ljmerza / light-entity-card

Control any light or switch entity
MIT License
233 stars 41 forks source link

Card is giant #52

Open KTibow opened 3 years ago

KTibow commented 3 years ago

The card is slowing down my load time. Any way all of the newlines and indentation could be used using uglify.js or something similar?

ljmerza commented 3 years ago

the is card is minified already. The card itself is not big but with the way home assistant allows custom cards to import custom elements, there is a lot of loading of unnecessary code in the background. Nothing custom card creators can do about that. So for example, I can't just load the color wheel for this card, I have to load the entire light entity info modal to get the color wheel. There's an open issue to track a way to fix this.

KTibow commented 3 years ago

For some reason it's keeping whitespace, but mangling names.

!(function (t) {
  var e = {};
  function n(r) {
    if (e[r]) return e[r].exports;
    var i = (e[r] = { i: r, l: !1, exports: {} });
    return t[r].call(i.exports, i, i.exports, n), (i.l = !0), i.exports;
  (n.m = t),
    (n.c = e),
    (n.d = function (t, e, r) {
      n.o(t, e) || Object.defineProperty(t, e, { enumerable: !0, get: r });
    (n.r = function (t) {
      "undefined" != typeof Symbol &&
        Symbol.toStringTag &&
        Object.defineProperty(t, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" }),
        Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 });
    (n.t = function (t, e) {
      if ((1 & e && (t = n(t)), 8 & e)) return t;
      if (4 & e && "object" == typeof t && t && t.__esModule) return t;
      var r = Object.create(null);
      if (
        Object.defineProperty(r, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: t }),
        2 & e && "string" != typeof t)
        for (var i in t)
            function (e) {
              return t[e];
            }.bind(null, i)
      return r;
    (n.n = function (t) {
      var e =
        t && t.__esModule
          ? function () {
              return t.default;
          : function () {
              return t;
      return n.d(e, "a", e), e;
    (n.o = function (t, e) {
      return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, e);
    (n.p = "/local/"),
    n((n.s = 308));
  function (t, e, n) {
    var r = n(1),
      i = n(7),
      o = n(14),
      a = n(11),
      c = n(20),
      u = function (t, e, n) {
        var s,
          p = t & u.F,
          d = t & u.G,
          v = t & u.S,
          g = t & u.P,
          y = t & u.B,
          m = d ? r : v ? r[e] || (r[e] = {}) : (r[e] || {}).prototype,
          _ = d ? i : i[e] || (i[e] = {}),
          b = _.prototype || (_.prototype = {});
        for (s in (d && (n = e), n))
          (l = ((f = !p && m && void 0 !== m[s]) ? m : n)[s]),
            (h =
              y && f
                ? c(l, r)
                : g && "function" == typeof l
                ? c(Function.call, l)
                : l),
            m && a(m, s, l, t & u.U),
            _[s] != l && o(_, s, h),
            g && b[s] != l && (b[s] = l);
    (r.core = i),
      (u.F = 1),
      (u.G = 2),
      (u.S = 4),
      (u.P = 8),
      (u.B = 16),
      (u.W = 32),
      (u.U = 64),
      (u.R = 128),
      (t.exports = u);
  function (t, e) {
    var n = (t.exports =
      "undefined" != typeof window && window.Math == Math
        ? window
        : "undefined" != typeof self && self.Math == Math
        ? self
        : Function("return this")());
    "number" == typeof __g && (__g = n);
  function (t, e) {
    t.exports = function (t) {
      try {
        return !!t();
      } catch (t) {
        return !0;
  function (t, e, n) {
    var r = n(4);
    t.exports = function (t) {
      if (!r(t)) throw TypeError(t + " is not an object!");
      return t;
  function (t, e) {
    t.exports = function (t) {
      return "object" == typeof t ? null !== t : "function" == typeof t;
  function (t, e, n) {
    var r = n(57)("wks"),
      i = n(35),
      o = n(1).Symbol,
      a = "function" == typeof o;
    (t.exports = function (t) {
      return r[t] || (r[t] = (a && o[t]) || (a ? o : i)("Symbol." + t));
    }).store = r;
  function (t, e, n) {
    var r = n(22),
      i = Math.min;
    t.exports = function (t) {
      return t > 0 ? i(r(t), 9007199254740991) : 0;
  function (t, e) {
    var n = (t.exports = { version: "2.6.9" });
    "number" == typeof __e && (__e = n);
  function (t, e, n) {
    t.exports = !n(2)(function () {
      return (
        7 !=
        Object.defineProperty({}, "a", {
          get: function () {
            return 7;
  function (t, e, n) {
    var r = n(3),
      i = n(103),
      o = n(31),
      a = Object.defineProperty;
    e.f = n(8)
      ? Object.defineProperty
      : function (t, e, n) {
          if ((r(t), (e = o(e, !0)), r(n), i))
            try {
              return a(t, e, n);
            } catch (t) {}
          if ("get" in n || "set" in n)
            throw TypeError("Accessors not supported!");
          return "value" in n && (t[e] = n.value), t;
  function (t, e, n) {
    var r = n(28);
    t.exports = function (t) {
      return Object(r(t));
  function (t, e, n) {
    var r = n(1),
      i = n(14),
      o = n(13),
      a = n(35)("src"),
      c = n(144),
      u = ("" + c).split("toString");
    (n(7).inspectSource = function (t) {
      return c.call(t);
      (t.exports = function (t, e, n, c) {
        var s = "function" == typeof n;
        s && (o(n, "name") || i(n, "name", e)),
          t[e] !== n &&
            (s && (o(n, a) || i(n, a, t[e] ? "" + t[e] : u.join(String(e)))),
            t === r
              ? (t[e] = n)
              : c
              ? t[e]
                ? (t[e] = n)
                : i(t, e, n)
              : (delete t[e], i(t, e, n)));
      })(Function.prototype, "toString", function () {
        return ("function" == typeof this && this[a]) || c.call(this);
  function (t, e, n) {
    var r = n(0),
      i = n(2),
      o = n(28),
      a = /"/g,
      c = function (t, e, n, r) {
        var i = String(o(t)),
          c = "<" + e;
        return (
          "" !== n &&
            (c += " " + n + '="' + String(r).replace(a, "&quot;") + '"'),
          c + ">" + i + "</" + e + ">"
    t.exports = function (t, e) {
      var n = {};
      (n[t] = e(c)),
          r.P +
            r.F *
              i(function () {
                var e = ""[t]('"');
                return e !== e.toLowerCase() || e.split('"').length > 3;
  function (t, e) {
    var n = {}.hasOwnProperty;
    t.exports = function (t, e) {
      return n.call(t, e);
  function (t, e, n) {
    var r = n(9),
      i = n(34);
    t.exports = n(8)
      ? function (t, e, n) {
          return r.f(t, e, i(1, n));
      : function (t, e, n) {
          return (t[e] = n), t;
  function (t, e, n) {
    var r = n(51),
      i = n(28);
    t.exports = function (t) {
      return r(i(t));
  function (t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    var r = n(42),
      i = n(123),
      o = n(47),
      a = n(15);
    (t.exports = n(85)(
      function (t, e) {
        (this._t = a(t)), (this._i = 0), (this._k = e);
      function () {
        var t = this._t,
          e = this._k,
          n = this._i++;
        return !t || n >= t.length
          ? ((this._t = void 0), i(1))
          : i(0, "keys" == e ? n : "values" == e ? t[n] : [n, t[n]]);
      (o.Arguments = o.Array),
  function (t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    var r = n(54),
      i = {};
    (i[n(5)("toStringTag")] = "z"),
      i + "" != "[object z]" &&
          function () {
            return "[object " + r(this) + "]";
  function (t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    var r = n(2);
    t.exports = function (t, e) {
      return (
        !!t &&
        r(function () {
          e ? t.call(null, function () {}, 1) : t.call(null);
  function (t, e, n) {
    for (
      var r = n(16),
        i = n(37),
        o = n(11),
        a = n(1),
        c = n(14),
        u = n(47),
        s = n(5),
        f = s("iterator"),
        l = s("toStringTag"),
        h = u.Array,
        p = {
          CSSRuleList: !0,
          CSSStyleDeclaration: !1,
          CSSValueList: !1,
          ClientRectList: !1,
          DOMRectList: !1,
          DOMStringList: !1,
          DOMTokenList: !0,
          DataTransferItemList: !1,
          FileList: !1,
          HTMLAllCollection: !1,
          HTMLCollection: !1,
          HTMLFormElement: !1,
          HTMLSelectElement: !1,
          MediaList: !0,
          MimeTypeArray: !1,
          NamedNodeMap: !1,
          NodeList: !0,
          PaintRequestList: !1,
          Plugin: !1,
          PluginArray: !1,
          SVGLengthList: !1,
          SVGNumberList: !1,
          SVGPathSegList: !1,
          SVGPointList: !1,
          SVGStringList: !1,
          SVGTransformList: !1,
          SourceBufferList: !1,
          StyleSheetList: !0,
          TextTrackCueList: !1,
          TextTrackList: !1,
          TouchList: !1,
        d = i(p),
        v = 0;
      v < d.length;
    ) {
      var g,
        y = d[v],
        m = p[y],
        _ = a[y],
        b = _ && _.prototype;
      if (b && (b[f] || c(b, f, h), b[l] || c(b, l, y), (u[y] = h), m))
        for (g in r) b[g] || o(b, g, r[g], !0);
  function (t, e, n) {
    var r = n(21);
    t.exports = function (t, e, n) {
      if ((r(t), void 0 === e)) return t;
      switch (n) {
        case 1:
          return function (n) {
            return t.call(e, n);
        case 2:
          return function (n, r) {
            return t.call(e, n, r);
        case 3:
          return function (n, r, i) {
            return t.call(e, n, r, i);
      return function () {
        return t.apply(e, arguments);
  function (t, e) {
    t.exports = function (t) {
      if ("function" != typeof t) throw TypeError(t + " is not a function!");
      return t;
  function (t, e) {
    var n = Math.ceil,
      r = Math.floor;
    t.exports = function (t) {
      return isNaN((t = +t)) ? 0 : (t > 0 ? r : n)(t);
  function (t, e, n) {
    var r = n(52),
      i = n(34),
      o = n(15),
      a = n(31),
      c = n(13),
      u = n(103),
      s = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
    e.f = n(8)
      ? s
      : function (t, e) {
          if (((t = o(t)), (e = a(e, !0)), u))
            try {
              return s(t, e);
            } catch (t) {}
          if (c(t, e)) return i(!r.f.call(t, e), t[e]);
  function (t, e, n) {
    var r = n(0),
      i = n(7),
      o = n(2);
    t.exports = function (t, e) {
      var n = (i.Object || {})[t] || Object[t],
        a = {};
      (a[t] = e(n)),
          r.S +
            r.F *
              o(function () {
  function (t, e, n) {
    var r = n(20),
      i = n(51),
      o = n(10),
      a = n(6),
      c = n(120);
    t.exports = function (t, e) {
      var n = 1 == t,
        u = 2 == t,
        s = 3 == t,
        f = 4 == t,
        l = 6 == t,
        h = 5 == t || l,
        p = e || c;
      return function (e, c, d) {
        for (
          var v,
            y = o(e),
            m = i(y),
            _ = r(c, d, 3),
            b = a(m.length),
            w = 0,
            S = n ? p(e, b) : u ? p(e, 0) : void 0;
          b > w;
          if ((h || w in m) && ((g = _((v = m[w]), w, y)), t))
            if (n) S[w] = g;
            else if (g)
              switch (t) {
                case 3:
                  return !0;
                case 5:
                  return v;
                case 6:
                  return w;
                case 2:
            else if (f) return !1;
        return l ? -1 : s || f ? f : S;
  function (t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    var r = n(1),
      i = n(13),
      o = n(8),
      a = n(0),
      c = n(11),
      u = n(32).KEY,
      s = n(2),
      f = n(57),
      l = n(44),
      h = n(35),
      p = n(5),
      d = n(74),
      v = n(104),
      g = n(145),
      y = n(60),
      m = n(3),
      _ = n(4),
      b = n(10),
      w = n(15),
      S = n(31),
      x = n(34),
      k = n(39),
      E = n(107),
      P = n(23),
      O = n(59),
      A = n(9),
      j = n(37),
      N = P.f,
      C = A.f,
      T = E.f,
      F = r.Symbol,
      M = r.JSON,
      I = M && M.stringify,
      R = p("_hidden"),
      $ = p("toPrimitive"),
      L = {}.propertyIsEnumerable,
      V = f("symbol-registry"),
      U = f("symbols"),
      W = f("op-symbols"),
      D = Object.prototype,
      B = "function" == typeof F && !!O.f,
      G = r.QObject,
      z = !G || !G.prototype || !G.prototype.findChild,
      q =
        o &&
        s(function () {
          return (
            7 !=
              C({}, "a", {
                get: function () {
                  return C(this, "a", { value: 7 }).a;
          ? function (t, e, n) {
              var r = N(D, e);
              r && delete D[e], C(t, e, n), r && t !== D && C(D, e, r);
          : C,
      H = function (t) {
        var e = (U[t] = k(F.prototype));
        return (e._k = t), e;
      J =
        B && "symbol" == typeof F.iterator
          ? function (t) {
              return "symbol" == typeof t;
          : function (t) {
              return t instanceof F;
      Y = function (t, e, n) {
        return (
          t === D && Y(W, e, n),
          (e = S(e, !0)),
          i(U, e)
            ? (n.enumerable
                ? (i(t, R) && t[R][e] && (t[R][e] = !1),
                  (n = k(n, { enumerable: x(0, !1) })))
                : (i(t, R) || C(t, R, x(1, {})), (t[R][e] = !0)),
              q(t, e, n))
            : C(t, e, n)
      K = function (t, e) {
        for (var n, r = g((e = w(e))), i = 0, o = r.length; o > i; )
          Y(t, (n = r[i++]), e[n]);
        return t;
      X = function (t) {
        var e = L.call(this, (t = S(t, !0)));
        return (
          !(this === D && i(U, t) && !i(W, t)) &&
          (!(e || !i(this, t) || !i(U, t) || (i(this, R) && this[R][t])) || e)
      Z = function (t, e) {
        if (((t = w(t)), (e = S(e, !0)), t !== D || !i(U, e) || i(W, e))) {
          var n = N(t, e);
          return (
            !n || !i(U, e) || (i(t, R) && t[R][e]) || (n.enumerable = !0), n
      Q = function (t) {
        for (var e, n = T(w(t)), r = [], o = 0; n.length > o; )
          i(U, (e = n[o++])) || e == R || e == u || r.push(e);
        return r;
      tt = function (t) {
        for (
          var e, n = t === D, r = T(n ? W : w(t)), o = [], a = 0;
          r.length > a;

          !i(U, (e = r[a++])) || (n && !i(D, e)) || o.push(U[e]);
        return o;
    B ||
        (F = function () {
          if (this instanceof F)
            throw TypeError("Symbol is not a constructor!");
          var t = h(arguments.length > 0 ? arguments[0] : void 0),
            e = function (n) {
              this === D && e.call(W, n),
                i(this, R) && i(this[R], t) && (this[R][t] = !1),
                q(this, t, x(1, n));
          return o && z && q(D, t, { configurable: !0, set: e }), H(t);
        function () {
          return this._k;
      (P.f = Z),
      (A.f = Y),
      (n(40).f = E.f = Q),
      (n(52).f = X),
      (O.f = tt),
      o && !n(36) && c(D, "propertyIsEnumerable", X, !0),
      (d.f = function (t) {
        return H(p(t));
      a(a.G + a.W + a.F * !B, { Symbol: F });
    for (
      var et = "hasInstance,isConcatSpreadable,iterator,match,replace,search,species,split,toPrimitive,toStringTag,unscopables".split(
        nt = 0;
      et.length > nt;

    for (var rt = j(p.store), it = 0; rt.length > it; ) v(rt[it++]);
    a(a.S + a.F * !B, "Symbol", {
      for: function (t) {
        return i(V, (t += "")) ? V[t] : (V[t] = F(t));
      keyFor: function (t) {
        if (!J(t)) throw TypeError(t + " is not a symbol!");
        for (var e in V) if (V[e] === t) return e;
      useSetter: function () {
        z = !0;
      useSimple: function () {
        z = !1;
      a(a.S + a.F * !B, "Object", {
        create: function (t, e) {
          return void 0 === e ? k(t) : K(k(t), e);
        defineProperty: Y,
        defineProperties: K,
        getOwnPropertyDescriptor: Z,
        getOwnPropertyNames: Q,
        getOwnPropertySymbols: tt,
    var ot = s(function () {
    a(a.S + a.F * ot, "Object", {
      getOwnPropertySymbols: function (t) {
        return O.f(b(t));
      M &&
          a.S +
            a.F *
              (!B ||
                s(function () {
                  var t = F();
                  return (
                    "[null]" != I([t]) ||
                    "{}" != I({ a: t }) ||
                    "{}" != I(Object(t))
            stringify: function (t) {
              for (var e, n, r = [t], i = 1; arguments.length > i; )
              if (((n = e = r[1]), (_(e) || void 0 !== t) && !J(t)))
                return (
                  y(e) ||
                    (e = function (t, e) {
                      if (
                        ("function" == typeof n && (e = n.call(this, t, e)),
                        return e;
                  (r[1] = e),
                  I.apply(M, r)
      F.prototype[$] || n(14)(F.prototype, $, F.prototype.valueOf),
      l(F, "Symbol"),
      l(Math, "Math", !0),
      l(r.JSON, "JSON", !0);
  function (t, e) {
    var n = {}.toString;
    t.exports = function (t) {
      return n.call(t).slice(8, -1);
  function (t, e) {
    t.exports = function (t) {
      if (null == t) throw TypeError("Can't call method on  " + t);
      return t;
  function (t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    if (n(8)) {
      var r = n(36),
        i = n(1),
        o = n(2),
        a = n(0),
        c = n(71),
        u = n(99),
        s = n(20),