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December 2019 #38

Closed romunov closed 4 years ago

romunov commented 4 years ago

Schedule the meetup

Announce the meetup

Wait a few days. If there are no sponsors and/or speakers that have stepped up, you will have to manually poke them to do so. Go through the list of potential talks and sponsors. For speakers and sponsors, the rule is First-Come-First-Served: whoever comments on #1 or #2 first, gets to be the speaker/sponsor. Once you have a sponsor and two talks, continue with:

Narrate the meetup

Follow up

romunov commented 4 years ago

This event will take place on Wednesday, 2019-12-18.

Good people of GitHub, lend me your python talks! Tag yourselves below. Don't forget to give a (working) title. Twenty minute talks, five minute talks, we take them all.

romunov commented 4 years ago

Meetup.com page of the event

drola commented 4 years ago

I can do a 5min talk: Refactoring the learning process

friedcell commented 4 years ago

I will do a lightning about how I see mentoring evolving in the python community.

romunov commented 4 years ago

@friedcell won't make it this round.

kev-m commented 4 years ago

As vice president of Apache Isis, I'm happy to give a lightning talk on a Java platform that lets developers test and deploy applications consisting of entities with complex relationships.

romunov commented 4 years ago

Sure, let's hear what you have to say.

zanderle commented 4 years ago

I can do a lightning talk on how to submit and give a talk at a conference

AleksMat commented 4 years ago

I can give a talk about Advent of Code competition and how to solve problems as fast as possible. However, I don't think I would be able to present everything in 5 minutes. Would a 10 min talk be possible?

romunov commented 4 years ago

@zanderle nice! @AleksMat you got it!

drola commented 4 years ago

My slides:


kernc commented 4 years ago

@romunov Attendance?

romunov commented 4 years ago

@kernc You can follow the attendance at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1YDLnlpuyKevcxsekUYCKUJ-GGCA5SMxS71uda4u2vM0/edit#gid=0