Closed sa2000a closed 10 years ago
Ah ,,, it was still in the buffer - so here it is
OnTimerExpired:: slideshow popped
BrightScript Micro Debugger.
Enter any BrightScript statement, debug commands, or HELP.
Current Function:
445: sub ICphotoPlayerOnTimerExpired(timer)
447: if timer.Name = "HealthCheck" then
448: amountPlayed = m.playbackTimer.GetElapsedSeconds()
449: Debug("++HealthCheck:: PING! slideshow running for " + tostr(amountPlayed) + " seconds")
450: Debug("++HealthCheck:: idle time: " + tostr(m.idleTimer.GetElapsedSeconds()) + " seconds")
452: ' Check to see if the slideshow is paused but should be active. The timer could have been deactivated
453: ' to complete a task (urlTransfer). We should cancel any pending requests as we would have reactivated
454: ' when we received a completed transfer (failure or success) but somehow didn't
455: if m.IsPaused = false and m.Timer.Active = false then
456: Debug("++HealthCheck:: cancel any pending requests and start fresh on screenID: " + tostr(m.screenID))
457: GetViewController().CancelRequests(m.ScreenID)
458: Debug("++HealthCheck:: Reactivate slideshow timer")
459: m.Timer.Mark()
460: m.Timer.Active = true
461: end if
463: end if
465: if timer.Name = "slideshow" then
466: if m.context.count() > 1 then
467: Debug("ICphotoPlayerOnTimerExpired:: slideshow popped")
469: ' check if we are over the IDLE time (keep the Roku NON idle if slideshow is playing)
470: if m.idleTimer.GetElapsedSeconds() > m.maxIdle then
471: epochCheck = getEpoch()-(m.slideshowPeriod+30)
472: imageIsCurrent = m.lastImageEpoch-epochCheck
474: Debug("idle time popped: idle for " + tostr(m.idleTimer.GetElapsedSeconds()) + " seconds. Check if we need to
reset what roku thinks is idle!")
476: ' check if the last image is current. If not, we don't want to force a next button to reset the idle timer
477: if imageIsCurrent > 0 then
478: Debug("resetting idle time (will send a remote 'right' key to continue)")
479: Debug("last Successful Display: " + getLogDate(m.lastImageEpoch))
480: SendEcpCommand("Right")
481: else
482: Debug("NOT resetting idle time: the slideshow hasn't displayed an image recently enough")
483: Debug(" last successful display: " + getLogDate(m.lastImageEpoch))
484: Debug(" needed to be current: " + getLogDate(epochCheck))
485: m.Next()
486: end if
487: else
488: m.Next()
489: end if
491: end if
492: end if
494: if timer.Name = "overlay" then
495: Debug("ICphotoPlayerOnTimerExpired:: overlay popped")
496: m.OverlayToggle("hide")
497: end if
499: End Sub
Type Mismatch. (runtime error &h18) in ...ce/PhotoPlayerImageCanvas.brs(472)
472: imageIsCurrent = m.lastImageEpoch-epochCheck
Function icphotoplayerontimerexpired(timer As ) As
file/line: /tmp/plugin/NAAAAA3IQMOz/pkg:/s...ce/PhotoPlayerImageCanvas.brs(472)
Function vccontrol() As
file/line: /tmp/plugin/NAAAAA3IQMOz/pkg:/source/ViewController.brs(1687)
Function vcshow() As
file/line: /tmp/plugin/NAAAAA3IQMOz/pkg:/source/ViewController.brs(1257)
Function main(args As ) As
file/line: /tmp/plugin/NAAAAA3IQMOz/pkg:/source/appMain.brs(76)
Local Variables:
timer &h4010 bsc:roAssociativeArray, refcnt=4
global &h0020 rotINTERFACE:ifGlobal
m &h0010 bsc:roAssociativeArray, refcnt=6
amountplayed &h0000
epochcheck: integer 1392719526 (good) so the only other variable here that must of failed was m.lastImageEpoch which is set to 0 at start and then only set to an epoch if an image was successful. I must be missing something. Still looking
Ugh, found it.. was setting the initial lastImageEpoch to the wrong object.
RARflix Dev 3.1.28 Error after shutting down PMS
Sorry I lost the console log - I had wrong filename syntax for telent capture and lost the log but i remember the following:
There was healthcheck text nearby on console log The exception was on line 472 of PhotoPlayerImageCanvas.brs
imageIsCurrent = m.lastImageEpoch-epochCheck
can't remember what it was. may be type mismatch. Sorry - cannot remember. It was silly of me to close the telnet window before seeing session piped logged file available