, 2980], 'score': 0.94140625, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.8046875, 'box': [902, 790, 1117, 921]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.9453125, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194717.030211, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.73828125, 'box': [1362, 1, 1919, 488], 'area': 271259, 'ratio': 1.1437371663244353, 'region': [1252, 0, 1920, 668], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 3, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': ['Lp'], 'entered_zones': ['Lp'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.81640625}, 'current_attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.8046875, 'box': [1716, 225, 1827, 285]}]}, 'type': 'update'}
2023-11-28 13:05:20,571 - __main__ - DEBUG - Skipping event: 1701194717.030211-sszk97 because it has already been processed
2023-11-28 13:05:20,628 - __main__ - DEBUG - mqtt message: {'before': {'id': '1701194717.030211-sszk97', 'camera': 'LPR', 'frame_time': 1701194720.425612, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194717.962057, 'box': [385, 22, 1691, 1063], 'area': 1359546, 'region': [0, 0, 2980, 2980], 'score': 0.94140625, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.8046875, 'box': [902, 790, 1117, 921]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.9453125, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194717.030211, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.73828125, 'box': [1362, 1, 1919, 488], 'area': 271259, 'ratio': 1.1437371663244353, 'region': [1252, 0, 1920, 668], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 3, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': ['Lp'], 'entered_zones': ['Lp'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.81640625}, 'current_attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.8046875, 'box': [1716, 225, 1827, 285]}]}, 'after': {'id': '1701194717.030211-sszk97', 'camera': 'LPR', 'frame_time': 1701194720.561109, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194717.962057, 'box': [385, 22, 1691, 1063], 'area': 1359546, 'region': [0, 0, 2980, 2980], 'score': 0.94140625, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.8046875, 'box': [902, 790, 1117, 921]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.9453125, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194717.030211, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.72265625, 'box': [1401, 1, 1919, 467], 'area': 241388, 'ratio': 1.111587982832618, 'region': [1280, 0, 1920, 640], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 4, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': ['Lp'], 'entered_zones': ['Lp'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.81640625}, 'current_attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.75390625, 'box': [1759, 211, 1857, 267]}]}, 'type': 'update'}
2023-11-28 13:05:20,629 - __main__ - DEBUG - Skipping event: 1701194717.030211-sszk97 because it has already been processed
2023-11-28 13:05:20,727 - __main__ - DEBUG - mqtt message: {'before': {'id': '1701194711.508065-1e6hrh', 'camera': 'Driveway', 'frame_time': 1701194720.118034, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194712.517772, 'box': [366, 122, 639, 464], 'area': 93366, 'region': [0, 0, 764, 764], 'score': 0.94921875, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.6953125, 'box': [582, 366, 606, 389]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.96875, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194711.508065, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.6953125, 'box': [254, 12, 284, 39], 'area': 810, 'ratio': 1.1111111111111112, 'region': [106, 0, 426, 320], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 2, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': [], 'entered_zones': ['nongarage'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.79296875}, 'current_attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.609375, 'box': [263, 21, 270, 26]}]}, 'after': {'id': '1701194711.508065-1e6hrh', 'camera': 'Driveway', 'frame_time': 1701194720.118034, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194712.517772, 'box': [366, 122, 639, 464], 'area': 93366, 'region': [0, 0, 764, 764], 'score': 0.94921875, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.6953125, 'box': [582, 366, 606, 389]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.96875, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194711.508065, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.6953125, 'box': [254, 12, 284, 39], 'area': 810, 'ratio': 1.1111111111111112, 'region': [106, 0, 426, 320], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 2, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': [], 'entered_zones': ['nongarage'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.79296875}, 'current_attributes': []}, 'type': 'update'}
2023-11-28 13:05:20,727 - __main__ - DEBUG - Skipping event: 1701194711.508065-1e6hrh because it does not match the configured zones/cameras
2023-11-28 13:05:20,770 - __main__ - DEBUG - mqtt message: {'before': {'id': '1701194717.030211-sszk97', 'camera': 'LPR', 'frame_time': 1701194720.561109, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194717.962057, 'box': [385, 22, 1691, 1063], 'area': 1359546, 'region': [0, 0, 2980, 2980], 'score': 0.94140625, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.8046875, 'box': [902, 790, 1117, 921]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.9453125, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194717.030211, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.72265625, 'box': [1401, 1, 1919, 467], 'area': 241388, 'ratio': 1.111587982832618, 'region': [1280, 0, 1920, 640], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 4, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': ['Lp'], 'entered_zones': ['Lp'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.81640625}, 'current_attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.75390625, 'box': [1759, 211, 1857, 267]}]}, 'after': {'id': '1701194717.030211-sszk97', 'camera': 'LPR', 'frame_time': 1701194720.620613, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194717.962057, 'box': [385, 22, 1691, 1063], 'area': 1359546, 'region': [0, 0, 2980, 2980], 'score': 0.94140625, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.8046875, 'box': [902, 790, 1117, 921]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.9453125, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194717.030211, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.62890625, 'box': [1408, 3, 1912, 451], 'area': 225792, 'ratio': 1.125, 'region': [1312, 0, 1920, 608], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 5, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': ['Lp'], 'entered_zones': ['Lp'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.81640625}, 'current_attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.75390625, 'box': [1772, 199, 1869, 255]}]}, 'type': 'update'}
2023-11-28 13:05:20,771 - __main__ - DEBUG - Skipping event: 1701194717.030211-sszk97 because it has already been processed
2023-11-28 13:05:20,831 - __main__ - DEBUG - mqtt message: {'before': {'id': '1701194717.030211-sszk97', 'camera': 'LPR', 'frame_time': 1701194720.620613, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194717.962057, 'box': [385, 22, 1691, 1063], 'area': 1359546, 'region': [0, 0, 2980, 2980], 'score': 0.94140625, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.8046875, 'box': [902, 790, 1117, 921]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.9453125, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194717.030211, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.62890625, 'box': [1408, 3, 1912, 451], 'area': 225792, 'ratio': 1.125, 'region': [1312, 0, 1920, 608], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 5, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': ['Lp'], 'entered_zones': ['Lp'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.81640625}, 'current_attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.75390625, 'box': [1772, 199, 1869, 255]}]}, 'after': {'id': '1701194717.030211-sszk97', 'camera': 'LPR', 'frame_time': 1701194720.761956, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194717.962057, 'box': [385, 22, 1691, 1063], 'area': 1359546, 'region': [0, 0, 2980, 2980], 'score': 0.94140625, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.8046875, 'box': [902, 790, 1117, 921]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.9453125, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194717.030211, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.58984375, 'box': [1457, 0, 1918, 409], 'area': 188549, 'ratio': 1.1271393643031784, 'region': [1336, 0, 1920, 584], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 0, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': ['Lp'], 'entered_zones': ['Lp'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.81640625}, 'current_attributes': []}, 'type': 'update'}
2023-11-28 13:05:20,832 - __main__ - DEBUG - no license_plate attribute found in event attributes
2023-11-28 13:05:21,415 - __main__ - DEBUG - mqtt message: {'before': {'id': '1701194713.415429-z156kv', 'camera': 'Ptz', 'frame_time': 1701194717.814609, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194714.017199, 'box': [413, 103, 691, 288], 'area': 51430, 'region': [384, 63, 704, 383], 'score': 0.98046875, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.72265625, 'box': [620, 238, 640, 254]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.98046875, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194713.415429, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.70703125, 'box': [289, 28, 346, 85], 'area': 3249, 'ratio': 1.0, 'region': [152, 0, 472, 320], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 1, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': ['drway'], 'entered_zones': ['drway'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.79296875}, 'current_attributes': []}, 'after': {'id': '1701194713.415429-z156kv', 'camera': 'Ptz', 'frame_time': 1701194721.164685, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194714.017199, 'box': [413, 103, 691, 288], 'area': 51430, 'region': [384, 63, 704, 383], 'score': 0.98046875, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.72265625, 'box': [620, 238, 640, 254]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.98046875, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194713.415429, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.765625, 'box': [309, 11, 343, 44], 'area': 1122, 'ratio': 1.0303030303030303, 'region': [167, 0, 487, 320], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 6, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': [], 'entered_zones': ['drway'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.79296875}, 'current_attributes': []}, 'type': 'update'}
2023-11-28 13:05:21,415 - __main__ - DEBUG - Skipping event: 1701194713.415429-z156kv because it does not match the configured zones/cameras
2023-11-28 13:05:23,045 - __main__ - DEBUG - mqtt message: {'before': {'id': '1701194713.415429-z156kv', 'camera': 'Ptz', 'frame_time': 1701194721.164685, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194714.017199, 'box': [413, 103, 691, 288], 'area': 51430, 'region': [384, 63, 704, 383], 'score': 0.98046875, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.72265625, 'box': [620, 238, 640, 254]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.98046875, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194713.415429, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.765625, 'box': [309, 11, 343, 44], 'area': 1122, 'ratio': 1.0303030303030303, 'region': [167, 0, 487, 320], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 6, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': [], 'entered_zones': ['drway'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.79296875}, 'current_attributes': []}, 'after': {'id': '1701194713.415429-z156kv', 'camera': 'Ptz', 'frame_time': 1701194722.605688, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194714.017199, 'box': [413, 103, 691, 288], 'area': 51430, 'region': [384, 63, 704, 383], 'score': 0.98046875, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.72265625, 'box': [620, 238, 640, 254]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.98046875, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194713.415429, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.72265625, 'box': [308, 6, 339, 35], 'area': 899, 'ratio': 1.0689655172413792, 'region': [162, 0, 482, 320], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 4, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': [], 'entered_zones': ['drway'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.79296875}, 'current_attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.62890625, 'box': [317, 20, 324, 25]}]}, 'type': 'update'}
2023-11-28 13:05:23,046 - __main__ - DEBUG - Skipping event: 1701194713.415429-z156kv because it does not match the configured zones/cameras
2023-11-28 13:05:23,173 - __main__ - DEBUG - mqtt message: {'before': {'id': '1701194713.415429-z156kv', 'camera': 'Ptz', 'frame_time': 1701194722.605688, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194714.017199, 'box': [413, 103, 691, 288], 'area': 51430, 'region': [384, 63, 704, 383], 'score': 0.98046875, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.72265625, 'box': [620, 238, 640, 254]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.98046875, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194713.415429, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.72265625, 'box': [308, 6, 339, 35], 'area': 899, 'ratio': 1.0689655172413792, 'region': [162, 0, 482, 320], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 4, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': [], 'entered_zones': ['drway'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.79296875}, 'current_attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.62890625, 'box': [317, 20, 324, 25]}]}, 'after': {'id': '1701194713.415429-z156kv', 'camera': 'Ptz', 'frame_time': 1701194723.036199, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194714.017199, 'box': [413, 103, 691, 288], 'area': 51430, 'region': [384, 63, 704, 383], 'score': 0.98046875, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.72265625, 'box': [620, 238, 640, 254]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.98046875, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194713.415429, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.70703125, 'box': [303, 6, 335, 33], 'area': 864, 'ratio': 1.1851851851851851, 'region': [162, 0, 482, 320], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 5, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': [], 'entered_zones': ['drway'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.79296875}, 'current_attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.609375, 'box': [317, 19, 323, 24]}]}, 'type': 'update'}
2023-11-28 13:05:23,173 - __main__ - DEBUG - Skipping event: 1701194713.415429-z156kv because it does not match the configured zones/cameras
2023-11-28 13:05:23,434 - __main__ - DEBUG - mqtt message: {'before': {'id': '1701194713.415429-z156kv', 'camera': 'Ptz', 'frame_time': 1701194723.036199, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194714.017199, 'box': [413, 103, 691, 288], 'area': 51430, 'region': [384, 63, 704, 383], 'score': 0.98046875, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.72265625, 'box': [620, 238, 640, 254]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.98046875, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194713.415429, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.70703125, 'box': [303, 6, 335, 33], 'area': 864, 'ratio': 1.1851851851851851, 'region': [162, 0, 482, 320], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 5, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': [], 'entered_zones': ['drway'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.79296875}, 'current_attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.609375, 'box': [317, 19, 323, 24]}]}, 'after': {'id': '1701194713.415429-z156kv', 'camera': 'Ptz', 'frame_time': 1701194723.165209, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194714.017199, 'box': [413, 103, 691, 288], 'area': 51430, 'region': [384, 63, 704, 383], 'score': 0.98046875, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.72265625, 'box': [620, 238, 640, 254]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.98046875, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194713.415429, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.67578125, 'box': [306, 6, 337, 32], 'area': 806, 'ratio': 1.1923076923076923, 'region': [160, 0, 480, 320], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 6, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': [], 'entered_zones': ['drway'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.79296875}, 'current_attributes': []}, 'type': 'update'}
2023-11-28 13:05:23,434 - __main__ - DEBUG - Skipping event: 1701194713.415429-z156kv because it does not match the configured zones/cameras
2023-11-28 13:05:23,624 - __main__ - DEBUG - mqtt message: {'before': {'id': '1701194713.415429-z156kv', 'camera': 'Ptz', 'frame_time': 1701194723.165209, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194714.017199, 'box': [413, 103, 691, 288], 'area': 51430, 'region': [384, 63, 704, 383], 'score': 0.98046875, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.72265625, 'box': [620, 238, 640, 254]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.98046875, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194713.415429, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.67578125, 'box': [306, 6, 337, 32], 'area': 806, 'ratio': 1.1923076923076923, 'region': [160, 0, 480, 320], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 6, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': [], 'entered_zones': ['drway'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.79296875}, 'current_attributes': []}, 'after': {'id': '1701194713.415429-z156kv', 'camera': 'Ptz', 'frame_time': 1701194723.165209, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194714.017199, 'box': [413, 103, 691, 288], 'area': 51430, 'region': [384, 63, 704, 383], 'score': 0.98046875, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.72265625, 'box': [620, 238, 640, 254]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.98046875, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194713.415429, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.67578125, 'box': [306, 6, 337, 32], 'area': 806, 'ratio': 1.1923076923076923, 'region': [160, 0, 480, 320], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 6, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': [], 'entered_zones': ['drway'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.79296875}, 'current_attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.62890625, 'box': [316, 18, 322, 23]}]}, 'type': 'update'}
2023-11-28 13:05:23,624 - __main__ - DEBUG - Skipping event: 1701194713.415429-z156kv because it does not match the configured zones/cameras
2023-11-28 13:05:23,825 - __main__ - DEBUG - mqtt message: {'before': {'id': '1701194713.415429-z156kv', 'camera': 'Ptz', 'frame_time': 1701194723.165209, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194714.017199, 'box': [413, 103, 691, 288], 'area': 51430, 'region': [384, 63, 704, 383], 'score': 0.98046875, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.72265625, 'box': [620, 238, 640, 254]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.98046875, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194713.415429, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.67578125, 'box': [306, 6, 337, 32], 'area': 806, 'ratio': 1.1923076923076923, 'region': [160, 0, 480, 320], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 6, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': [], 'entered_zones': ['drway'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.79296875}, 'current_attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.62890625, 'box': [316, 18, 322, 23]}]}, 'after': {'id': '1701194713.415429-z156kv', 'camera': 'Ptz', 'frame_time': 1701194723.617023, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194714.017199, 'box': [413, 103, 691, 288], 'area': 51430, 'region': [384, 63, 704, 383], 'score': 0.98046875, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.72265625, 'box': [620, 238, 640, 254]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.98046875, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194713.415429, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.66015625, 'box': [305, 5, 336, 31], 'area': 806, 'ratio': 1.1923076923076923, 'region': [159, 0, 479, 320], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 7, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': [], 'entered_zones': ['drway'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.79296875}, 'current_attributes': []}, 'type': 'update'}
2023-11-28 13:05:23,825 - __main__ - DEBUG - Skipping event: 1701194713.415429-z156kv because it does not match the configured zones/cameras
2023-11-28 13:05:24,024 - __main__ - DEBUG - mqtt message: {'before': {'id': '1701194713.415429-z156kv', 'camera': 'Ptz', 'frame_time': 1701194723.617023, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194714.017199, 'box': [413, 103, 691, 288], 'area': 51430, 'region': [384, 63, 704, 383], 'score': 0.98046875, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.72265625, 'box': [620, 238, 640, 254]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.98046875, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194713.415429, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.66015625, 'box': [305, 5, 336, 31], 'area': 806, 'ratio': 1.1923076923076923, 'region': [159, 0, 479, 320], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 7, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': [], 'entered_zones': ['drway'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.79296875}, 'current_attributes': []}, 'after': {'id': '1701194713.415429-z156kv', 'camera': 'Ptz', 'frame_time': 1701194723.617023, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194714.017199, 'box': [413, 103, 691, 288], 'area': 51430, 'region': [384, 63, 704, 383], 'score': 0.98046875, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.72265625, 'box': [620, 238, 640, 254]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.98046875, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194713.415429, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.66015625, 'box': [305, 5, 336, 31], 'area': 806, 'ratio': 1.1923076923076923, 'region': [159, 0, 479, 320], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 7, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': [], 'entered_zones': ['drway'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.79296875}, 'current_attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.609375, 'box': [314, 19, 320, 23]}]}, 'type': 'update'}
2023-11-28 13:05:24,024 - __main__ - DEBUG - Skipping event: 1701194713.415429-z156kv because it does not match the configured zones/cameras
2023-11-28 13:05:24,180 - __main__ - DEBUG - mqtt message: {'before': {'id': '1701194713.415429-z156kv', 'camera': 'Ptz', 'frame_time': 1701194723.617023, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194714.017199, 'box': [413, 103, 691, 288], 'area': 51430, 'region': [384, 63, 704, 383], 'score': 0.98046875, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.72265625, 'box': [620, 238, 640, 254]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.98046875, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194713.415429, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.66015625, 'box': [305, 5, 336, 31], 'area': 806, 'ratio': 1.1923076923076923, 'region': [159, 0, 479, 320], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 7, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': [], 'entered_zones': ['drway'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.79296875}, 'current_attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.609375, 'box': [314, 19, 320, 23]}]}, 'after': {'id': '1701194713.415429-z156kv', 'camera': 'Ptz', 'frame_time': 1701194723.617023, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194714.017199, 'box': [413, 103, 691, 288], 'area': 51430, 'region': [384, 63, 704, 383], 'score': 0.98046875, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.72265625, 'box': [620, 238, 640, 254]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.98046875, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194713.415429, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.66015625, 'box': [305, 5, 336, 31], 'area': 806, 'ratio': 1.1923076923076923, 'region': [159, 0, 479, 320], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 7, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': [], 'entered_zones': ['drway'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.79296875}, 'current_attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.609375, 'box': [314, 18, 320, 23]}]}, 'type': 'update'}
2023-11-28 13:05:24,180 - __main__ - DEBUG - Skipping event: 1701194713.415429-z156kv because it does not match the configured zones/cameras
2023-11-28 13:05:24,425 - __main__ - DEBUG - mqtt message: {'before': {'id': '1701194713.415429-z156kv', 'camera': 'Ptz', 'frame_time': 1701194723.617023, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194714.017199, 'box': [413, 103, 691, 288], 'area': 51430, 'region': [384, 63, 704, 383], 'score': 0.98046875, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.72265625, 'box': [620, 238, 640, 254]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.98046875, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194713.415429, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.66015625, 'box': [305, 5, 336, 31], 'area': 806, 'ratio': 1.1923076923076923, 'region': [159, 0, 479, 320], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 7, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': [], 'entered_zones': ['drway'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.79296875}, 'current_attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.609375, 'box': [314, 18, 320, 23]}]}, 'after': {'id': '1701194713.415429-z156kv', 'camera': 'Ptz', 'frame_time': 1701194723.617023, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194714.017199, 'box': [413, 103, 691, 288], 'area': 51430, 'region': [384, 63, 704, 383], 'score': 0.98046875, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.72265625, 'box': [620, 238, 640, 254]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.98046875, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194713.415429, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.66015625, 'box': [305, 5, 336, 31], 'area': 806, 'ratio': 1.1923076923076923, 'region': [159, 0, 479, 320], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 7, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': [], 'entered_zones': ['drway'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.79296875}, 'current_attributes': []}, 'type': 'update'}
2023-11-28 13:05:24,425 - __main__ - DEBUG - Skipping event: 1701194713.415429-z156kv because it does not match the configured zones/cameras
2023-11-28 13:05:24,437 - __main__ - DEBUG - mqtt message: {'before': {'id': '1701194711.468837-sdts89', 'camera': 'Frontyard', 'frame_time': 1701194718.348653, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194714.797906, 'box': [247, 6, 386, 74], 'area': 9452, 'region': [212, 0, 532, 320], 'score': 0.96484375, 'attributes': []}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.955078125, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194711.468837, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.84765625, 'box': [5, 65, 51, 107], 'area': 1932, 'ratio': 1.0952380952380953, 'region': [0, 0, 320, 320], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 0, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': [], 'entered_zones': [], 'has_clip': False, 'has_snapshot': False, 'attributes': {}, 'current_attributes': []}, 'after': {'id': '1701194711.468837-sdts89', 'camera': 'Frontyard', 'frame_time': 1701194719.089952, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194714.797906, 'box': [247, 6, 386, 74], 'area': 9452, 'region': [212, 0, 532, 320], 'score': 0.96484375, 'attributes': []}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.955078125, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194711.468837, 'end_time': 1701194724.268189, 'score': 0.72265625, 'box': [0, 71, 22, 114], 'area': 946, 'ratio': 0.5116279069767442, 'region': [0, 0, 320, 320], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 1, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': [], 'entered_zones': [], 'has_clip': False, 'has_snapshot': False, 'attributes': {}, 'current_attributes': []}, 'type': 'end'}
2023-11-28 13:05:24,437 - __main__ - DEBUG - Skipping event: 1701194711.468837-sdts89 because it does not match the configured zones/cameras
2023-11-28 13:05:24,614 - __main__ - DEBUG - mqtt message: {'before': {'id': '1701194713.415429-z156kv', 'camera': 'Ptz', 'frame_time': 1701194723.617023, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194714.017199, 'box': [413, 103, 691, 288], 'area': 51430, 'region': [384, 63, 704, 383], 'score': 0.98046875, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.72265625, 'box': [620, 238, 640, 254]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.98046875, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194713.415429, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.66015625, 'box': [305, 5, 336, 31], 'area': 806, 'ratio': 1.1923076923076923, 'region': [159, 0, 479, 320], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 7, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': [], 'entered_zones': ['drway'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.79296875}, 'current_attributes': []}, 'after': {'id': '1701194713.415429-z156kv', 'camera': 'Ptz', 'frame_time': 1701194723.617023, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194714.017199, 'box': [413, 103, 691, 288], 'area': 51430, 'region': [384, 63, 704, 383], 'score': 0.98046875, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.72265625, 'box': [620, 238, 640, 254]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.98046875, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194713.415429, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.66015625, 'box': [305, 5, 336, 31], 'area': 806, 'ratio': 1.1923076923076923, 'region': [159, 0, 479, 320], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 7, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': [], 'entered_zones': ['drway'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.79296875}, 'current_attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.62890625, 'box': [313, 18, 319, 23]}]}, 'type': 'update'}
2023-11-28 13:05:24,614 - __main__ - DEBUG - Skipping event: 1701194713.415429-z156kv because it does not match the configured zones/cameras
2023-11-28 13:05:24,843 - __main__ - DEBUG - mqtt message: {'before': {'id': '1701194713.415429-z156kv', 'camera': 'Ptz', 'frame_time': 1701194723.617023, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194714.017199, 'box': [413, 103, 691, 288], 'area': 51430, 'region': [384, 63, 704, 383], 'score': 0.98046875, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.72265625, 'box': [620, 238, 640, 254]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.98046875, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194713.415429, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.66015625, 'box': [305, 5, 336, 31], 'area': 806, 'ratio': 1.1923076923076923, 'region': [159, 0, 479, 320], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 7, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': [], 'entered_zones': ['drway'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.79296875}, 'current_attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.62890625, 'box': [313, 18, 319, 23]}]}, 'after': {'id': '1701194713.415429-z156kv', 'camera': 'Ptz', 'frame_time': 1701194723.617023, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194714.017199, 'box': [413, 103, 691, 288], 'area': 51430, 'region': [384, 63, 704, 383], 'score': 0.98046875, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.72265625, 'box': [620, 238, 640, 254]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.98046875, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194713.415429, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.66015625, 'box': [305, 5, 336, 31], 'area': 806, 'ratio': 1.1923076923076923, 'region': [159, 0, 479, 320], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 7, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': [], 'entered_zones': ['drway'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.79296875}, 'current_attributes': []}, 'type': 'update'}
2023-11-28 13:05:24,844 - __main__ - DEBUG - Skipping event: 1701194713.415429-z156kv because it does not match the configured zones/cameras
2023-11-28 13:05:24,935 - __main__ - DEBUG - mqtt message: {'before': {'id': '1701194711.508065-1e6hrh', 'camera': 'Driveway', 'frame_time': 1701194720.118034, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194712.517772, 'box': [366, 122, 639, 464], 'area': 93366, 'region': [0, 0, 764, 764], 'score': 0.94921875, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.6953125, 'box': [582, 366, 606, 389]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.96875, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194711.508065, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.6953125, 'box': [254, 12, 284, 39], 'area': 810, 'ratio': 1.1111111111111112, 'region': [106, 0, 426, 320], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 2, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': [], 'entered_zones': ['nongarage'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.79296875}, 'current_attributes': []}, 'after': {'id': '1701194711.508065-1e6hrh', 'camera': 'Driveway', 'frame_time': 1701194721.30876, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194712.517772, 'box': [366, 122, 639, 464], 'area': 93366, 'region': [0, 0, 764, 764], 'score': 0.94921875, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.6953125, 'box': [582, 366, 606, 389]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.96875, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194711.508065, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.6953125, 'box': [259, 12, 281, 31], 'area': 418, 'ratio': 1.1578947368421053, 'region': [116, 0, 436, 320], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 0, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': [], 'entered_zones': ['nongarage'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.79296875}, 'current_attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.609375, 'box': [267, 13, 273, 17]}]}, 'type': 'update'}
2023-11-28 13:05:24,935 - __main__ - DEBUG - Skipping event: 1701194711.508065-1e6hrh because it does not match the configured zones/cameras
2023-11-28 13:05:25,138 - __main__ - DEBUG - mqtt message: {'before': {'id': '1701194711.508065-1e6hrh', 'camera': 'Driveway', 'frame_time': 1701194721.30876, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194712.517772, 'box': [366, 122, 639, 464], 'area': 93366, 'region': [0, 0, 764, 764], 'score': 0.94921875, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.6953125, 'box': [582, 366, 606, 389]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.96875, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194711.508065, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.6953125, 'box': [259, 12, 281, 31], 'area': 418, 'ratio': 1.1578947368421053, 'region': [116, 0, 436, 320], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 0, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': [], 'entered_zones': ['nongarage'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.79296875}, 'current_attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.609375, 'box': [267, 13, 273, 17]}]}, 'after': {'id': '1701194711.508065-1e6hrh', 'camera': 'Driveway', 'frame_time': 1701194721.30876, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194712.517772, 'box': [366, 122, 639, 464], 'area': 93366, 'region': [0, 0, 764, 764], 'score': 0.94921875, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.6953125, 'box': [582, 366, 606, 389]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.96875, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194711.508065, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.6953125, 'box': [259, 12, 281, 31], 'area': 418, 'ratio': 1.1578947368421053, 'region': [116, 0, 436, 320], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 0, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': [], 'entered_zones': ['nongarage'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.79296875}, 'current_attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.609375, 'box': [266, 13, 273, 16]}]}, 'type': 'update'}
2023-11-28 13:05:25,138 - __main__ - DEBUG - Skipping event: 1701194711.508065-1e6hrh because it does not match the configured zones/cameras
2023-11-28 13:05:25,706 - __main__ - DEBUG - mqtt message: {'before': {'id': '1701194711.508065-1e6hrh', 'camera': 'Driveway', 'frame_time': 1701194721.30876, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194712.517772, 'box': [366, 122, 639, 464], 'area': 93366, 'region': [0, 0, 764, 764], 'score': 0.94921875, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.6953125, 'box': [582, 366, 606, 389]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.96875, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194711.508065, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.6953125, 'box': [259, 12, 281, 31], 'area': 418, 'ratio': 1.1578947368421053, 'region': [116, 0, 436, 320], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 0, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': [], 'entered_zones': ['nongarage'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.79296875}, 'current_attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.609375, 'box': [266, 13, 273, 16]}]}, 'after': {'id': '1701194711.508065-1e6hrh', 'camera': 'Driveway', 'frame_time': 1701194721.30876, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194712.517772, 'box': [366, 122, 639, 464], 'area': 93366, 'region': [0, 0, 764, 764], 'score': 0.94921875, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.6953125, 'box': [582, 366, 606, 389]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.96875, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194711.508065, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.6953125, 'box': [259, 12, 281, 31], 'area': 418, 'ratio': 1.1578947368421053, 'region': [116, 0, 436, 320], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 0, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': [], 'entered_zones': ['nongarage'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.79296875}, 'current_attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.609375, 'box': [266, 12, 273, 16]}]}, 'type': 'update'}
2023-11-28 13:05:25,706 - __main__ - DEBUG - Skipping event: 1701194711.508065-1e6hrh because it does not match the configured zones/cameras
2023-11-28 13:05:25,940 - __main__ - DEBUG - mqtt message: {'before': {'id': '1701194711.508065-1e6hrh', 'camera': 'Driveway', 'frame_time': 1701194721.30876, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194712.517772, 'box': [366, 122, 639, 464], 'area': 93366, 'region': [0, 0, 764, 764], 'score': 0.94921875, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.6953125, 'box': [582, 366, 606, 389]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.96875, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194711.508065, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.6953125, 'box': [259, 12, 281, 31], 'area': 418, 'ratio': 1.1578947368421053, 'region': [116, 0, 436, 320], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 0, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': [], 'entered_zones': ['nongarage'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.79296875}, 'current_attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.609375, 'box': [266, 12, 273, 16]}]}, 'after': {'id': '1701194711.508065-1e6hrh', 'camera': 'Driveway', 'frame_time': 1701194721.30876, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194712.517772, 'box': [366, 122, 639, 464], 'area': 93366, 'region': [0, 0, 764, 764], 'score': 0.94921875, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.6953125, 'box': [582, 366, 606, 389]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.96875, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194711.508065, 'end_time': 1701194725.697854, 'score': 0.6953125, 'box': [259, 12, 281, 31], 'area': 418, 'ratio': 1.1578947368421053, 'region': [116, 0, 436, 320], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 0, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': [], 'entered_zones': ['nongarage'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.79296875}, 'current_attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.609375, 'box': [266, 12, 273, 16]}]}, 'type': 'end'}
2023-11-28 13:05:25,940 - __main__ - DEBUG - Skipping event: 1701194711.508065-1e6hrh because it does not match the configured zones/cameras
2023-11-28 13:05:26,082 - __main__ - DEBUG - mqtt message: {'before': {'id': '1701194717.030211-sszk97', 'camera': 'LPR', 'frame_time': 1701194720.761956, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194717.962057, 'box': [385, 22, 1691, 1063], 'area': 1359546, 'region': [0, 0, 2980, 2980], 'score': 0.94140625, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.8046875, 'box': [902, 790, 1117, 921]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.9453125, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194717.030211, 'end_time': None, 'score': 0.58984375, 'box': [1457, 0, 1918, 409], 'area': 188549, 'ratio': 1.1271393643031784, 'region': [1336, 0, 1920, 584], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 0, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': ['Lp'], 'entered_zones': ['Lp'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.81640625}, 'current_attributes': []}, 'after': {'id': '1701194717.030211-sszk97', 'camera': 'LPR', 'frame_time': 1701194721.035925, 'snapshot': {'frame_time': 1701194717.962057, 'box': [385, 22, 1691, 1063], 'area': 1359546, 'region': [0, 0, 2980, 2980], 'score': 0.94140625, 'attributes': [{'label': 'license_plate', 'score': 0.8046875, 'box': [902, 790, 1117, 921]}]}, 'label': 'car', 'sub_label': None, 'top_score': 0.9453125, 'false_positive': False, 'start_time': 1701194717.030211, 'end_time': 1701194725.748518, 'score': 0.53515625, 'box': [1486, 2, 1918, 380], 'area': 163296, 'ratio': 1.1428571428571428, 'region': [1408, 0, 1920, 512], 'stationary': False, 'motionless_count': 3, 'position_changes': 1, 'current_zones': ['Lp'], 'entered_zones': ['Lp'], 'has_clip': True, 'has_snapshot': True, 'attributes': {'license_plate': 0.81640625}, 'current_attributes': []}, 'type': 'end'}

JSON for event 1701194717.030211-sszk97

kyle4269 commented 7 months ago

What's your thoughts on checking for end_time before the snapshot is sent for processing?

ljmerza commented 7 months ago

whats the case where "has_snapshot":false? i see in this example it's true. sounds like the event is being sent in mqtt before it's saved to the db and this script is working too fast to try to update an event that hasnt been saved yet. This race condition sounds like a bug in frigate that should be fixed. Why send an event to mqtt that you could do anything with if it techncailly doesnt exist yet?

kyle4269 commented 7 months ago

Probably not correct but, on line 201 I added time.sleep(5). Seems to give Frigate enough time to save the event to the DB. Works well for my driveway, but probably not well enough for a street..