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My Game Awards 2020 #39

Open utterances-bot opened 2 years ago

utterances-bot commented 2 years ago

My Game Awards 2020

Closing off the year with a celebration of the games I played and loved.


GilDev commented 2 years ago

Cool article, thanks! 😃

ToiToi21 commented 2 years ago

Nice article, by the way have you heard of Gravity Rush? Its rather good for its story and world exploration

ljvmiranda921 commented 2 years ago

Hi @ToiToi21 ! I've heard of it but havent played it. Looked it up and unfortunately they're Playstation exclusives (only a PC gamer). But thanks for the reco! I hope they release on PC soon!

ericphann commented 5 months ago

Really great list. Sayonara Wild Hearts is probably my fav game all-time. I hope you were able to finish it. I'm also hoping you can do another one of these posts soon! Curious if you have since played any of the games you were looking forward to, especially the ones that are now released (except Silksong--I'm convinced it is never coming out). If you liked the music from Sable, check out Japanese Breakfast, she created the soundtrack and is a phenomenal artist.

One of my recent favorite games is Chants of Sennaar. Definitely check it out since you're into corpus linguistics!

ljvmiranda921 commented 5 months ago

Hi @ericphann ! Thank you so much for the nice comments! Yeah it's been a long time since I did something like this... I finished Sayonara Wild Hearts and it's super good! I remember the whole OST was on loop even after a few months playing it. :)

I wasn't able to finish Sable, but might get back to it again soon. Thanks for recommending Japanese Breakfast! Will listen.

Also, nice taste in games! I'm actually playing Chants of Sennaar---I just got past the third level (the summer-ish place with bards/masks where you have to rely on grammar instead of word->concept connections). Got a bit busy recently but looking forward to finish it soon. Also gave me a lot of good ideas for a blog post :D

Thanks for stopping by and I appreciate your comments! Hope you have a great day!