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October 2019 #35

Closed romunov closed 4 years ago

romunov commented 4 years ago

Schedule the meetup

Announce the meetup

Wait a few days. If there are no sponsors and/or speakers that have stepped up, you will have to manually poke them to do so. Go through the list of potential talks and sponsors. For speakers and sponsors, the rule is First-Come-First-Served: whoever comments on #1 or #2 first, gets to be the speaker/sponsor. Once you have a sponsor and two talks, continue with:

Narrate the meetup

Follow up

romunov commented 4 years ago

Provisional date for the meetup is 2019-10-15. If you feel like you could contribute a regular or lightning talk, drop us a line below.

itsadrake commented 4 years ago

Regular talk: Haskell for Python programmers

zupo commented 4 years ago

Just got confirmation for the second talk: @ra1u will share some tips about testing (language agnostic).

JanLikar commented 4 years ago

Hey guys, could we get a spot at the meetup in October for @johnbaldwin? He's a good public speaker from Boston and an all-round great guy whom I met at the PyCon Balkan conference and is kind enough to offer to come to Slovenia in October to give a talk. @zupo @romunov

JanLikar commented 4 years ago

Also, I'd like to give a lightning talk, if possible.

zupo commented 4 years ago

I'm +1. We can have a longer event again, no problem. :) 6PM to 9PM should be enough for 3x 20 minute talks (+questions) and a few lightnings.

JozeHladnik commented 4 years ago

As already sheared with Nejc, I would present my challenges with machine vision in Smart farming. 20 min talk. Accepted?

johnbaldwin commented 4 years ago

I can give a talk as short or as long as you want/will fit. For topic ideas:

  1. Simplify your API with Django REST Framework viewsets
  2. Testing strategies with a focus on Django
  3. Django Ask Me Anything, "Stump the new guy" ;)
  4. Multi-tenancy with Django
  5. Preparing for and giving talks (public speaking strategies to make your audience happy)
  6. Other ideas?
zupo commented 4 years ago

We can probably squeeze 4 talks in, but 3 is going to be more comfortable. Does anyone wish to rather do it in November? Again, perfectly doable to do 4, asking purely for the slight chance of someone preferring a later date.

@johnbaldwin, @JozeHladnik, @AlexeiDrake, @ra1u ^^

zupo commented 4 years ago

@ra1u volunteered to skip this meetup and do his talk at the next. So we have three talks and room for a couple of lightnings!

zupo commented 4 years ago

@johnbaldwin: I asked in our Slack group and there is slight preference towards Simplify your API with Django REST Framework viewsets, but the sample set if quite tiny so take that with a grain of salt.

UPDATE: more people chipped in now, the API title is definitely getting the most votes

romunov commented 4 years ago

@JanLikar what will your lightning talk be about?

johnbaldwin commented 4 years ago

@zupo Thanks! I will plan to talk about API development if that stays the most popular topic.

There is another topic I forgot about when I put together the list above.

Analyzing the viability (health) of open source projects

One of my friends created this project: https://github.com/okrahealth/okra/blob/master/README.md

Curious what you think @zupo

cc @JanLikar

zupo commented 4 years ago

Personally, I'd love to learn more about okra, I battle with such questions a lot. That said, the majority of people will probably relate more to Django + APIs.

romunov commented 4 years ago

@johnbaldwin You can give this talk over some beers and sticky fingers. :)

johnbaldwin commented 4 years ago

Will do! APIs for the event. Open source health for beers!

JanLikar commented 4 years ago

@romunov, sorry for a late reply, I didn't get the notification.

My talk is going to be about DB transactions and a specific anti-pattern that can hinder DB performance.

The title I used at PyCon Balkan was "Transactions considered harmful".

JanLikar commented 4 years ago

@romunov, sorry, I'll have to cancel my lightning talk. I have a majestic headache and am unable to do it.

JozeHladnik commented 4 years ago

Hi there, this is my presentation shorturl.at/OU378 Any question or comment welcome at joze.hladnik@kis.si. Happy growing! Jože

itsadrake commented 4 years ago

Here are my Haskell slides as well. Thanks for attending! http://bit.ly/HaskellPy

johnbaldwin commented 4 years ago

Here is the link to my slides: http://bit.ly/ljubljana-drf-viewsets

Here is a direct link to my demo project: https://github.com/DjangoBoston/mulsite-demo

Thank you for the opportunity to speak. I hope it was helpful. If you have questions or follow up comments, please feel free to email me at jlbaldwin@gmail.com and include "Ljubljana Python" in the subject.

Lep pozdrav, -John