ljwztc / CLIP-Driven-Universal-Model

[ICCV 2023] CLIP-Driven Universal Model; Rank first in MSD Competition.
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Question about 02 TCIA Pancreas Dataset #35

Closed Tianananana closed 9 months ago

Tianananana commented 9 months ago

Hi, I am trying to replicate your code, and am downloading the datasets. However, when I tried to arrange the datasets following dataset/dataset_list/PAOT.txt, the format for 02 Pancreas-CT TCIA are dicom images of each slice. Can I check if you have any preprocessing code to convert the dicom format into .nii.gz? Thank you!

ljwztc commented 9 months ago

Sorry, I cannot find my preprocess code since it has been too long. But you can have a try with dicom2nifti.convert_dicom.dicom_series_to_nifti or you can take a look for this page