ljpy / meetups

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March 2019 #23

Closed romunov closed 5 years ago

romunov commented 5 years ago

Schedule the meetup

Announce the meetup

Wait a few days. If there are no sponsors and/or speakers that have stepped up, you will have to manually poke them to do so. Go through the list of potential talks and sponsors. For speakers and sponsors, the rule is First-Come-First-Served: whoever comments on #1 or #2 first, gets to be the speaker/sponsor. Once you have a sponsor and two talks, continue with:

Narrate the meetup

Follow up

romunov commented 5 years ago

It has been suggested to have a meeting on Tuesday, March 19th. We are in the process of booking the spot. Please hold.

If you would like to sponsor the event and give something back to the community, please contact me.

romunov commented 5 years ago

2019-03-19 datum is confirmed. Please mark your calendars.

kavselj commented 5 years ago

Lightning talk about Magic the Gathering.

romunov commented 5 years ago

Scheduled talks:

Regular talk(s) (~20 minutes):

Lightning talks (5 minutes):

drorspei commented 5 years ago

I can give a regular talk on JupyterLab.

romunov commented 5 years ago

Really looking forward to hearing about this. I use Jupyter Notebooks all the time but haven't had the chance to switch over to JupyterLab. This may just be the push I need? :)

romunov commented 5 years ago

@jerneju how is that GeoPandas lightning talk coming along?

inejc commented 5 years ago

Hey @romunov, I'm thinking of preparing a lightning talk about a Scala port of scikit-learn that I've been working on. I'm unsure, however, whether it would be a good fit for a Python meetup. Thoughts?

miqwit commented 5 years ago

I can contribute to a regular talk on image matching via fingerprinting, a python library I used extensively (and contributing). I would give details on how images are fingerprinted, how they are stored and how to retrieve them very quickly among millions. Is there any available slot?

romunov commented 5 years ago

Sold, to the man in first row (@miqwit)!

romunov commented 5 years ago

@zupo please advertise this event on social media.

miqwit commented 5 years ago

Sold, to the man in first row (@miqwit)!

Thanks @romunov, will work on it :)

drorspei commented 5 years ago

Hi Hi I just got booked a flight at 20:50 for work :( Will I be able to start the talk before 18:30, so that I can leave by 19:00?

romunov commented 5 years ago

We start at 18:00, a few minutes for intro and sponsor pitch and then you're up. You should have plenty of time. Too bad you won't be able to stick around afterwards.


drorspei commented 5 years ago

@romunov Cool, thanks :)

kavselj commented 5 years ago


My Magic: The Gathering lightning talk.

drorspei commented 5 years ago

Hi hi Thanks for having me today, it was lots of fun! Next time I'll even stay to the end :)