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Talk wish list a.k.a. dear Dedek Mraz #24

Open romunov opened 5 years ago

romunov commented 5 years ago

For some programmers, when they're very familiar with a topic, it's sometimes hard to peel away which parts of their work would be interesting to present to a broader audience. To help this process along, we are starting a topic where people can post their wish list of things they would like to hear.

If you're someone who is familiar with a posted topic or are keen to learn about it, consider preparing a talk on it. Do not forget to tag yourself in the relevant upcoming meetup issue.

romunov commented 5 years ago

I'll start.

I would like to know more about the inner workings of Django. How does the "signal" travel through the code, which parts are executed in what order, how do plugins come in, what is middleware etc.

friedcell commented 5 years ago

Topics I'd like to know more about:

zejn commented 5 years ago
CimeM commented 5 years ago

On-stage code review.

cmdctrlesc commented 2 years ago

DIS (https://docs.python.org/3/library/dis.html) and AST (https://docs.python.org/3/library/ast.html) modules and their real life use cases

vykhand commented 2 years ago
  • Using Jupyter Notebook

Hi folks, I can cover that. But I see this request is from 2019, is it still relevant?

cmdctrlesc commented 2 years ago

Hi, as far as I'm concerned this topic is always relevant! We haven't had a talk on this recently (or maybe ever?), so we would love to have you. Please drop me an email at alanxyz210@gmail.com and we can arrange the details 🙂

cmdctrlesc commented 2 years ago

@vykhand would you like to give the talk at the November meetup?

romunov commented 2 years ago

@vykhand it's still relevant. Dror did have an introduction to Jupyter Lab a while ago, but you probably have your own take on the Jupyter universe.

vykhand commented 2 years ago

@cmdctrlesc @romunov hey folks, November sounds great. What date did you have in mind? How long should it be? 30 min? more? What I want to cover:

Installation / brief server anatomy Configuring Jupyter Keyboard shortcuts, working with code PDB debugger in Jupyter Widgets and interactive

Ideally it would take 30-40 min, but can compress or extend it

cmdctrlesc commented 2 years ago

@vykhand we were thinking sometime in the last two weeks of November. We usually meet on Zoom at 7pm or 8pm. We don't have an exact date yet so we are open to suggestions. What date would be best for you?

Also, we will need a title and a short description (just a few sentences, you can see examples from past events here) of your talk. 30-40 minutes is fine by us, but more than 40 minutes is usually too much.

Looking forward!

vykhand commented 2 years ago

Hi @cmdctrlesc @romunov! Let me have 30 min for this talk. 24.11.2021 looks good to me, but I am flexible.

Here is the talk short description:

Andrey Vykhodtsev - Everyday Jupyter Jupyter is a popular tool not only for data analysis but also as a an alternative to command-line REPL. In this talk, I am going to share my practical tips for using Jupyter - configuring and installing, using shortcuts, debugger and interactive widgets, combining it with IDEs like Pycharm and VS Code, and also dealing with long running jobs & notifications.

cmdctrlesc commented 2 years ago

Awesome! 24. 11. sounds great! Let's wait about a week for more talks and then I will schedule a Meetup.com event and post it here as well. Tell your friends 😄

cmdctrlesc commented 2 years ago

@vykhand here is the event: https://www.meetup.com/Ljubljana-Python-Group/events/281911382/?isFirstPublish=true

cmdctrlesc commented 2 years ago

Vote for your favourites here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1YDeikRE8QlO9OKNFuAbxq7bmz2mb0LRzd3ojcjPx2kE/edit#gid=0 This will help us understand the community better and hopefully be more efficient in getting talks.