ljmerza / light-entity-card

Control any light or switch entity
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White Value Slider does not appear with Shelly RGBW2 #83

Open Chaosflori25 opened 2 years ago

Chaosflori25 commented 2 years ago

The White Value only appears, but does not work, when I force it. Here the data from the Shelly RGBW2 ` effect_list:

GHenry21 commented 1 year ago

Use the shelly4ass integration and it'll work fine, i remember that i had some problems with the official shelly integration with SHELLY RGBW2. However, for the moment since HA 2022.9.0 shelly4ass doesn't work with this integration, (i'm on HA 2022.9.1)

I solved flashing the shelly to esphome. Pay attention: in esphome config there is a "color_interlock" option (by dafualt is off). point to the center (white) of the color weel and only white led will light up, if color_interlock is on you'll only have white rgb (red, green and blue leds will combine to form a whiteish color, properly white led will be off)