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October 2021 virtual DragonPy meetup #51

Closed romunov closed 2 years ago

romunov commented 2 years ago

This is a placeholder for the October 2021 DragonPy meetup. For more information please see the meetup.com page.

To make things even more jam packed, we are looking for presenters who would be willing to give five minute lightning talks. Please contact us, preferably here.

mlubej commented 2 years ago


I have two talks which overlap with Python:

In both cases I present the tool and then we learn about it through examples, ultimately showing how to do concrete stuff with python bindings for both.

The first one (graphviz) is shorter, cca. 10-15 min (double LT?), while the second one (ffmpeg) is a bit longer, perhaps good for a long talk (cca. 20 min).

I don't wish to trim them down to lightning talks, as the tools are huge and are already presented in a very slim fashion.

If there is a slot compatible for one or both of the talks, I'd like to give a presentation.

Cheers, Matic

HyoMiYing commented 2 years ago


I am interested for some time now, to give a lighting talk. Do I have to announce my theme in advance?

cmdctrlesc commented 2 years ago

@HyoMiYing yes, we need a title and a short description so we can add it to the Meetup.com event

@mlubej awesome! Let's schedule this for the november meetup then, where you can have more time. You can drop me an email at alanxyz210@gmail.com for details.

HyoMiYing commented 2 years ago


I can give a lighting talk on one of these topics. It would be the best, if you could tell, which one sounds the most interesting, so I can adjust it to a 5 minute format (and also make a presentation).

  1. Python kata, that took me 16 hours to finish (lahko se sprav v 5 minuten format, ker je algoritmični problem precej preprost, le razumevanje problema mi je vzelo ogromno časa, ter optimizacija. Pomoje bi bilo to zanimivo za poslušat/gledat, ker ponavadi ljudje na meetupih govorijo le o paketih, in kako/kdaj/kaj uporabit. Če bi nekdo drug naredil 5-minuten sprehod skozi nek problem, bi ga jaz z veseljem poslušal =) )
  2. How design for my client changed from first demands, to final negotiation (to ni Python, ampak je povezan, saj je Python v veliko backend strani, in poznam nekaj ljudi iz meetupov, ki so primarno web-developerji. To bi bil precej sproščen in mentalno ne-zahteven govor. Predstavil bi klientove želje na začetku, in s čim je bil zadovoljen na koncu, ter vmesni proces (delal sem z dvema dezajnerjoma, oba sem plačal, in je zanimivo, kako se je dezajn vmes spreminjal - to je talk, ki bi ga še najlažje izvedel, in bi ga še najraje predstavil... Vendar mi prosim sporočite, če je tema dovolj primerna... (glede na to, da je to le 5 minutni talk, bi pomoje to lahko naredil, saj bi bilo za vse zanimivo )) P.S.: Klient mi je dovolil, da uporabim dezajn za predstavitvene namene
  3. Predstavitev mojega načina uporabe Funkcionalnih testov, česar se m se naučil v knjigi 'Test Driven Development in Python' (imel bi live code demo) projekta, ki sem ga že naredil v preteklosti
HyoMiYing commented 2 years ago

@cmdctrlesc @romunov

Hello! Please, I need an answer to my talk proposal ☝️☝️☝️ I cannot just prepare all 3 talks for this event and then let the audience choose then and there - especially if i'll be doing live code demonstration. You know how that is 😂😂😂

zupo commented 2 years ago

I'd like to hear all three, really. So just choose one, and then let's do others next time.

HyoMiYing commented 2 years ago

@zupo Okay, thank you, your compliment is music to my ears 😁

I will choose one myself. And I hope it won't be problem that I will attend the meetup from ~20:30h onward, since I work untill ~20h on wednesday. The lighting talks are still at the end of the meetup, right?

romunov commented 2 years ago

@HyoMiYing sorry for the radio silence, but this weekend was lights out weekend. As @zupo said, let's hear all of them. My vote is to have (2) next.

cmdctrlesc commented 2 years ago

@HyoMiYing do you have the description/title for wednesday's talk? Then for the next one (november) we can talk at the meetup, pick suitable dates etc. We're very happy you have so many cool ideas!

HyoMiYing commented 2 years ago


Title: A Python excercise worth considering

Description: Rok takes 5 minutes to present to you a very interesting Python coding exercise, and also invites you to do it better than he did =)

See you in the evening =)