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October 2020 virtual meetup #46

Closed cmdctrlesc closed 3 years ago

cmdctrlesc commented 3 years ago

Hello, fellow Pythonistas!

Due to the circumstances, the next meetup will definitely take place on Zoom again. We are looking for date suggestions and talks, full length as well as lightning talks. Sponsons are welcome to come forward as well.

First come first serve!

drorspei commented 3 years ago

I'd like to do a lightening talk on Function Calls using Infix Notation ^_^

cmdctrlesc commented 3 years ago

Yaay, great! I suggest we wait for full-length talks and then start brainstorming dates.

cmdctrlesc commented 3 years ago

https://www.meetup.com/Ljubljana-Python-Group/events/273952799/ the meetup has been announced, still without full-length talks! Comment here to participate.

AleksMat commented 3 years ago

Hey, I would like to sign up for a full-length talk with the title Dataflow automation with Prefect.

We recently started using Prefect at work, we're still figuring things out, but there will be definitely enough to talk about. I might have this talk together with some co-workers, depending on how much time each of us will have to prepare in the next weeks. I'll let you know, who exactly will be presenting, a few days before the meetup.

drorspei commented 3 years ago

Yey Matej!

DomagojKorais commented 3 years ago

Hi! I would like to give a LT about Plotnine and the Grammar of graphics. Plotnine is a porting of the well known ggplot2 R plotting library, as a porting it has some limitations, but overall I think that it's a mature tool.

cmdctrlesc commented 3 years ago

Thanks @DomagojKorais! I have added your talk to the Meeetup event, let me know if you'd like me to change anything. Looking forward to next week!