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September 2018 #17

Closed zupo closed 5 years ago

zupo commented 6 years ago

Schedule the meetup

Announce the meetup

Wait a few days. If there are no sponsors and/or speakers that have stepped up, you will have to manually poke them to do so. Go through the list of potential talks and sponsors. For speakers and sponsors, the rule is First-Come-First-Served: whoever comments on #1 or #2 first, gets to be the speaker/sponsor. Once you have a sponsor and two talks, continue with:

Narrate the meetup

Follow up

zupo commented 6 years ago

The sponsor who wanted to take care of the entire event in September canceled. So we're back to our regular format.

Before I send out a public call-for-talks, do any of you who are already on the talks list want to step up? @avian2, @ikolar, @MrChriss, @AleksMat, @gandalfar, @NejcZupec, @wafelj, @meryuk, @Baveni, @plamut

Preliminary date is Thursday 20th. Sept.

zupo commented 6 years ago

Date confirmed: Thursday 20th Sept.

plamut commented 6 years ago

Sorry, I'm off to the Canaries at that date already, maybe in March 2019 :)

jurecuhalev commented 6 years ago

I can/will do a lightning talk (5min) on the topic: "Easy code improvement wins with CircleCI", if we're still planning to do short talks?

zupo commented 6 years ago

Since the major sponsor/organizer canceled, I wasn't planning to do lightning talks no. I'm out of the country until the day before and cannot do much more than "regular" format. That said, if someone wants to take over the "finding 6 to 10 people to do lightning talks", then we can have lightning talks. Until then, I'm looking for two regular talks.

edofic commented 6 years ago

@zupo if you still need a sponsor Bitstamp is happy to sponsor this one

zupo commented 6 years ago

@edofic: Thanks! @brianking will confirm whether TopTal is doing the third round by end of next week, and if they aren't, you're on! In the opposite case, I'll book you for October.

zupo commented 6 years ago

We have the talks booked: @avian2 with "Extending GIMP with Python" and @amagr with "Tips for junior developers and seniors working with them"!

zupo commented 6 years ago

@brianking confirmed the sponsorhip, we're good to :shipit: !