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February 2020 #42

Closed romunov closed 3 years ago

romunov commented 4 years ago

Schedule the meetup

Announce the meetup

Wait a few days. If there are no sponsors and/or speakers that have stepped up, you will have to manually poke them to do so. Go through the list of potential talks and sponsors. For speakers and sponsors, the rule is First-Come-First-Served: whoever comments on #1 or #2 first, gets to be the speaker/sponsor. Once you have a sponsor and two talks, continue with:

Narrate the meetup

Follow up

romunov commented 4 years ago

Next meetup will be on Wednesday, 2020-02-26. See this meetup.com page for more information. Sponsors and talks welcome!

vykhand commented 4 years ago

in 20 min, I can present, for instance, "A whirlwind tour into Python SDK for Azure Machine Learning". Or, "A quick intro into PySpark on Azure Databricks"

romunov commented 4 years ago

Sold, to the man in the first row! @vykhand

romunov commented 4 years ago

Sponsors for February meeting still wanted.

vykhand commented 4 years ago

Hi! @romunov, so it is up to me to choose the topic, I'll do "A whirlwind tour into Python SDK for Azure Machine Learning" this time. I can do 20 min to leave space if someone else volunteers to present, or more if there will be no other volunteers

romunov commented 4 years ago

@vykhand first come, first served. You can have the 20 minute spot.

romunov commented 4 years ago

@nguruprasanna would eSolve want to have a sponsor spot on this one?

nguruprasanna commented 4 years ago

Hi, This month wouldn't be possible rollout for one client. We could do for next probably. Thanks

romunov commented 4 years ago

@nguruprasanna sure, thanks!

romunov commented 4 years ago

In a lightning talk, I thought I'd show how to "commandlinize" (convert a script into a command line command) using clize package. With --help and all the pizazz.

dougsillars commented 4 years ago

I can do a longer talk (20-25 min): Using AI to Power Your Images Optimizing image raw content for the web is a time consuming step, but when shortcuts are taken, web performance can suffer. Random cropping of images can lead to losing context and features (sometimes as extreme as lopping off the heads of your subjects). In this talk it will be presented how AI can be used to identify the important content in each image, allowing for smart cropping of images. This allows to optimize images further than previously possible, shrinking page size, and speeding up page load times.

romunov commented 4 years ago

My slides of going commando with Clize.