ljmerza / light-entity-card

Control any light or switch entity
MIT License
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Card not working on edge browser #125

Closed jonthe101 closed 4 months ago

jonthe101 commented 5 months ago

This is probably just an issue for me - can't find any others with the same problem when I google. light-entity-card is not showing up when I use edge, works fine on chrome. When I check console logs it's throwing:

Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: (intermediate value)(intermediate value)(intermediate value).importNode is not a function at t.value (light-entity-card.js?hacstag=168744428613:17:4223) at t.value (light-entity-card.js?hacstag=168744428613:17:6263) at t.value (light-entity-card.js?hacstag=168744428613:17:5595) at light-entity-card.js?hacstag=168744428613:22:1087 at hi.value (light-entity-card.js?hacstag=168744428613:22:1097) at hi.performUpdate (light-entity-card.js?hacstag=168744428613:12:5065) at hi.scheduleUpdate (light-entity-card.js?hacstag=168744428613:12:4716) at hi._$Ej (light-entity-card.js?hacstag=168744428613:12:4624)

It's been like this since several months back. Everything is on the latest version (ha, light entity card, edge).

Does anyone know what the problem is? It's got to be something wrong with my environment?


jonthe101 commented 4 months ago

Found the problem... Found a similar issue: https://github.com/artem-sedykh/mini-climate-card/issues/137 The error went away when turning off flag Experimental Web Platform features in edge. (edge://flags/#enable-experimental-web-platform-features) closing issue.