ljmerza / frigate_plate_recognizer

Identify license plates via Plate Recognizer and add them as sublabels to Frigate
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Using Unraid docker (for completeness on notes!) #38

Open rhamblen opened 5 months ago

rhamblen commented 5 months ago

I've built the docker in Unraid and a few key points I should highlight


The docker should be set as shown in the settings. I didnt put the plates folder in the appdata folder because this has a limitted size based upon the appdata share size. So I stored the plates on a larger storage area. Just consider that the appdata share may have limitations depending on your setup.

The config.yml is critical to get right. The most important thing I learned was the frigate URL requires http:// whereas the mqtt server does not require this or the port ID.


Im using some NODERED rules to drive an alert when a car is on the drive, so I know the cars that should be there, and when different cars appear. So I've added known cars to watched_plates: `to improve accuracy of the recognition of the plate.

How you setup frigate is also important.
Ive basically added specific zones where cars should be identified. So those zones only have the object for the cars in them. then in the config above, I am using the detection on the zone.as per the instructions for "You can also filter by zones and/or cameras."

I dont do my automations in home assistant, I use NODERED. But the principle is the same.

I look for the mqtt packets for frigate/plate_recognizer I then look at the payload for the number plate which is shown by (msg.payload).plate_number This means I can now act upon specific plates being recognised. For me I just send an alert, but its possible to turn on specific lighting, open garage doors or gates etc.